Effecting added value - for people and the environment

The Ohm is interactive with the field outside of the university. This interaction is not restricted to applied research and technology transfer, but we are working beyond the industry and economic sectors and into civil society. We collaborate with partners from science, business, the cultural sector, and politics in consideration of ecological and social factors. In mutual exchange, we are identifying social challenges and are developing innovative solutions. We transfer knowledge and findings that contribute to sustainable development into society and this effects added value. As an organisation, we want to set a good example and encourage others to do the same. 

Presentation in the assembly room of the Bundestag


Prof. Gaugler and his team at the Neumarkt campus have calculated what markup food would need, if external costs from nitrogen derivatives, greenhouse gases, energy, or changes in land use were included in supermarket prices. In collaboration with REWE/PENNY Deutschland, these costs were communicated to the public in a PENNY market in Berlin-Spandau by means of a second price label.

Besides the highly visible presentation of the research results, for example, at the Food Safety Congress 2007 and on the Ohm’s online channels, a concept is being developed to integrate True Cost Accounting (TCA) into corporate accounting in particular for small and mid-sized enterprises. 

Funded by LEONARDO. Further information is available on our website.

“Weltacker” Team

The “Weltacker” - SDGs go local
