Semester abroad

Students have a large number of opportunities when it comes to spending part of their studies abroad:
They can complete a semester of studies abroad, attend a summer school, obtain a double degree, write their final thesis abroad or obtain a doctorate that involves one of the partner universities abroad.

The Ohm has cooperation agreements with around 160 partner universities worldwide. These partnerships between universities make it easier for students to spend a period of time abroad:

  • by waiving or reducing the course fee usually payable at the partner university
  • by recognising the coursework achieved at the partner university
  • by ensuring that students are placed by and receive organisational support from the International Office
  • by providing financial support (subject to availability)
  • by providing accommodation in halls of residence (subject to availability)

Students who wish to make use of these benefits should enquire at the International Office as early as possible (at least 1 year before their stay abroad begins).

The OUTGOINGS Guide will provide you with a summary of all of the essential tips and information about spending a semester studying at a partner university abroad.

Various personal reports / testimonials from previous outgoing exchange students can be found on the Ohm’s intranet.

International experiences are in high demand. Therefore, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have established the“studieren weltweit – ERLEBE ES!”initiative.


Country information and summaries

On the following web pages you can find extensive information about different countries:

Study abroad at one of our international partner institutions

The Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (Ohm) has cooperation agreements with around 160 partner institutions worldwide of which around 90 are supported under the EU Erasmus programme.

Our database with an interactive map provides user-oriented navigation through all opportunities for student mobility at the Ohm’s international partner universities; the database is regularly updated.

Based on your degree programme and the country you would like to visit, you will find information about the institutions, possible admission requirements, and information about the semesters at the partner institutions.

Please note that places for exchange students at partner universities are limited and may no longer be available for the summer semester. Only available places for each semester are displayed in the database.

Funding opportunities

Funding one or two semesters of study abroad is not always easy, as it is often associated with additional costs. There are however a large number of grants and funding programmes that may provide you with financial support while studying abroad.

A list of selected offers is available below. When applying, make sure that you apply by the relevant deadline, that your application documents are complete, and that you meet all of the funding criteria.

Funding programmes for studying in Europe

  • Erasmus+

Funding for one or two semesters of study at one of the Ohm’s partner universities. The amount of funding is determined by the destination country, and students receiving Erasmus grants do not pay any course fees. Students who apply for a semester abroad at one of the Ohm’s Erasmus partner universities will receive all further information and documents related to the Erasmus+ programme in a timely manner by email from the Ohm’s IO. 

  • “Deutschlandstipendium”

Only two to three per cent of students in Germany currently receive a grant. That figure is very low compared to other industrialised nations. The Ohm would like to change that and has been issuing “Deutschlandstipendien” to students since winter semester 2011.

  • British Council

On the British Council’s website, students can search for scholarships and other funding opportunities to support studying in the UK.


The Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) is an institution set up by all universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of the arts in Bavaria and awards grants for study and research stays, summer language courses and internships in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe.

  • The GFPS grant programme

The “Gemeinschaft für studentischen Austausch in Mittel - und Osteuropa (GFPS) e.V.” (Association for Student Exchanges in Central and Eastern Europe) awards grants for periods of study in Poland and the Czech Republic.

  • BFHZ

The Franco-Bavarian University Cooperation Center awards mobility allowances to students at Bavarian universities planning a period of study or taking up an internship at an institution of higher education in France.

Funding programmes for studying in Asia, Australia and New Zealand

  • BayCHINA

The Bavarian University Center for China awards grants for periods of study, internships, and writing final theses in China.

  • BayIND

The Bavarian-Indian Center for Business and University Cooperation awards grants for periods of study, research stays, and summer schools in India.

  • Institut Ranke-Heinemann

Full or partial grants, and grants to cover travel costs for a period of study in Australia or New Zealand

  • GOstralia!

Full or partial grants, and grants to cover travel costs for a period of study in Australia

Dates vary, depending on the issuing university

Funding programmes for study in North, Central, or South America

  • Fulbright

The German-American Fulbright Commission awards grants for periods of study at US universities and grants to cover travel costs.

  • Institut Ranke-Heinemann

Grants for a period of study in Canada


The Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America awards grants for periods of study, internships, and writing final theses in Latin America.

