Ralf Lösel

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Ralf Lösel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.

Beruflicher Werdegang

1986-1991 Studium Chemie, Universität Kaiserslautern

1995 Promotion in Biochemie: "ESR-spektroskopische Strukturuntersuchungen an verschiedenen Enzymen", Universität Kaiserslautern

1996-2000 Laborleiter F&E in der Diagnostika Industrie (Entwicklung von Immunchemischen Diagnostika)

2000-2008 Laborleiter, Institut für klinische Pharmakologie Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg

2006 Habilitation in Molekularer Pharmakologie, Universität Heidelberg

2008 Phadia GmbH, Freiburg

seit 2008 Professor für biochemische Analytik, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg


GDCh (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker)

GBM (Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie)


Bioanalytik (biochemische Analytik)


Analytik (Master)

Diagnostik und Forensik (Master)

Wirkstoffchemie: Pharmakologie (Master)

weiße Biotechnologie (Master)


Immunchemie: ELISA und ähnliche Verfahren

Reinigung und Konjugation von Antikörpern und Antikörper-Fragmenten

In vitro Verfahren zur Allergiediagnostik

Massenspektrometrie (ESI, MALDI)

Zellkultur, in vitro Assays für die pharmakologische Forschung


Bachelor Angewandte Chemie:

Instrumentelle Analytik


Bioanalytik (B22BC)



Master Angewandte Chemie:


Diagnostik und Forensik

Weiße Biotechnologie

Wirkstoffchemie (Teil Pharmakologie)




Seiß V, Helbig U, Lösel R, Eichelbaum M. Investigating and correlating photoelectrochemical, photocatalytic, and antimicrobial properties of TiO 2 nanolayers Sci Rep 11(1), 22200

Pallavi P, Pretze M, Caballero J, Li Y, Hofmann BB, Stamellou E, Klotz S, Wängler C, Wängler B, Lösel R, Roth S, Theisinger B, Moerz H, Binzen U, Greffrath W, Treede RD, Harmsen MC, Krämer BK, Hafner M, Yard BA, Kälsch AI. Analyses of synthetic N-Acyl Dopamine derivatives reveal differential structural requirements for their anti-inflammatory and transient receptor potential channel of the vanilloid receptor subfamily subtype 1 (TRPV1) activating properties. J Med Chem. 2018 doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b00156

Hottenrott MC, Wedel J, Gaertner S, Stamellou E, Kraaij T, Mandel L, Loesel R, Sticht C, Hoeger S, Ait-Hsiko L, Schedel A, Hafner M, Yard B, Tsagogiorgas C. N-octanoyl dopamine inhibits the expression of a subset of κB regulated genes: potential role of p65 Ser276 phosphorylation. PLoS One. 2013;8:e73122.

Bergstraesser C, Hoeger S, Song H, Ermantraut L, Hottenrot M, Czymai T, Schmidt M, Goebeler M, Ponelies N, Stich C, Loesel R, Molema G, Seelen M, van Son W, Yard BA, Rafat N. Inhibition of VCAM-1 expression in endothelial cells by CORM-3: the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, p38, and mitochondrial respiration. Free Radic Biol Med. 2012; 52:794-802.

Song H, Hoeger S, Hillebrands JL, Mandel I, Loesel R, Beck G, Schilling L, Schnuelle P, Yard B. CORMs protect endothelial cells during cold preservation, resulting in inhibition of intimal hyperplasia after aorta transplantation in rats. Transpl Int. 2010;23:1144-53.

Löhr JM, Faissner R, Koczan D, Bewerunge P, Bassi C, Brors B, Eils R, Frulloni L, Funk A, Halangk W, Jesnowski R, Kaderali L, Kleeff J, Krüger B, Lerch MM, Lösel R, Magnani M, Neumaier M, Nittka S, Sahin-Tóth M, Sänger J, Serafini S, Schnölzer M, Thierse HJ, Wandschneider S, Zamboni G, Klöppel G. Autoantibodies Against the Exocrine Pancreas in Autoimmune Pancreatitis: Gene and Protein Expression Profiling and Immunoassays Identify Pancreatic Enzymes as a Major Target of the Inflammatory Process. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010; 105:2060-71.

Lösel RM, Schnetzke U, Brinkkoetter PT, Song H, Beck G, Schnuelle P, Höger S, Wehling M, Yard BA. N-octanoyl dopamine, a non-hemodyanic dopamine derivative, for cell protection during hypothermic organ preservation. PLoS One. 2010;5:e9713.

