Kai-Uwe Wellner

nach vorheriger e-mail Vereinbarung, on demand, dates requested via e-mail

Kai-Uwe Wellner

Prof. Dr.

Ämter, Funktionen

Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Wellner als Vertrauensdozent der BEA Bayerischen Elite-
Akademie an der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm ernannt

Mehr Informationen gibt es unter


Beruflicher Werdegang

·       Banklehre bei der Sparkasse Neu-Ulm

·       Internationales Betriebswirtschaftsstudium und Promotion an der FAU Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und der Aston Business School in Birmingham (England).

.        Über 15 Jahre leitende, internationale Berufserfahrung im Controlling/Finanzen/Beteiligungs-Management & Marketing bei adidas-Salomon, Quelle/Neckermann, Vereinsbank und Tengelman Handelsgruppe

·       Seit 2011 Professor für „International Management“ an die Technischen Hochschule Georg Simon Ohm Nürnberg

.       2008/2009 Gastprofessor an der "University of the Sunshine Coast" in Australien

·       Diverse Lehr-, Forschungs- Arbeitsaufenthalte in Australien, Niederlande, Spanien, Südafrika, Belgien, Frankreich, England, Dubai, China, Taiwan, Estland, USA, Schweiz, Kanada und Österreich.



International Management; International Controlling; International Business; Beteiligungsmanagement; Strategie



International Management

Area Studies

Cross Cultrual Management

International Business

Internationalisation of Mid Size Companies

International M&A's

International Marketing 

Hidden Champions


International Controlling

EU European Union

Free Trade Agreements



Bachelor, Master, MBA, PhD (Ausland) Vorlesungen im Bereich International Management/Business/Controlling

IB: Bachelor International Business

IBT: Bachelor International Business and Technology

MIFE: Master in Finance and Economics

MIMA: Master in International Marketing

Master BW: Master in Betriebswirtschaft

BBB: Berufsbegleitenden Bachelor in BWL


PhD (Nelson Mandela University; Technical University Tswane South Africa und USC, Australia)


Information about MAster Thesis and BAchelor Thesis.

Information about Presentations and Semiar Papers.

Information about academic writing.

See attached Files

V:\Fak_BW\Public\Wellner\Thesis.BA.and MA and.academic.writing.grading.info

or look on Moodle: (codeword: bwmoodle): 

The following process applies:

1. Students do send their CV incl. picutre plus idea of thesis topic to the professor.

2. After accepting the topic, the student will write a 2-4 DIN A 4 draft on the research questions.

3. Check the Details (on academic writing etc.) for your thesises on the V: Laufwerk/Wellner

4. First meeting with professor and final acceptance of thesis.

5. Start to write.

6. Add a printout of "Turn it In" analysis to your final version of the thesis

7. Make a 1 DIN A 4 online poster of your thesis and send it to the faculty secretary with the final hand in of your thesis.

All BA and MA thesis can be written in German, English or French.

Thesises are preffered in cooperation with a company or a research/field study survey.

Topics related to: International Business, Internationalisation, Culture, Internationalisation of Mid Size companies, International Controlling, International M&A, Country specific topics (i.e. EU, China, Southern Africa, USA, Canada, Australia).