Funding programmes for study worldwide

  • PROMOS: A programme to enhance student mobility

Grants and travel cost allowances for periods of study or internships for students from the Ohm, worldwide. The application process is managed by the International Office at the Ohm.
Information and how to apply

  • Fonds Hochschule International

The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts awards grants to encourage students to undertake periods of study or internships abroad. The grant is awarded by the Ohm’s International Office.
Requirement: The grant is awarded based on need. Students must have completed all of their basic modules and have achieved a good academic performance.

The application must be made before the stay abroad begins. Applications submitted after the stay abroad has concluded will not be considered.

  • UAS.International: Study abroad semesters and foreign research visits for final theses

Universities of applied sciences are highly regarded in Germany and around the world, especially for their practical orientation. The DAAD is helping students at universities of applied sciences carry out study and research visits abroad and supports the universities in cultivating collaborations with international partners. 

  • DAAD

The German Academic Exchange Service is the first port of call when it comes to organising periods of study abroad. It provides a database of grants, ranging from grants for a full year in any country and any subject, grants for combined study and internships abroad, grants for language courses, etc.

  • Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation)

This organisation awards grants for periods of study and research, as well as for internships abroad (Europe, Asia, USA).

  • MyStipendium grant database

An extensive database listing funding opportunities and grants for periods spent abroad

  • Associations providing grants for outstanding students

These associations award grants and provide study support for periods spent abroad.

Funding by means of BAföG for study abroad and loans

  • BAföG for study abroad

Even students who are not entitled to receive BAföG in Germany can in some cases apply for BAföG for study abroad. Over and above the funding provided to students studying in Germany, BAföG for study abroad can also include allowances for travel costs, health insurance, and a supplement for studying abroad. Different BAföG abroad offices are responsible for awarding grants, depending on the destination country.

Applications must be submitted at least 6 months before the stay abroad commences.

  • Educational loan

The German Federal Government has set up a system of educational loans for students undertaking advanced level studies: a total loan amount of 1,000 euros to 7,200 euros, optionally available in 24 monthly instalments of 100 euros, 200 euros or 300 euros, a very favourable interest rate, simple to apply for online, repayments are not required until four years after the first amount was paid out, and a low monthly repayment rate amounting to 120 euros.

  • Student loan from KfW Bank

The KfW Banking Group issues student loans for studies and internships (including abroad) during the advanced stage of the degree programme.

Erasmus+ funding

The explanatory video about Erasmus can be found here: Study abroad with Erasmus


Outgoing Erasmus students
The core of the Erasmus programme – degree-related study abroad – makes it possible for students to spend a period of 3 to 12 months studying in one of the participating countries.

Studying abroad under the Erasmus programme
The Erasmus programme gives students the opportunity to study in another European country and to expand their social and cultural skills.
While doing so, they will familiarise themselves with the academic system of a university abroad and will benefit from the teaching and learning methods in use there.
After completing the first year of their degree programme, students can receive funding for a period of three to twelve months studying at a host university abroad, including doctoral studies.

Who can receive funding?
Once they have completed the first year of their degree programme, all enrolled full-time students at the Ohm can study at an Erasmus partner university in Europe. 

How long can a student from the Ohm attend an Erasmus partner university in another EU country?
Students can receive funding for up to 12 months/360 days in each stage of their university studies (bachelor’s degree/master’s degree). The total number of funded days for study purposes must not exceed 360.

What benefits does the Erasmus programme offer to students at the Ohm?
- A mobility allowance (490 to 600 euros, depending on the host country) per month of funding
- Where eligible: Social TopUps
- Exemption from course fees at the host university
- Support in preparing for the stay abroad
- Study outcomes achieved abroad are recognised for academic purposes (transferable credits)

The financial support (mobility allowance) that students receive for Erasmus stays abroad is determined by the differences in living costs in the destination countries (programme countries)

Mobility allowance per destination country:
Group 1: 600 euros per month

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

Group 2: 540 euros per month
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

Group 3: 490 euros per month
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey

Green travel
If at least one of the mobility travel legs (outward or return journey) is via a low-emission means of transport (e.g. rail, bus, bicycle), up to 6 additional travel days that will be funded at the daily rate of the destination country can be granted for green travel.

Special grants for students with fewer opportunities
Students who meet the funding criteria for Social TopUp grants will receive an additional 250 euros to their monthly Erasmus mobility allowance:

• Students with a disability (GdB 20 or more) or chronic illness
• Students who will take their child/children with them on their exchange
• First-generation students (students whose parents are non-academics)
• Students who are employed 

The different types of Social TopUp grants can not be combined. If a student meets more than one funding criteria, only one of the criteria can be claimed for the additional grant. All Social TopUp grants may be combined with the green travel supplementary payment.
Relevant forms for the required declarations will be provided by the International Office. Corresponding verifications must be presented.

