Christian Pfitzner

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Christian Pfitzner

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

  • Blockkurs Einführung in die mobile Robotik
  • AUT4/B - Mobile Robotik
  • Sensordatenverarbeitung
  • 3D-Punktwolken
  • Maschine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Blockkurs Mobile Robotik: Skript (nur über Intranet verfügbar)
  • Vorbereitung zum Kurs Einführung in die mobile Robotik (nur über Intranet verfügbar)
  • Betreuung des Praktikums AUT4 im Studiengang M-SY 
  • Einführung in ROS als Foliensatz (englisch)


Blockkurs Sommersemester 2020: Montag 20. bis Mittwoch  22. Juli 2020 in KA 640, jeweils von 9 bis 17 Uhr

  • Johannes Ziegler, Johanna Gleichauf, Christian Pfitzner Team Description Paper AutonOHM RoboCup Rescue, RoboCup 2018, Montreal, Canada, June, 2018. 
  • Pfitzner, Christian, Stefan May and Andreas Nüchter. Body Weight Estimation for Dose-Finding and Health Monitoring of Lying, Standing and Walking Patients Based on RGB-D Data. Sensors (2018). mehr
  • Johanna Gleichauf, Christian Pfitzner and Stefan May: Sensor fusion of a 2D laser scanner and a thermal camera, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control and Automation and Robotics (INCINCO), July, 2017.
  • Christian Pfitzner, Stefan May and Andreas Nüchter: Evaluation of Features from RGB-D Data for Human Body Weight Estimation, In Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 9-14 July 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017. 
  • Philipp Koch, Stefan May, Michael Schmidpeter, Markus Kühn, Christian Pfitzner, Christian Merkl, Rainer Koch, Martin Fees, Jon Martin, Daniel Ammon, Andreas Nüchter: Multi-Robot Localization and Mapping Based on Signed Distance Functions, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 1–20, 2016. 
  • Christian Pfitzner, Martin Fees, Markus Kühn, Michael Schmidpeter, Philipp Koch, Stefan May: RoboCup Rescue 2016 Team Description Paper AutonOHM. RoboCup 2016, Leipzig, Germany, July 2016. 
  • Christian Pfitzner, Stefan May, Christian Merkl: Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur optischen Erfassung eines Gewichtes einer Person, Deutsches Patent. Anmeldetag 29. Februar 2016.
  • Christian Pfitzner, Stefan May, and Andreas Nüchter: Neural Network-based Visual Body Weight Estimation for Drug Dosage Finding. In Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, CA, USA, March 2016.
  • Christian Pfitzner, Stefan May, Christian Merkl, Lorenz Breuer, Martin Köhrmann, Joel Braun, Franz Dirauf, and Andreas Nüchter. Libra3D: Body Weight Estimation for Emergency Patients in Clinical Environment with a 3D Structured Light Sensor, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA '15), Seattle, WA, USA, May 2015. [Paper] 
  • Christian Pfitzner. Robotic Vision in Medical Applications: Visual Weight Estimation for Emergency Patients. Workshop Proposal to the Ph.D. Forum at the International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA '15), Seattle, WA, USA, May 2015. 
  • Philipp Koch, Stefan May, Michael Schmidpeter, Markus Kühn, Jon Martin, Christian Pfitzner, Christian Merkl, Martin Fees, Rainer Koch and Andreas Nüchter. Multi-Robot Localization and Mapping based on Signed Distance Functions. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC'15), Vila Real, Portugal, April 2015. [Paper] 
  • Stefan May, Philipp Koch, Rainer Koch, Christian Merkl, Christian Pfitzer, and Andreas Nüchter. A Gereralized 2D and 3D Multi-Sensor Data Integration Approach based on Signed Distance Functions for Multi-Modal Robotic Mapping. In Proceedings of the19th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV '14), Darmstadt, Germany, October 2014. 
  • Christian Pfitzner, Wolfgang Antal, Peter Heß, Stefan May, Christian Merkl, Philipp Koch, Rainer Koch, Maximilian Wagner: Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Object Localization in Industrial Applications, In Proceedings of ISR ROBOTIK 2014 (ISR - ROBOTIK 2014), Munich, Germany, June 2014
  • Christian Pfitzner, Christian Merkl: Exploration Strategies for Mobile Robots in Rescue Environments, Applied Research Conference 2013, Deggendorf, Germany, 2013
  • Philipp Koch, Christian Merkl, Christian Pfitzner: RoboCupRescue 2013 - Robot League Team - AutonOHM (Germany), June 2013