Effecting added value - for people and the environment

The Ohm engages with the region This interaction is not restricted to applied research and technology transfer, but we are working beyond the industry and economic sectors and into civil society. We collaborate with partners from science, business, the cultural sector, and politics in consideration of ecological and social factors. In mutual exchange, we are identifying social challenges and are developing innovative solutions. We transfer knowledge and findings that contribute to sustainable development into society and this effects added value. As an organisation, we want to set a good example and encourage others to do the same. 

Floating concrete - special prize for sustainability for the concrete canoe team

The Ohm won the special prize for sustainability at the 19th German Concrete Canoe Regatta.

The jury was impressed by the teams concept for building the canoes using as little energy as possible and conserving resources, including the team presentation at the contest. This was the second time the Ohm has won this special prize in a field that is of great importance to the cement industry. The Nuremberger concrete canoes, RecyclOhm and H₂Ohm, were produced as R-concrete made with aggregates from the processed and pulverised vessels from the 2022 regatta. The concept also included an especially sustainable CEM II/C-M cement from Schwenk, a stand that was created using used and upcycled materials, and the design of the team t-shirts.

Over 45 universities competed in Brandenburg at the concrete canoe competition on 14-15 June 2024. Approximately 65 canoes that were designed and produced by the teams competed against each other in the Beetzsee. Four of the Ohm’s five teams made it to the quarterfinals.




Nominated for sustainability prize

A research team at the Ohm, led by Prof. Tobias Gaugler and Prof. Jan Niessen, is nominated this year for the Neumarkter Lammsbräu sustainability prize. The team has brought the topic of true cost accounting into the public awareness through a roadshow of the “ECHT-Wahre-Preise-Supermarkt” in Bavaria or the national campaign with the discount supermarket chain, Penny, in summer 2023. The purpose of these activities is to illustrate the truth about the costs of our food. By disclosing the costs that have been hidden up until now, the projects aim to make the need for transformation in the agricultural and food sector clear and demonstrate innovative approaches to the problems.

The public can participate in voting for the prize online at: https://www.lammsbraeu-publikumspreis.de/      

The project’s video application for the award is available online.                          

Another drive is organised to take place from 10-12 June 2024 at the Ohm’s Mensateria. During this time, university catering pricing and costs will be made more transparent.  

“Weltacker” Team

The “Weltacker” - SDGs go local

The “Weltacker” is a model project that divides the available area of farmland worldwide by the number of people in the world. According to this calculation, 2000 m² is allotted to each person. The central question is: how can we effectively and resource-efficiently ensure all people are provided for? This project developed from an initiative of the “Innovation and Future Foundation” and the “SDGs go local” project (Bluepingu e.V.) in cooperation with the Architecture master’s degree programme at the Ohm.

Further information is available on our website.