Online Learning Agreement (OLA)
The Online Learning Agreement is an essential component of the Erasmus mobility programme that is agreed digitally. It identifies which subjects/courses you intend to take at the partner university and which credits will be accepted for transfer back to the Ohm.

The Online Learning Agreement must be completed before your mobility begins. The Online Learning Agreement is arranged between the home university and host university and is valid only after all parties have signed: the student and the respective examination boards at the Ohm and the host university.

Online Linguistic Support (OLS) and OLS Language Assessment
Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is currently available for 29 languages (24 official European Union languages and Icelandic, Norwegian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Turkish).
The OLS language assessment in the respective main working language of their Erasmus mobility is required for all Erasmus participants before it begins. However, it does not form a selection criterion for funding under the Erasmus+ programme and does not apply to native speakers. The language test assesses and documents a person’s current level of proficiency in a language. 
In addition, Erasmus participants can use the OLS language course to improve their foreign language proficiency in the working language and/or in the national language during their time abroad.
Agreements made with partner universities regarding specific levels of linguistic proficiency (a minimum of B2 level) must therefore not be confused with the online test.
When selecting participants, some other type of evidence must be provided for those linguistic proficiency requirements.

Grant Agreement
After submitting all supporting documents Erasmus students receive an Erasmus Grant Agreement. It is mandatory that this agreement be signed and submitted as an original before the study abroad begins.

Financial disbursement
The first disbursement at 70% is issued at the beginning of the study abroad. The remaining 30% is disbursed in a second payment after the Erasmus study abroad has concluded and the documentation of the end of the mobility has been received.

Notice regarding requirement to submit a report
All students who receive funding and have participated in an Erasmus mobility measure are obliged to write a report in Beneficiary Module once the measure is complete and to submit it together with the relevant documentation.

All Erasmus programme grantees from the Ohm are obliged to secure adequate insurance coverage for the entire duration of the Erasmus study abroad (including travel to and from the host country).
This includes, in particular:

  • Health insurance for the entire duration of the time abroad. It is important to note that national health insurance with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) only provides basic insurance coverage. Often this is insufficient, specifically, if return transport to your home country or special medical interventions are necessary. Therefore, it is highly recommended to arrange for additional supplementary insurance.
  • Liability insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Life insurance (recommended)

It is also important that the insurance policies take effect in the case of a pandemic. Furthermore, all grantees are obliged to determine if any additional insurance coverage is required in the host country and, if so, to secure such insurance policies.

Health and safety
Please be aware of all of the information provided in the section “Safety information”.


How does one apply to study abroad under the Erasmus programme?
Interested students should please read the Erasmus Guide for Outgoings first of all and should then get in touch with the International Office.
If you are spending a semester at one of the Ohm’s Erasmus partner universities within the EU, you can obtain an Erasmus grant. Once you have successfully applied to spend a semester studying at one of the Ohm’s Erasmus partner universities, the IO will give you all of the information and documents that you need to apply for an Erasmus grant.
The selection criteria used when deciding whether to award a place to study on the Erasmus programme include factors such as the motivation, linguistic proficiency, and academic performance of the applicant.

Erasmus Charta for students
The rights and duties of students under the Erasmus+ programme are governed by the “Erasmus Students’ Charter”,a copy of which is handed to all students before their stay abroad begins.

Information and advising

Semsi Colak-Dötzer
Office hours by telephone (0911/5880-4851), MS Teams, or on campus:
Wednesday, 9.30 – 11.30 am 
Thursday, 1.00 – 3.00 pm 

Additional information and advice concerning the Erasmus mobility measures can be obtained from the:

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Tel: +49(0)228/882-8877
Fax: +49(0)228/882-555
Email: erasmusatdaadPunktde

Double degree programmes worldwide

Double degree programmes in Europe

  • Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Students in the bachelor’s degree programme in International Business have the opportunity to acquire a degree from this Finnish partner university within two semesters. To that end, they spend their 5th and 6th semesters at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. Academic education in Finland is extremely practical and many interesting project modules are available. Further information is available on our web page.

The contact within the Faculty is Prof. Laila Hofmann.