Song H, Bergstrasser C, Rafat N, Höger S, Schmidt M, Endres N, Goebeler M, Hillebrands JL, Brigelius-Flohé R, Banning A, Beck G, Lösel R, Yard BA. The carbon monoxide releasing molecule (CORM-3) inhibits expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin independently of haem oxygenase-1 expression. Br J Pharmacol. 2009;157:769-80.

Brinkkoetter PT, Song H, Lösel R, Schnetzke U, Gottmann U, Feng Y, Hanusch C, Beck GC, Schnuelle P, Wehling M, van der Woude FJ, Yard BA. Hypothermic injury: the mitochondrial calcium, ATP and ROS love-hate triangle out of balance. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2008;22:195-204.

Mansouri MR, Schuster J, Badhai J, Stattin EL, Lösel R, Wehling M, Carlsson B, Hovatta O, Karlström PO, Golovleva I, Toniolo D, Bione S, Peluso J, Dahl N. Alterations in the expression, structure and function of progesterone receptor membrane component-1 (PGRMC1) in premature ovarian failure. Hum Mol Genet. 2008;17:3776-83.

Weber M, Wehling M, Lösel R. Proteins interact with the cytosolic mineralocorticoid receptor depending on the ligand. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008;295:H361-65.

Lösel RM, Wehling M, Classic versus non-classic receptors for nongenomic mineralocorticoid responses: Emerging evidence. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2007

Wehling M, Schultz A, Lösel R. To be or not to be (a receptor). Steroids. 2007;72:107-10.

Roell A, Schueller P, Schultz A, Lösel R, Wehling M, Christ M, Feuring M. Effect of oral contraceptives and ovarian cycle on platelet function. Platelets 2007;18:165-70

Jesnowski R, Zubakov D, Faissner R, Ringel J, Hoheisel JD, Lösel R, Schnölzer M, Löhr M. Genes and proteins differentially expressed during in vitro malignant transformation of bovine pancreatic duct cells. Neoplasia. 2007;9: 136-46

Engmann L, Lösel R, Wehling M, Peluso JJ. Progesterone Regulation of Human Granulosa/Luteal Cell Viability by an RU486- independent Mechanism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91:4962-68;

Wehling M, Lösel R. Non-genomic steroid hormone effects: membrane or intracellular receptors. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2006;102:180-183.

Krietsch T, Fernandes MS, Kero J, Lösel R, Heyens M, Lam EW, Huhtaniemi I, Brosens JJ, Gellersen B. Human homologs of the putative G protein-coupled membrane progestin receptors (mPRa,b,g) localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and are not activated by progesterone.  Mol Endocrinol. 2006;20:3146-64

Wehling M, Schultz A, Lösel R. Nongenomic actions of estrogens: exciting opportunities for pharmacology. Maturitas. 2006;54:321-6.

Brinkkoetter PT, Beck GC, Gottmann U, Lösel R, Schnetzke U, Rudic B, Hanusch C, Rafat N, Liu Z, Weiss C, Leuvinik HG, Ploeg R, Braun C, Schnuelle P, van der Woude FJ, Yard BA. Hypothermia-induced loss of endothelial barrier function is restored after dopamine pretreatment: role of p42/p44 activation. Transplantation. 2006;82:534-42.

Peluso JJ, Pappalardo A, Lösel R, Wehling M. Progesterone membrane receptor component 1 expression in the immature rat ovary and its role in mediating progesterone's anti-apoptotic action. Endocrinology. 2006;147:3133-3140

Bruchmüller I, Lösel R, Bugert P, Corash L, Lin L, Klüter H, Janetzko K. Effect of the psoralen-based photochemical pathogen inactivation on mitochondrial DNA in platelets. Platelets, 2005;16:441-5.

Feuring M, Harenberg J, Peiter A, Ganschow A, Ruf A, Lösel R, Wehling M, Schultz A. Impact of ABO blood groups on tirofiban mediated inhibition of platelet function. Platelets 2005;16:430-4.

Feuring M, Schultz A, Lösel R, Wehling M. Monitoring acetylsalicylic acid effects with the platelet function analyzer PFA-100. Sem Thromb Hemost. 2005;31:411-5.

