Infrastructure - Long-term framework for sustainable action

In the area of Infrastructure, we are laying the tracks for sustainability-oriented action on the entire campus. We anchor resource-efficient and socially responsible operations at the university and the associated administrative processes in our guidelines. The Ohm has set the goal for itself to reduce our energy use, improve resource efficiency, to reduce emissions with regard to sustainable mobility, to mitigate waste accumulation, and to increase the recycling rate. In procurement and the supply chain, sustainability is a central measure. We are promoting ecologically oriented behaviour of our members by targeted communication and qualification. We understand sustainability holistically and therefore are creating offers to support and promote health. 

Energy conservation at the Ohm

Whether in a lecture hall, a lab, or an office - using electricity and heat carefully in our activities at the university yields an important contribution at the Ohm towards mitigating climate change.
Changes that are easy to implement at your work stations and help save energy are listed in this document (in German).
Do you have more ideas to make our university more environmentally friendly? Submit your idea to the university administration on the Idea Exchange (in German).

Or join the “Gruppe Energie”: The energy group considers possible measures to increase the energy efficiency at the university and implements them in line with the University Management and TFM. Students and staff are welcome to join the group.

(Contact: michael.sensatth-nuernbergPunktde)

From pioneering steps to the sustainable university of tomorrow

Around 20 years ago, the Ohm converted the first electricity meters and set up preliminary versions of an internet-based energy measurement system. Since July 2022, the old meters have been continuously upgraded and a concept has been developed for a heat meter. Our goal is to gain detailed insight into the distribution and level of electricity and heat consumption at the university. Another goal is to determine the sources of electricity and heat consumption to derive suitable optimisation measures to achieve sustained savings in energy and heat costs. These efforts will yield a detailed consumption pattern for the university.

Faculty and staff from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering, Precision Engineering, Information Technology (efi); Mechanical Engineering and Building Services Engineering (MB/VS); Process Engineering (VT); the Institute for Energy and Building (ieg); our Technical Facility Management (TFM); and the Central IT (ZIT).

Green IT

“Green IT - Entwicklung eines evidenzbasierten Maßnahmenkatalogs” (Green IT - Developing an evidence-based catalogue of measures) is a project that is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts within the framework of the Digital Campus Bavaria programme on the recommendation of the leadership committee of the Digitalverbund Bayern.

The aim of Green IT is to use resources environmentally friendly and energy efficiently in the areas of information and communication technologies. A second aim is to change the behaviour of consumers through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies to advance sustainability.

Annette Kott (M.Sc.) will head the project in her capacity as a research associate an the Ohm. She is responsible for producing a catalogue of measures for Central IT, Procurement, decentralised IT departments, and individual work stations. The University of Regensburg is responsible for defining metrics.