  • Nord University, Bodo, Norway

Students following the master’s degree programme in International Finance and Economics have the opportunity to obtain a university degree from this Norwegian partner university within two semesters. To earn this degree, students spend - depending on when they began their programme - their 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th semesters at Nord University. 

Further information is available on our web page.

The contact within the Faculty isProf. Andreas Weese.

  • Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Students following the master’s degree programme in International Finance and Economics have the opportunity to obtain a university degree from this Italian partner university within one semester. To that end, they spend their 3rd or 4th semester at the Sapienza University of Rome.

fileadmin/zentrale-einrichtungen/szs/io/io_docs/Fact_Sheet_Double_Degree_Sapienza_MIFE_v1.pdfFurther information

  • ICN Business School - Artem, Nancy/France

Students in the bachelor’s degree programmes in International Business or Business Administration have the opportunity to acquire a degree from our partner university in Nancy within two semesters. To earn this second degree, you will spend one academic year at the ICN Business School - Artem in Nancy. The language of instruction is either entirely in English or entirely in French (a combination of both languages is not possible).
Pre-requisites for the programme are that the students have completed at least 120 ECTS at the Ohm within their degree programme and the following language requirements:

Programmes taught in English:
B2 Level (CERF scale). TOEFL: 80 or IELTS: 6.5
or TOEIC: 750 or Certificate of Cambridge level C

Programmes taught in French:
B2 Level (CERF scale)

Information about the application process at the partner university is available under Applying

Double degree programmes in the Americas

  • Tec de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico

    Further information is available online.

Double degree programmes in Asia

  • Providence University Taichung, Taiwan

    Students from the Faculty of Business Administration at the Ohm who are in the bachelor’s degree programme in International Business have the opportunity to obtain a double degree from the Providence University in Taichung, Taiwan. In order to do that, they must complete semesters 1 to 3 and 6 and 7 at the Ohm, a 20-week internship, and two semesters of study at Providence University.
    The points of contact are the International Office and, in the Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. Anja Morawietz. 


  • Chinese-German University of Applied Sciences (CDHAW), Tongji University, Shanghai

    Students in the Ohm’s bachelor’s degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering/Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering/Building Services Engineering, Energy Engineering, Precision Engineering, and Information Technology/Mechatronics, or International Business and Technology have the opportunity to obtain a double degree from the CDHAW. Double-degree students must complete semesters 1-4 at the Ohm and semesters 5 and 6 (incl. internship) at the CDHAW. Courses are conducted in German and English.

    Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Engineering: Prof. Ulrich Grau
    Mechanical Engineering / Building Services Engineering: Prof. Wolfram Stephan
    Electrical Engineering, Precision Engineering, Information Technology / Mechatronics: Prof. Frank Pöhlau   
    Business Administration (IBT): Prof. Kai Nobach

Double degree programmes in Australia

  • University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC), Sippy Downs

Students from the Faculty of Business Administration in the bachelor’s degree programme in International Business, who have achieved at least 120 ECTS, can obtain a Bachelor of Business degree from the University of the Sunshine Coast within two semesters. Courses in the specialisation fields of Economics and Finance, Human Resource Management or Small Business Management can be selected.

Students following the Master in International Marketing (M-IMA) and Master in International Finance and Economics (M-IFE) degree programmes also have the opportunity to obtain the additional degree of Master of International Business or Master of Management (only for M-IFE students) at the UniSC in one semester. Before beginning your studies abroad, you must have completed 60 ECTS.

The point of contact is Dr. Utomo in the International Office and Prof. Kai-Uwe Wellner at the Faculty of Business Administration.


  • International College of Management (ICMS), Sydney

Students in the bachelor’s degree programmes in International Business and International Business and Technology at the Faculty of Business Administration have the opportunity to obtain an additional degree in Business Management from the International College of Management (ICMS) within three semesters. The study abroad period at ICMS takes place in semesters 4 and 5.

Before beginning your studies abroad, you must have completed 36 ECTS. The required internship can take place in Germany, Australia, or otherwise abroad. After students return, they complete their undergraduate studies in semesters 6 and 7 at the Ohm with a double degree.

The point of contact is Dr. Utomo in the International Office and Prof. Kai-Uwe Wellner at the Faculty of Business Administration.

