Your first port of call for all questions relating to your academic programme.


The Student Office is responsible for the administrative organisation of your studies. The Student Office is not only the first place to go if you have questions about applying to study, admission, and enrolment at the Ohm, but also your central port of call for all questions relating to your degree programme, examinations, and internships.



International students  International students who are seeking counseling about studying at the Ohm should contact the International Academic Services.

How to find us


For all queries relating to applications, admission, and enrolment         


For all queries relating to degree programmes, examinations, and internships 

(please always provide your student ID number)


Below is a list of email addresses for the contacts for the respective Faculties/degree programmes.

Applied Chemistry     studienbuero-acatth-nuernbergPunktde
Applied Mathematics and Physics        studienbuero-ampatth-nuernbergPunktde
Architecture         studienbuero-aratth-nuernbergPunktde
Civil Engineeringstudienbuero-biatth-nuernbergPunktde
Business Administration   studienbuero-bwatth-nuernbergPunktde
Design             studienbuero-datth-nuernbergPunktde
EFI studienbuero-efiatth-nuernbergPunktde
Computer Sciencestudienbuero-inatth-nuernbergPunktde
Mechanical Engineering   studienbuero-mbatth-nuernbergPunktde
OHM Professional School studienbuero-opsatth-nuernbergPunktde
School of Health  studienbuero-sohatth-nuernbergPunktde
Social Work      studienbuero-swatth-nuernbergPunktde
Process Engineeringstudienbuero-vtatth-nuernbergPunktde
Materials Engineering  studienbuero-wtatth-nuernbergPunktde

On our intranet pages you will find important information, forms, and details related to studying at the Ohm.

Legal regulations and exam regulations

The legal bases of general university and admission law, the Study and Examination Regulations, and the Official Gazette of the Nuremberg Tech can be found under Legal regulations.