Nationwide there are a large number of private and state-financed foundations and organizations for the promotion of gifted children. In recent years, the number of different scholarship offers has steadily increased, but unfortunately Germany is still in the bottom ranks in the field of scholarships in international comparison.

Regrettably, scholarships are often regarded as “elitist”, which means that many students refrain from applying for them and taking a closer look at the topic. It goes without saying that good to excellent academic performance is indispensable, but social criteria often play an important role in the selection decision.

Below you will find an overview of the various options for financing your studies.

Funding opportunities from the Ohm

Target group: Students as well as university applicants can apply


  • Above average performance at school, university, or professionally
  • Volunteer work, involvement in community, university, or political activities
  • Responsible roles in religious communities, associations, or clubs
  • Personal or family circumstances can also be taken into account

Amount of the stipend: 300 € / month

Further information :You can find detailed information about the Deutschlandstipendium stipend at Nuremberg Tech and how to apply online.

Foundation goal: To advance science, education, research, and fine arts.

> Further information to follow

Target group: Students at the Ohm with need


  • written request  by the student
  • Documentation of demonstrated need is absolutely required
  • Students in the 2nd semester or higher semester
  • Confirmation from the Faculty of the need for the learning materials
  • Student has not previously received an Oskar-Karl-Forster-Stipendium

Purpose of the grant:For purchasing books and other learning materials

Amount of the grant:min. €100 to max. €500

Duration of the stipend: one time

Application: application: possible at any time


Target group: Well qualified, female master’s students or graduates in all subject areas of the Ohm intending to pursue a doctoral degree

Requirements: Above-average grade point average in master’s coursework or above-average master’s thesis

Purpose of the grant:

  • Preparing for and taking up doctoral studies
  • Preparing a synopsis (including time and work schedule)
  • Agreeing with a doctoral supervisor

Application deadline: 15 Jan (for the summer semester) and 15 July (for the winter semester).

Amount of the stipend: 500 € / month

Duration of the stipend: six months  

Further information: The application form and the guidelines for the scholarship is available online.


Francis Finkler, Photo: Elisawet Hesse

Hello Francis Finkler! What did you study at our university and in which Faculty or subject are you pursuing your doctoral degree?

“I completed my bachelor’s and master’s in Social Work and am working towards a doctoral degree in Social Sciences.”

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“At the end of my master’s degree programme, because of my growing interest in research and academia, I decided to pursue doctoral study. To get started, I had to work my way into the topic and had to write a synopsis including a work plan and schedule. I also had to find a supervisor at the Ohm for my project. To be sure I had enough time to do these things and to be able to focus on my doctoral project, the PROmotion Scholarship seemed a suitable choice for me and my situation.”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“I really appreciate that my scholarship allowed me to design and prepare my project and present it within the framework of the Conference of the women's affairs officers. Additionally, I could look for a supervisor at the Ohm and also find one.”

What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the scholarship?

“Because the scholarship allowed me to prepare my doctoral project well, I am now – 6 months later – in the starting blocks to actually begin my doctoral work and start implementing my work plan. Long-term, the scholarship has enabled me to realise a well prepared doctoral project.” 22 Feb 2023 / CS / CW

Martina Swoboda, Photo: Thomas Wieland

Hello Martina Swoboda! What did you study at our university and in which Faculty or subject are you pursuing your doctoral degree?

“I earned my degree in Architecture, a Diplom programme at the time, and went directly after into professional practice. But I realised after some time that I had a wish to earn a doctorate and an idea to do a master’s degree became increasingly clear. As my professional focus shifted to project management, I pursued a master’s in Project Management in the field of construction and real estate at the Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences. My connection to the Ohm remained strong though. I think the first university you study at always remains something special and you never lose sight of it. That’s why I always had my eye on the business certificate for engineers. During the COVID pandemic, I decided to start the certificate programme and returned to the Ohm. When I mentioned my idea to earn a doctorate in project management, the preparatory scholarship was suggested.