Linguistic proficiency

When submitting your application for a semester abroad, you will be required to provide evidence of a good knowledge in the teaching language of the partner university (Level B2/C1). The specific language requirements are set by the individual partner universities or exchange programmes themselves.
At many partner universities, courses are conducted in the English language.
It is however recommended to acquire a basic knowledge of the national language of the country concerned before applying, as it won’t always be possible to get by in everyday life using English.

In many cases, partner universities will test your linguistic proficiency again at the start of the semester abroad. When applying for a grant or a BAföG for study abroad, you will be required to provide evidence of your knowledge of the teaching language.

There are many ways to acquire and increase your language proficiency. For example, the Language Center at the Ohm offers a wide range of courses in various foreign languages. 

Common ways to demonstrate language proficiency are:

  • language courses you have completed successfully (depending on the partner university: B2/C1 level - contact the Language Center for a Confirmation of Participation)
  • the courses in Business English or Technical English (B2 level -contact the Language Center for a Confirmation of Participation)
  • the DAAD Language Certificate (C1 level -contact the Language Center for an appointment)
  • TOEFL (minimum score depending on the partner university and the type of test IbT, PbT, CbT)
  • IELTS 6.0 - 6.5 (C1 level)

If you do not already have any clear certification of your linguistic proficiency, you can take a placement test at the Language Center and receive certification confirming your current level of linguistic proficiency. 

Students who wish to increase their linguistic proficiency through conversation with a native speaker can get in touch with suitable speakers by means of the Language Tandem programme operated by the International Office: sprachtandematth-nuernbergPunktde

The cultural and leisure activities organised by the International Office also provide an opportunity to enter into conversations with international students at the Ohm and practise foreign languages.

Furthermore, many partner universities offer intensive courses before the start of the semester and operate regular language courses in the national language during the semester itself. 

ECTS and credit transfers

In all cases, decisions regarding the recognition of assessments achieved abroad are taken by the examination board of the relevant Faculty. 
Before commencing your studies abroad, exchange students should clarify with the examination board of their Faculty at the Ohm which of the courses or examinations you will take at the partner university can be recognised towards your degree once you have returned. 
Please note that you must look into any relevant examination regulations before you go abroad - especially with regard to deadlines. The International Office does not accept any liability for any disadvantage you may suffer as a result of failing to follow regulations or instructions.
For students studying abroad under the Erasmus programme, the Online Learning Agreement should act as a guide when selecting courses and provide the highest degree of certainty that the outcomes they achieve abroad will be recognised on their return. Before commencing your stay abroad, please ensure that your Online Learning Agreement is signed off by the examination board of your Faculty.
You can however make changes to the Learning Agreement during the first few weeks of your semester abroad, in consultation with the examination board.

What is ECTS?
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System and Accumulation System) is a project of the European Commission that sets out to facilitate the recognition of academic coursework achieved abroad. Individual institutions and/or faculties are able to decide whether or not to participate in the ECTS. ECTS is based on a trustful collaboration between the participating universities in Europe and is therefore governed by only a small number of rules. The fixed components of ECTS are: ECTS credits, ECTS grades, Learning Agreements, and the Transcript of Records.

What are ECTS credits?
ECTS credits represent the work and effort expended by a student in connection with the course concerned. The assignment of credits to the individual courses is carried out by the universities themselves as they see fit. One semester of full-time study corresponds to 30 ECTS credits (and one year is therefore equivalent to 60 ECTS credits and one trimester is equivalent to 20 ECTS credits). Credits are awarded once a student has successfully completed the relevant coursework or examination. ECTS credits can only be awarded for courses that form part of a student’s enrolled degree programme.

What are ECTS grades?
The grades for a particular course are awarded in accordance with the grading system in use at the university concerned. In order to make it easy for grades to be converted into the grading system in use at the student’s home university, a descriptive ECTS grading system was developed, though it does not replace the national grading system in any way.

How does the ECTS work?

By agreement with the ECTS Coordinator, students from participating universities can spend part of their degree programme at one of the established ECTS partner universities.
Your host university will provide you with an information package consisting of this general guide, known as the “International Student Guide”, together with the ECTS Handbook for the Faculty concerned. In the future, those handbooks will also be made available online. The handbooks contain a description of the subject area and the degree programme. They also contain details about the content of all courses offered, the credits awarded for them, the type of examination, etc.

Before the student departs, the courses the student should attend are specified precisely in the Online Learning Agreement drawn up between the two partner universities and their official contacts. Changes during the student’s stay abroad must be discussed with both official contacts involved. Once the student returns to their home university, their coursework can be recognised by means of the Transcript of Records. This ensures that the student does not lose any time due to the fact that they spent time abroad.


