Ralph Lano

My current office hours are Wednesdays 2pm-3pm.

Ralph Lano

Prof. Dr. (USA)

Beruflicher Werdegang


  • Ph.D., The University of Iowa, USA, July 1996 (Adviser: V.G.J.Rodgers)
  • M.S., The University of Iowa, USA, May 1994
  • Vordiplom, University Erlangen­-Nuremberg, Germany, 1988

Professional Experience:

  • Professor for Internet Programming and Multimedia Applications,  
    Technische Hochschule Nürnberg - Georg Simon Ohm, 2011 – Present
    Teaching in the field of web applications and programming of mobile devices.

  • Professor for Media Informatics, HTW Berlin, Germany, 2010 – 2011
    Teaching in the field of software engineering and web applications.
    Research in the field of Web 2.0 and distributed applications.

  • Professor for Software Engineering, Hochschule Hof, Germany, 2003 – 2010
    Teaching in the field of software engineering. Program director of an English Master of
    Software Engineering. Projects in the field of Software Testing. Research in the field of
    reverse design pattern mining. 

  • Systemplaner, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany, 2000 – 2003
    Project manager for the development of a residential home gateway demonstrator.
    Project management for the migration of the corporate extranet and internet at FSC.

  • Software Developer, Pearson Education, Iowa City, USA, 1998 – 2000
    Responsible for design, development and deployment of a 3­tier e­commerce application
    based on Java technologies. 

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre for Theoretical Studies, Indian Institute of Science, India, 1996 – 1997
    Research in the field of quantum gravity: investigation of possible macroscopic
    quantum aspects of gravitation, especially for neutron stars, expansion of
    two-­dimensional string field theories to four dimensions.

  • Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Iowa, 1989 – 1996

Interaktion, Internetprogrammierung und Multimediaapplikationen


Dr. Ralph Peter Lano completed his undergraduate education in physics at the University of Erlangen, Germany, the university of Felix Klein and Emmy Noether. He continued his graduate studies at The University of Iowa, USA, where he completed his Ph.D. in Quantum Gravity. Following this, he undertook postdoctoral research at the Centre for Theoretical Studies at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, between 1996 and 1997. He then shifted his career focus to his second love, computer science. After a brief period in industry, he became a professor of computer science, first at Hochschule Hof, then at HTW Berlin, and currently holds a position in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, the university of Georg Simon Ohm.

In 2006, he organized a delegation trip from Hochschule Hof to India to establish academic partnerships with IIT Kharagpur, SJCE Mysore, and IIIT-Bangalore, which eventually led to the founding of the Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation (BayInd) in 2008. From 2006 to 2012, he led the international Master's program "Software Engineering for Industrial Applications" at Hochschule Hof, during which the proportion of Indian students in this Master's rose to over 80%. The success of this first international Master's program has led to approximately 500 Indian students enrolling annually in various programs at this university. In March 2015, he was invited as the Honorable Chief Guest to two conferences organized by the Vivekanandha Educational Institutions in Tamil Nadu. He also made private visits to Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi in March 2019 and to Delhi in December 2022 to initiate partnerships and develop a lecture series.

He has been the head of two study programs and has extensive industry contacts. He has supervised over 200 bachelor’s and master’s theses and has delivered more than 200 lectures across three universities. Dr. Lano has published six computer science undergraduate-level textbooks and has contributed to journals such as Phys. Lett. B, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, and Astrophysics and Space Sciences. Additionally, he has several patent applications. In recent years, his research interest has shifted to the fundamentals of computer science, and he has made contributions to the connection between life, self-replication, and Turing machines.




  • Interaktion
  • Multimediale Applikationen: Android
  • Interdisziplinäres Projekt
  • CPU Design


  • Interaktion
  • Trends in Media Engineering
  • Interdisziplinäres Projekt


  • 'Selbstfaltendes Selbstreplikationssystem', by R.P. Lano and L. Ochs, DPMA 10 2024 114 319.3, 1465-10.24-02, 2024

  • 'Selbstreplikationssystem', by R.P. Lano, DPMA 10 2023 134 897.3, 1465-10.23-03, 2023

  • 'Towards a Self-Replicating Turing Machine', by R.P. Lano, https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.16872, 2023

  • 'Variations on a Theme: JavaScript', by R.P. Lano, 2023, 220p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-1727733143

  • 'Variations on a Theme: Physical Computing', by R.P. Lano, 2020, 123p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-13: 979-8696577777

  • 'Variations on a Theme: Java', by R.P. Lano, 2018, 162p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-10: 1727757505

  • 'Variationen zum Thema: Android', by R.P. Lano, 2018, 320p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-10: 1724526138

  • 'Variationen zum Thema: Algorithmen', by R.P. Lano, 2017, 204p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-10: 1545467463

  • 'Variationen zum Thema: Internet', by R.P. Lano, 2016, 156p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-10: 1537765469

  • 'Variationen zum Thema: Java', by R.P. Lano, 2016, 164p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing, ISBN-10: 1530651840

  • 'Social Web', by R.P. Lano et.al., Wikibooks 2012, en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Social_Web

  • 'Game Creation with XNA', by R.P. Lano et.al., Wikibooks 2011, en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Game_Creation_with_XNA

  • 'Introduction to Software Engineering', by R.P. Lano et.al., Wikibooks 2011, en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Software_Engineering

  • 'Clustering of Texts Facilitating Efficient Searching in Spatial Search Engines', by R. Göbel and R.P. Lano, accepted at DMS'2008

  • 'An International Collaborative Approach to Supporting the International Learner', by A. Monger, R. Lano, G. Herrmann, accepted at INSPIRE08

  • 'Teaching Databases Internationally, Teaching International Databases', by A. Monger, K. Wheeler and R. Lano, Workshop, July 2007

  • 'Electronic test item display as an image with overlay controls', by W.E. Lamarche and R.P. Lano, United States Patent No 6,988,895, 2006

  • 'Prototyping the multimedia home gateway', by M. Huber and R. Lano, 2001

  • 'Gravitational Phase Transition in Neutron Stars', by R.P. Lano, https://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9611023, 1996

  • ‘Yang-Mills, Gravity, and 2D String Symmetries’, by Thomas Branson, R.P. Lano and V.G.J. Rodgers, hep-th/9610023, Phys. Lett. B412, 253

  • ‘Gravitational Meissner Effect’, by R.P. Lano, hep-th/9603077, accepted in Phys. Rev. D, but withdrawn

  • ‘A Study of Fermions Coupled to Gauge and Gravitational Fields on a Cylinder’, by R.P. Lano and V.G.J. Rodgers, hep-th/9401039, Nucl. Phys., B437, 45 (1995)

  • ‘Applications of W-algebras to BF Theories, QCD, and 4D Quantum Gravity’, by R.P. Lano and V.G.J. Rodgers, hep-th/9203067, Mod. Phys. Lett. A7, 1725 (1992)

  • ‘The Brightness of a Black Hole due to Gravitational Lensing’, by R.P. Lano, Astrophysics and Space Sciences 159, 125 (1989)