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“I learned about the preparatory scholarship from staff at the Ohm as they recommended it to me. I think those staff members had a big influence on the fact that I applied for it. I don’t know if I would have found the opportunity on my own. I made my final decision to apply after a telephone conversation with the Ohm where I received answers to all of my questions about applying. This made applying easy and convinced me beyond doubt. As you can see, successfully.”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“I appreciate that I was able to present my topic and get feedback on it. Of course, my topic changed again. Nonetheless, the feedback that I received was what led me to the project management field. In hindsight that was worth its weight in gold. What is special to me about this scholarship is that I got more than just financial support, but also feedback and acknowledgement.”

What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the scholarship?

“Long-term, I see the scholarship as the starting shot for my doctoral work, sounding out my topic, and consolidating my project. The scholarship encouraged me and strengthened my desire to pursue a doctoral degree. Because a strong will, stamina, and support from others, in my case through the preparatory scholarship, make a good and stable basis for such a process.
Another effect is that I have already submitted my application for doctoral studies and am waiting for acceptance. I can’t guess right now, what other effects the scholarship will lead to in my future. Most often effects are more extensive than one thinks initially. You can see it especially looking back.” 4 Apr 2023 / CS / CW

Funding opportunities from the Nuremberg Foundations

Target group: Support for students in need in all disciplines


  • You have been resident in Bavaria for at least five years 
  • You are a member of the Bavarian Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • You are not older than 27

Application deadline: 30 April and 31 October

Amount of the stipend: 100 - 200 € / month

Duration of the stipend: one semester (extensions are possible)

Further information:

Target group: all students in need 


  • Applicants must have been registered as resident in Nuremberg for at least six years.
  • Applicants are between the ages of 15 and 34

Purpose of the stipend: To address educational costs

Application: possible at any time

Duration of the stipend: Maximum 16 semesters at university

Specific features:

  • The Endowment Administration administers the funds of various donors from Nuremberg.
  • The application must be made using a form provided by the Endowment Administration.

Further information:

Federal Government funding for gifted young people


  • above average academic achievements
  • personal (volunteer) activities


  • Independent application (possible for students in their 1st or 2nd semester): 11 Jan - 15 Feb 2023
  • Nomination by a professor: valid for 1 year
  • Nomination by the Ohm: from May - 31 July

Further information:

Liaison lecturer: 

Louisa Nicklas. Photo: Felix Gock

Hello Louisa Nicklas! What are you studying at our university?

“I am studying for my bachelor’s degree in Social Work. Currently I am in my 7th semester.”

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“The German Academic Scholarship Foundation scholarship was (and is) especially interesting for me, because it is secular - not religious - and also not linked to any specific party (as most of the other scholarships are). I learned about it from the Prüfungsamt at the university, who contacted me to ask if they could nominate me for the scholsarship. Free applications are also possible, however!”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“I find the so-called “idelle Förderung” of the scholarship especially enriching.” It’s a broad programme of activities, trips, and lectures: From language courses in Italy, discussions about climate change in Vienna, to orientation seminars on the later future in NRW. The exchange at these meetings with other scholarship recipients was and is very valuable to me and some close friendships have resulted from them. Besides that, it’s just fun! Another absolutely valuable opportunity is that you can apply for support, if pursuing professional qualifications later in your career is important to you: A friend of mine is now receiving financial support for a language course in Bulgarian. Another friend, who studied Film and Direction, was able to spend a few months during her studies in New York and gained experience on Broadway.”
What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the scholarship?

“The scholarship really encouraged me and impacted my development. I was encouraged again and again with regard to my plans in many good conversations (with my liaison professor, other scholarship recipients, and my Referentin,...). That has had an influence already on my decision to pursue a master’s degree and, in turn, also later when I enter into professional practice. Furthermore, the scholarship has given me access to networks and contacts that will be beneficial for me in the future.” 14 Feb 2023 / CS / CW

Target group: Skilled workers/specialists with professional training and experience studying at university for the first time


  • Completed vocational education and training or advanced training. The apprenticeship must be conform to German law and accredited in Germany. For more information on these requirements, please visit Please note: Academic studies cannot be recognised as an apprenticeship.
  • At least two years’ professional experience after graduation and before starting university (24 months with a minimum of 19 hours/week).
  • You have documentation of extraordinary professional performance.  Applicants must have German citizenship or the right of permanent residence or a settlement permit (“Niederlassungserlaubnis”).