At present, the Ohm has around 160 cooperation agreements in place with international partner universities for the purposes of student exchanges, approximately 90 of which are financed by the EU’s Erasmus education programme.

All normally enrolled students at the Ohm are entitled to apply for a study place on our exchange programmes. Such exchange visits will be for a duration of between three and twelve months, depending on the programme. As part of these programmes, you may also write your final thesis during your time abroad. While studying abroad, you will continue to be enrolled at our university.  

All applications for study places submitted in connection with exchange programmes are processed via the Ohm’s International Office. 

Please approach the International Office and the appropriate academic coordinator within your Faculty in good time in order to obtain information concerning partner universities and possible funding opportunities, and to submit your application. Where possible, it is important that you begin planning your study abroad a year in advance of the commencement of your planned stay abroad.


Application process

Applications for an exchange semester at one of our partner universities must be submitted to the International Office by using our online form. Guidelines for the application process are available in the downloads section.

Please log in using your my.ohm login (username and password).

Privacy policy for using the online portal (SoleMove).

Please register on the platform, complete the online form with all required information, and upload the following documents as pdf files:

  • A cover letter written in the respective teaching language of your first-choice partner university
  • CV in table format and in the relevant teaching language, together with a photo, if necessary
  • Documentation of proficiency in the relevant national or teaching language of your first-choice partner university
  • Current transcript of records
  • Copy of your current confirmation of enrolment
  • Endorsement from your Faculty’s academic coordinator (the contact person will be listed in the database under the tab labelled “Contact” for the respective partner university).
    The academic coordinator must have received your complete application (including all documents) in order to approve your nomination.

On your application form, you can indicate up to four alternatives to your first-choice partner university. Your application should be addressed to your first-choice partner university.

Submitting more than one application is not permitted.<br/> It is also not permitted to submit an application directly - without being processed through the International Office -to a partner university.


Application deadlines:

For winter semester 2025/26: by 31 January 2025

For summer semester 2026: by 30 July 2025

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Around four to six weeks after the closing date for applications, you will be informed whether you have been nominated for a suitable study place.
Before commencing your stay abroad, you should also familiarise yourself with the situation in your host country.
Amongst other organizations, the DAAD ( and the German Federal Foreign Office ( provide useful information on their websites.

Safety information

Information about general safety precautions

Studying abroad is still possible in principle in any country and can be undertaken, if you wish and bearing your own risk. Please note the following general information about safety precautions in your planning:

  • Submit your information in any case to the crisis provision list “ Elefand ” (in german) at the German Foreign Office for German citizens
  • Remember your health care provisions (travel health insurance, vaccinations, prophylaxis, first-aid items, and medications)
  • Educate yourself about your host country and what behaviours are appropriate there
  • Make note of important emergency numbers
  • Copy/scan important documents

A detailed overview of the most important safety precautions with links is available in the following checklist from the DAAD: Information about general safety precautions (in german)

Travel and safety information from the German Foreign Office

The Foreign Office offers the app “ Sicher Reisen ” (in german) and publishes travel information, safety information, and travel warnings regularly. (in german)

  • Travel information will cover the entry requirements of a country, medical information, particular legal information (criminal and customs law). The information provided is regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Safety information indicates specific risks for Germans who are traveling or living abroad. They may contain recommendations to refrain or restrict travel. As may be appropriate, there may be an explicit advisory against undertaking not absolutely necessary travel or any travel at all. The information is regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Travel warnings contain urgent appeals from the Foreign Office to refrain from traveling to a country or region of a country. They are only issued, if it is necessary to warn against travel to a country or a region of a country due to an acute danger to limb and life. Travel warnings are only seldom issued. Germans who live in a country for which a travel warning is issued may be summoned to leave the country.

Travel and safety information as well as travel warnings are based on information available to the Foreign Office at a given time that is considered reliable by that office. A guarantee that the information is correct and complete as well as liability for possible damages cannot be assumed.

The Foreign Office continues to urgently advise securing travel health insurance with repatriation insurance if travelling abroad.

Summary of all degree-related experiences abroad

Summary of all degree-related experiences abroad

A record of all degree-related study abroad is created at Nuremberg Tech and the experience is officially documented in the Diploma Supplement, the annex to the final official transcript conferred upon you.

