Montag, 27. Mai 2024, 15:45 Uhr – 17:45 Uhr

Job Interview - what to expect and how to prepare

  • Viktoria Strauß, Foto: Fotostudio Stöhr


Coach Viktoria Strauß, Alumna

Target group:

All Bachelor- und Master students of all faculties


The students know how a job interview is structured and how to prepare for it


> How can I prepare for a job interview?
> What can I expect in a job interview an how is it structured?
> What is necessary to do after a job interview?


Online seminar with presentation and time for your questions.

After your registration via VirtuOhm you will receive the access data to a Moodle course, where you can access the video for a period of four weeks.
This gives you the opportunity to learn at your own pace and whenever you feel like it. You can also watch the video as many times as you want and never miss any of the content. The video covers all the content of an equivalent live seminar.

Participants: Maximum: 100
Fees: free

Please register via Virtuohm: Karriere / Career Service / Course number CS18

  • Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
    Keßlerplatz 12
    90489 Nürnberg