Application: 21 Mar - 5 June 2023 and 19 Sept - 27 Nov 2023

Amount of the stipend:

  • Full-time students: from 934 € / month plus 80 € book allowance
    Additional childcare lump sum for children under 14 years old (160 € for each child)
  • Part-time students: 2900 € in the calendar year as a lump sum and dependent on income

Specific features:

  • Income-independent support of regular full-time study and part-time study for professionals
  • Applications are possible even before beginning at university and until the end of the second semester

Further information: 

Do you have questions about applying?

Target group:

  • Students who would like to study, conduct research, or do an internship abroad
  • International students who would like to study, conduct research, or do an internship in Germany

Further information:

Gifted students grants from the Bavarian student funding programmes


  • above average academic achievements
  • personal (volunteer) activities


  • Independent applicants (possible as of the 3rd semester): until 1 November 
  • Nomination by a professor (possible as of the 3rd semester): until 1 November 
  • Nomination by the Ohm: until 1 November 

Further information:

Target group: Students from all subject areas with demonstrated business interest


  • Good to very good academic achievements
  • Volunteer activities, competitive sports, community or international activities

Costs of the programme: 950 € per phase (incl. accommodations, board, programme, travel abroad)

Length of the programme: four 4-week phases

Application deadline: Current deadlines can be found on the foundation's website

Further information: 

Liaison lecturer:

Gifted students grants from party-affiliated foundations


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal (volunteer) activities
  • You are not older than 35

Application deadline: 15 January and 15 July

Further information:

Annemarie Neumann, Photo: private

Hallo Annemarie Neumann. What are you studying at our university?

“Hello. I am studying Journalism of Technology.”

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) is oriented around the Christian image of humanity and is based on it. This includes respect for human dignity, freedom of opinion, and the individual development of every person. I find these values important in today’s society, especially, and I identify well with them. In the KAS, the other scholarship recipients share these values and are also actively working towards a tolerant, open, and just society. On the basis of these foundational values of the KAS, one can constructively discuss issues together with others. This is what makes a scholarship from the KAS attractive for me.”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“Most especially, I value the exchange with the other scholarship recipients. Of course, there is the financial support, but the support for our ideas is so valuable at the KAS. There is a university group in Nuremberg that meets regularly where we can share about everyday topics. Additionally, we organise various activities and lectures. It’s like a good circle of friends within your programme cohort, but we all study different subjects. Besides the local network, over the years you attend seminars with other KAS scholarship recipients from all over Germany or beyond. You can choose the seminar topics and the seminars themselves that are interesting to you from a diverse seminar programme. They offer an opportunity to grow and to learn things from outside of your regular curriculum. These experiences result in a network over time that reaches far beyond the boundaries of your own university.”

What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the scholarship?

“What’s special about the KAS is the strength of the network amongst the scholarship recipients, regardless of location. You get to meet many interesting people during your time as a student and gain a different sort of education. But it doesn’t end with your degree. Because of the common values, friendships can last long after university. There is also the opportunity to continue being engaged in the network as a member of the circle of former scholarship holders, to visit seminars, and stay in touch, whether it is with current KAS-recipients, former recipients, and others.” 24 Feb 2023 / CS / CW


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal (volunteer) activities
  • Not older than 32

Application deadline: 15 Jan and 15 July

Further information:

Liaison lecturer:

Sandra Müller, photo: private

Hello Sandra Müller! What are you studying at our university?

“I am enrolled in the Applied Research in Engineering Sciences master’s programme.”

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“My sister was a scholarship recipient at the time. She told me about the interesting seminars at Kloster Banz and how many people she met there. Based on her recommendation, I applied for a scholarship. I can identify well with the values of the foundation. The foundation is active worldwide in the service of “democracy, peace and development” and advocates for peaceful coexistence in the world. It is a party-affiliated scholarship that has a conservative character. You do not need to be a party member, however. You should have a general interest in politics and socially critical issues. Because of my family, I have been interested in political issues from a young age and have always happily and actively engaged in family discussions, particularly on the topic of what time I needed to be home at night (laughing).”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“I have a valuable network of contacts because of the Hanns Seidel Foundation. I have met students from all areas of study, from some that I didn’t even know existed. The scholarship recipients come from all over Germany. I have met so many different people, who have all brought similar values into the foundation. At the seminars, you often get to see the familiar faces. I also am in contact with former scholarship recipients, which in turn can connect me with contacts in the professional world. Sometimes the foundation feels like a large family.”