The “Record of degree-related study abroad” form (in german) required for this purpose can be found in the download center on the homepage of the Student Office.

Please complete the record form and send it to the Student Advisory Service (email:  after completing your studies abroad  along with the confirmation from the host university.


You will need certain documents and forms related to your stay abroad. This page contains documents that you will need before your application, after you’ve been nominated by the International Office, and during and after your mobility. 


2024/2025 academic year

Before applying

After nomination by the International Office:

  • Erasmus - Cover page
  • Erasmus Safety and Security Statement
  • Erasmus - Insurance Declaration
  • Erasmus - Supplementary Grants
  • Erasmus - Supplementary Grants Declaration
  • Erasmus - Green Travel Declaration

During your stay abroad:

After your stay abroad:

The OUTGOINGS Guide will provide you with a summary of all of the essential tips and information about spending a semester studying at a partner university abroad.

Please contact us at any time if you have any questions about studying abroad at: outgoingsatth-nuernbergPunktde

Advisory unit - Europe (Erasmus+ programme KA 131)

Semsi Colak-Dötzer
Office hours by telephone (0911/5880-4851), MS Teams, or on campus:
Wednesday, 9.30 – 11.30 am 
Thursday, 1.00 – 3.00 pm 


Erasmus Online Learning Agreements

Joseph Jehlicka
Office hours by telephone (0911/5880-4294), MS Teams, or on campus:
Wednesday, 9.30 - 11.30 am (only via MS Teams)
Thursday, 1.00 – 3.00 pm 


Advisory unit - Americas, Russia, Ukraine

Renate Zehetbauer
Office hours by telephone (0911/5880-4115), MS Teams, or on campus:
Wednesday, 9.30 – 11.30 am 
Thursday, 1.00 – 3.00 pm 


Advisory unit - Africa, Asia-Pacific

Franziska Utomo
Office hours by telephone (0911/5880-4293), MS Teams, or on campus:
Wednesday, 9.30 – 11.30 am 
Thursday, 1.00 – 3.00 pm 


What are the deadlines for applications for a semester abroad?

Applications to spend a semester at a partner university can be submitted at two times during the year. Application documents must be submitted to the International Office in full by email only, in time for the following deadlines:

• For the subsequent winter semester: 31 January
• For the subsequent summer semester: 30 June

Will I need to prove my linguistic proficiency before the start of the semester abroad?

Yes, valid evidence of linguistic proficiency forms part of the full application.

Under the Erasmus programme, you are required to provide evidence of linguistic proficiency in the relevant teaching language at a minimum of B2 level. Language courses taken at Nuremberg Tech (such as Business English or English for Engineers) count for that purpose. Please ask the Language Center to issue a confirmation of participation (in English). If you can provide evidence of linguistic proficiency at a higher level (such as TOEFL, IELTS, DAAD language certificate, etc.), this can also be used. Any statements of linguistic proficiency listed on your high-school diploma certificate cannot be accepted as part of your application.

If you do not already have any documentation of your linguistic proficiency, you can take a placement test at the Language Center and receive certification confirming your current level of proficiency.
For all other cooperation agreements with universities, it is the case that: The Exchange Coordinator in the IO will be able to tell you what evidence of linguistic proficiency is required and what minimum level applies. In the case of the English language, the most usual types of documentation are

• TOEFL (minimum score depending on the type of test IbT, PbT, CbT) (

• IELTS 6.0 – 6.5

• DAAD Language Certificate (C1 level)


The partner university determines what proof of linguistic proficiency they require and will accept.

How do I apply for the Erasmus grant?

Nearly all of our partner universities located in the EU are part of the Erasmus programme. When you apply for a place to study at one of Ohm’s Erasmus partner universities, the IO will send you additional documents and information about how to apply for an Erasmus grant, once you have been successfully nominated.

What courses can I choose?

In most cases, the partner university will only send you a list of courses available during your semester abroad once you have made your application. We recommend that before applying, you look on the website of the partner university to find out the courses currently open to exchange students. Generally speaking, the list of courses offered to exchange students changes very little.

What must I do to have my coursework recognised?