Peluso JJ, Pappalardo A, Lösel R, Wehling M. Expression and function of PAIRBP1 within gonadotropin-primed immature rat ovaries: PAIRBP1 regulation of granulosa and luteal cell viability. Biol Reprod. 2005;73:261-70

Crudden G, Lösel R, Craven RJ. Overexpression of the Cytochrome P450 Activator Hpr6 (Heme-1 Domain Protein/Human Progesterone Receptor) in Tumors. Tumor Biol. 2005;26:142-146 

Lösel R, Breiter S, Seyfert M, Wehling M, Falkenstein E. Classic and nonclassic progesterone receptors are both expressed in human spermatozoa. Horm Met Res, 2005;37:10-14.

Lösel R, Schultz A, Wehling M.  A quick glance at rapid aldosterone action. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2004;217:137-141.

Lösel R, Schultz A, Boldyreff B, Wehling M. Rapid effects of aldosterone on vascular cells: clinical implications. Steroids. 2004;69:575-578.

Braun S, Lösel R, Wehling M, Boldyreff B.  Aldosterone rapidly activates Src kinase in M-1 cells involving the mineralocorticoid receptor and HSP84. FEBS Lett. 2004;570:69-72.

Lösel R, Dorn-Beineke A, Falkenstein E, Wehling M, Feuring M.  Porcine spermatozoa contain more than one membrane progesterone receptor. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2004;36:1532-1541.

Rossol-Haseroth K, Zhou Q, Braun S, Boldyreff B, Falkenstein E, Wehling M, Lösel RM.  Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists do not block rapid ERK activation by aldosterone. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004;318:281-288.

Tillmann HC, Stuck BA, Feuring M, Rossol-Haseroth K, Tran BM, Lösel R, Schmidt BM, Hörmann K, Wehling M, Schultz A.  Delayed genomic and acute nongenomic action of glucocorticosteroids in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Eur J Clin Invest. 2004;34:67-73.

Yard B, Beck G, Schnuelle P, Braun C, Schaub M, Bechtler M, Gottmann U, Xiao Y, Breedijk A, Wandschneider S, Lösel R, Sponer G, Wehling M, van der Woude FJ.  Prevention of cold-preservation injury of cultured endothelial cells by catecholamines and related compounds. Am J Transplant. 2004;4:22-30.

Lösel RM, Falkenstein E, Feuring M, Schultz A, Tillmann HC, Rossol-Haseroth K, Wehling M.   Nongenomic steroid action: controversies, questions, and answers. Physiol Rev. 2003;83:965-1016.

Lösel R, Wehling M.  Nongenomic actions of steroid hormones. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2003;4:46-56.

Kellner M, Peiter A, Hafner M, Feuring M, Christ M, Wehling M, Falkenstein E, Lösel R. Early aldosterone up-regulated genes: new pathways for renal disease? Kidney Int. 2003;64:1199-1207.

Feuring M, Christ M, Roell A, Schueller P, Lösel R, Dempfle CE, Schultz A, Wehling M.  Alterations in platelet function during the ovarian cycle. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2002;13:443-447.

Lösel R, Feuring M, Wehling M.   Non-genomic aldosterone action: from the cell membrane to human physiology. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002;83:167-171.

Lösel RM, Feuring M, Falkenstein E, Wehling M.  Nongenomic effects of aldosterone: cellular aspects and clinical implications. Steroids. 2002;67:493-498.

Feuring M, Bertsch T, Tran BM, Rossol-Haseroth K, Lösel R, Tillmann HC, Schultz A, Weigel M, Wehling M.   Seminal plasma hormone concentration after oral application of progesterone. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2002;40:47-52.

Falkenstein E, Eisen C, Schmieding K, Krautkramer M, Stein C, Lösel R, Wehling M.  Chemical modification and structural analysis of the progesterone membrane binding protein from porcine liver membranes. Mol Cell Biochem. 2001;218:71-79.

Lösel RM, Philipp R, Kalai T, Hideg K, Trommer WE.  Synthesis and application of novel bifunctional spin labels. Bioconjug Chem. 1999;10:578-582.

Lösel RM, Wise JG, Vogel PD.  Asymmetry of catalytic but not of noncatalytic sites on Escherichia coli F1-ATPase in solution as observed using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Biochemistry. 1997; 36:1188-1193.

Lösel RM, Erbse AH, Nett JH, Berger G, Girault G, Vogel PD. Investigating the structure of nucleotide binding sites on chloroplast F1-ATPase using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A  1996;52:73-83

Lösel RM, Constantz A Trommer WE. Spin labels oxidize common buffer substances under radical formation. EPR Newsletter  1996;7:20-21