What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the scholarship?

“I have established not only contacts through the foundation, but have also made friends; those relationships will definitely continue after my studies are done. In the seminars, I have gained knowledge that no one can take from me and I was able to develop personally as well. I have learned how to present myself and to discuss through my experience with the foundation. I think this experience has given me great self-confidence. I am considering pursuing a doctoral degree after my master’s studies. The Hanns Seidel Foundation provides a good cornerstone for this as well by providing support for doctoral studies.” 20 Oct 2022 / CS / PP


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Duration of the stipend: 1 year (extensions are possible)

Application deadline: 30 April and 31 October

Further information:

Liaison lecturer:


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline:

  • Basic scholarship for German students, students with German secondary school backgrounds, and refugees: 30 Apr and 31 Oct
  • Basic scholarship for international students intending to pursue a master’s degree: 31 May and 30 Nov

Further information:


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 1 March and 1 September

Further information:

Important information is summarised in this pdf (in german)


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 1 April or 1 October 

Further information:

Gifted students grants from foundations with close ties to business


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal (volunteer) activities
  • You have an entrepreneurial spirit.

Application period 1 March 2021 - 30 April 2021

Duration of the stipend: until the end of the regular study programme duration

Further information

Gifted students grants from foundations with close ties to trade unions

Target group: primarily students who reach university after attending second or third chance schools


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 1 February or 1 July

Further information

Gifted students grants from churches and confessional foundations


  • You are a member of the Catholic faith
  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 1 August 

Further information:

Photo: Erich Sobolewski

Hello Vanessa Schipke! What are you studying at our university?

“Hello! I am in my 5th semester in the International Business and Technology programme with a specialisation in electrical engineering.”

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“The ‘Oberstufe’ coordinator at my school advised me of the Cusanuswerk after my ‘Abitur’. Before that, I had actually not considered applying for support from any foundations, but he thought I had a good chance because of my marks and social engagement.
In the beginning, I still had doubts because, while I am Catholic, I never went to mass regularly and don’t have any volunteer activity within the Church. But after I did some research, I realised that the Cusanuswerk does not focus strictly on living according to the Catholic doctrines, but also looks for candidates who critically consider the Church and faith. The Cusanuswerk aims to support our individual talents and interests to enable us to bring them to bear in society as a Christian responsibility. That is what convinced me to apply for this stipend.”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“I really appreciate the ideal mix of support from the Cusanuswerk; an interdisciplinary educational programme, a spiritual programme, and individual supervision. This concept includes various workshops, academies during the semester breaks, religious retreats, and excursions, in which one can discover diverse fields that are often completely independent of one’s area of study. For example, this year I took part in an academy on mining that provided an interesting opportunity to stretch my knowledge and take an intensive look at an unknown subject area and discuss it with others.”

What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the stipend?

“The Cusanuswerk has already affected the way I think about things and my personality, which is the biggest long-term effect. Because the intergenerational exchanges with people from diverse specialities and areas of life have helped me to learn to approach people more openly, engage in discussion, and offer my informed opinion - whether it be on religious, political, or social issues. I have also been able to make connections to alumni, who have very different backgrounds and CVs; their experiences inform the support they can provide me in my own development.” 16 Nov 2022 / CS / PP


  • Ideally, you are a member of a Protestant faith
  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 15 January and 15 July

Duration of the stipend: entire duration of studies

Further information:

Photo: David Belzner

Hello Sophia Belzner! What are you studying at Nuremberg Tech?

“I am in the 7th semester of the bachelor’s degree programme in Social Work."

Why did you apply specifically for this scholarship?