In all cases, decisions regarding the recognition of coursework from abroad are taken by the examination board of your degree programme. As a future exchange student and before commencing your semester abroad, you should clarify with the examination board of your degree programme at the Ohm which of the courses you will have completed at the partner university can be recognised once you have returned. In many cases, the examination boards also have lists of courses at the respective partner university that have been recognised in the past.
For those credits to be transferred, the examination board will require detailed descriptions of the modules or courses at the partner university. Please note that you must look into any relevant examination regulations before you go abroad - especially with regard to deadlines.

When will I find out whether I will receive a place abroad?

After the application deadline, we will process the applications we have received. We will inform you within 3-5 weeks whether you will be able to do an exchange with the partner university of your choice. After that, we will nominate you at the partner university. This means that we will inform the partner university that we will be placing you as an exchange student.
If we are unable to nominate you, we will provide you with an alternative suggestion, if possible.

What will happen once I have successfully been nominated by the Ohm?

Once you have been nominated by the IO, we will inform the partner universities and will inform you soon afterwards what additional documents and information the partner university requires for your ongoing application (external application). You will receive detailed information about this directly from the partner university or from the IO, once you have been nominated. Once your application documents have been submitted to the partner university in full, you will receive a letter of acceptance from the host university in good time before the start of your semester abroad.

Can I complete a semester abroad at a higher education institution abroad that is not a partner university of the Ohm?

In the case of institutions that are not partner universities of the Ohm, you must submit your application yourself as what is known as a “free mover”. To do that, you must contact the institution you want to attend, for example their International Office, and ask whether it accepts non-degree-seeking free movers for a period of one semester (and if so, subject to what conditions).

In such cases, you will need to make degree-programme specific agreements yourself and will largely be responsible for solving administrative issues yourself.

What are the semester dates at the university’s partner institutions abroad?

In many cases, the semester schedules at partner institutions abroad differ from the semester schedules at the Ohm. At many partner universities, the Autumn/Fall Term (equivalent to our winter semester) starts as early as August/September and the Spring Term (the equivalent of our summer semester) begins as soon as January/February. It may therefore be the case that a study semester can only be taken in either the winter or summer semester, as the start of the semester coincides with our examination phase. What is more, the compulsory orientation event at the partner university will take place before the start of the semester.

Please visit the homepages of the individual partner universities for details about semester schedules, or consult the database of study abroad opportunities at partner institutions.

Where can I live?

Usually exchange students are accommodated in halls of residence belonging to the partner university, assuming sufficient places are available. If students cannot or do not wish to be accommodated in a hall of residence, the International Office at the partner university will help the exchange student find private accommodation.

Where can I find testimonials from previous outgoing exchange students?

Personal reports / testimonials from previous outgoing exchange students can be found on the Ohm’s intranet.

What documents must I submit?

Applications for an exchange semester at one of our partner universities must be submitted to the International Office by using our online form.

Please log in using your my.ohm login (username and password). Privacy policy for using the online portal (SoleMove).

Please register on the platform, complete the online form with all required information, and upload the following documents as pdf files:

  • A cover letter written in the respective teaching language of your first-choice partner university
  • CV in table format and in the relevant teaching language, together with a photo, if necessary
  • Documentation of proficiency in the relevant national or teaching language of your first-choice partner university
  • Current transcript of records
  • Copy of your current confirmation of enrolment
  • Confirmation from your Faculty’s academic coordinator 
    The academic coordinator must have received your complete application (including all documents) in order to approve your nomination.

On your application form, you can indicate up to four alternatives to your first-choice partner university. Your application should be addressed to your first-choice partner university.

Where can I find information about partner institutions?

First, please visit the homepage of the International Office (IO) to find out which partner institutions have cooperation agreements with your Faculty.

You can also obtain valuable and useful information (subject selection, travel tips, etc.) from the homepages of the partner institutions themselves and from testimonials from students who have already been abroad.

How can a stay abroad be funded?

If you are spending a semester at one of the Ohm’s Erasmus partner universities within the EU, you can obtain an Erasmus grant. Once you have successfully applied to spend a semester studying at an Erasmus partner university, the IO will give you all of the information and documents that you need to apply for an Erasmus grant. If you are spending a semester studying outside the Erasmus+ programme, you will not receive any grant directly associated with the university place you have obtained. You are however able to request a grant via the BAföG for study abroad or via a grants programme. A list of selected funding opportunities can be found on the homepage of the International Office.

Will I need to pay course fees?

If you can be placed as an exchange student at one of our partner universities, you will be exempt from course fees based on the cooperation agreement. Exceptions are Australia, Japan, Canada, South Africa, and the USA.