What is process engineering? Find out more about our degree programmes

Energy and Hydrogen Engineering and Process Engineering

A student takes a sample from a bioreactor

Process Engineering

The Faculty of Process Engineering was established in 1989 and initially employed 7 professors. Since then, it has been growing steadily, both in terms of student numbers and the number of teaching staff.

Today, around 300 students are enrolled in the Faculty, which employs 14 professors and 13 laboratory staff, who teach basic subjects, such as thermodynamics and advanced subjects such as apparatus construction in the form of lectures, exercises, and practical laboratory sessions.

In addition, the Faculty is also active in research and development and in international collaborations with other universities.

Bachelor’s degree programmes

  • Process Engineering with 3 specialisations
  • Energy Process Engineering
  • Energy and Hydrogen Engineering (EWT)

Master’s degree programme with 2 specialisations

  • Chemical Process Engineering and Process Technology
  • Energy Process Engineering