“I decided to apply at the Evangelische Studienwerk Villigst, because I am Protestant and so applying to a Protestant funding association was intuitive. Nonetheless, I thought it was good that Villigst does not absolutely require that a person belong to the church or be faithful to receive funding. I was convinced by the open, tolerant, democratic, and reflected ideology and the social responsibility that results from it, because I can identify with this philosophy.”

What do you especially appreciate about your scholarship?

“Of course the financial support is a great relief that allows me to concentrate on other things. I am grateful for that, but it is far from being the only thing. What I really like is that Villigst gives me the feeling that I - as a whole person not just my studies and marks - am the focus of the support. I also receive personal advising and supervision, and exchanges and meetings with other Villigst scholarship recipients in the area - I value those aspects highly as well. Furthermore, the broad variety of other programmes (e.g. summer universities, language courses, seminars, etc.) and the option for support during a study abroad or social semester provided me opportunities within and besides my studies that I otherwise would not have had. And last, but not least: It meant a lot to me that after I was accepted by the Evangelische Studienwerk there was no probationary period, the scholarship is for the entire duration of studies. That gives me security that allows me to devote my time to other things.”

What long term effects - beyond your studies - do you expect as a result of the scholarship?

“Even though the current funding will end someday, I will remain in the Villigst network for life. I can continue my social commitment to and through the Evangelische Studienwerk, participate in regional and inter-regional events and meetings, pursue further education offers, and exchanges and discussions with people from diverse academic backgrounds. Furthermore, I am also convinced that the contacts I have gained and the energy that I have been able to invest in my volunteer work and in my studies because of the scholarship will have long-term effects on my life and my professional knowledge.” 10 Nov 2022 / CS / PP


  • You are a member of the Jewish faith
  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 30 Apr and 31 Oct

Further information:


  • Ideally, you are a member of a Muslim faith
  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities

Application deadline: 1 April or 1 October

Further information:

Gifted students grants from other church institutions

Target group:

  • Female students
  • Female students who are parents
  • Female students from outside Germany
  • Female students who are about to complete their degree


  • Ideally, you are a member of the Catholic faith

Application: 30 Jun and 31 Dec

Amount of the loan: 250 € or 500 € / month 

Duration of the loan: up to a maximum loan amount of 10,000 €

Specific features: Repayment of the loan (10% annually, 150 € / month minimum) upon employment

Further information:


  • You are a member of the Catholic faith

Application deadline: 31 January 2020

Amount of the loan: up to 5,000 €

Specific features: Repayment of the loan (minimum 100 €/month) 6 months after completing your studies

Further information:

Target group:

  • Students from developing or emerging countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, or Latin America
  • Students from countries in Central, East, or South East Europe, the Caucasus, or Central Asia


  • Above average academic achievements
  • Personal commitment through (volunteer) activities
  • Ideally, you are a member of the Catholic faith
  • You are pursuing your studies with the intent to return to your home region permanently.


  • Scholarship Program 1: application possible at any time
  • Scholarship Program 2: twice annually 
  • Eastern Europe Program: 15 Jan or 30 July

Further information:

Other scholarships

Target group:

  • this support programme is aimed at young migrants who want to obtain a higher education entrance qualification in Germany, prepare for university studies and aim for an academic career and who live in Germany as refugees, Jewish immigrants, or late repatriates or their relatives.
  • You are not older than 30.

 Purpose of the funding:

  • Course costs
  • Learning materials lump sum
  • Travel costs 
  • Living costs
  • Accommodation costs
  • Health insurance
  • Tutoring
  • Special costs (translation, recognition of academic achievements, certification)

Application: within the framework of the advisory interview at the Bildungsberatungsstellen

Amount of the funding: depends upon the assistance measure(s) 

Duration of funding: up to a maximum of 30 months

Further information:

“Working-class students” have access to consultation hours or meet-ups with mentors in every city.

For people from Nuremberg and Erlangen, these usually take place every second Thursday of the month at 8.00 pm. To find out where the meetings take place, please write an email to: nuernbergatarbeiterkindPunktde

Further information:

In addition, it has proven to be a good idea to independently and proactively search for scholarships and other funding opportunities on company websites.