Montag, 10. Juni 2024, 16:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr

Telephone and Online Interviews that work! – Preparing the interview with a difference

  • Rosie Norman-Neubauer
    Rosie Norman-Neubauer, photography: Ulrike Kirchner


Rosie Norman-Neubauer, Coach

Target group:

Students of all faculties, who are nearing the end of their courses.

Learning goal:

Participants learn how they can become better prepared for telephone- and online-interviews and use the preparation to perform well at the interview.

Content: > How can I best prepare for an online or telephone interview?
> Which aspects are most important and what should be avoided?
> How can I create a positive atmosphere?
> How can I convince the person interviewing me that I would be the best candidate?
> What should I talk about and what should I definitely not mention?


Online seminar with Keynote talk, short exercises, advice and discussion round.

Participants: Maximal 12
Costs: free
Registration: Via VirtuOhm: Karriere / Career-Service, Course number CS22

  • Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
    Keßlerplatz 12
    90489 Nürnberg