Vielfalt als Chance
Vielfalt als Chance


The University Service for Family, Equality, and Occupational Health (HSFG) is the central contact point for students on the topic of equality. The HSFG is happy to provide advice on all matters and questions or to find suitable contact persons within and outside the university. The advancement of women continues to be an important focus. In this area, female employees assist the university Women’s Affairs Officer with her various projects. For example, the HSFG offers the simone engineering mentoring project for female students of technical Faculties, which supports them in their career and professional planning. 

simone – mentoring in technical subjects for female students

The simone engineering mentoring project is offered to female students in technical Faculties.
Why do we offer programmes for female students?

‘Experiences abroad’ theme night

The mentoring programme simone supports and advances young women during their studies and when they enter the professional world.

The core of the programme is the tandem: Female students from the scientific and technical Faculties (mentees) pair up with experienced female engineers and computer scientists from industry (mentors) to form a team of two. The pairs organize meetings to share ideas at their own discretion and on an equal footing. The mentor passes on her experience to the mentee, and advises and supports the student in her professional and career planning.


In addition to the individual meetings with the mentors, the participants benefit from:

  • Qualification seminars – for the participants of each year group, seminars are offered free of charge (e.g. on the topic of “rhetoric”).
  • Theme evenings – where the mentors and mentees of each year group exchange ideas in moderated or round table discussions (for example on the topics of “compatibility” or “experiences abroad”).
  • Networking events – former participants and mentors not active in the current round are invited to networking events. At networking events, there is an informal exchange of ideas.
  • Joint visits to companies in the region.
  • Open exchange in a group of female STEM students from different semesters.


In a joint project, the students plan, organize, and host the “Girls’ day” for female pupils in the 9th grade of Nuremberg Tech’s partner schools.

A cohort cycle covers nine months from November of each year. The cohort has approximately one evening meeting per month. At the end, the students receive a certificate.

The target group is female students of the technical Faculties of Nuremberg Institute of Technology from the 3rd study semester onwards.

Concise information about simone is available in this brochure.

The simone engineering mentoring project is implemented as part of BayernMentoring, a project of the Women’s Affairs Officers for Bavarian universities of applied sciences.

Opportunities for mentees
  • Personal development
    In discussions with your mentor, you will learn to recognize and realistically assess your own abilities and strengths.
  • Becoming more self-confident
    Talking to your mentor in confidence also gives you the chance to talk about your weaknesses, doubts, and fears and to realize that these are neither unusual nor insurmountable.
  • Expanding your qualifications
    You can take advantage of your mentor’s informal knowledge of structures, internal rules of the game, and tips and tricks for everyday work.
  • Strengthening social skills
    You will train your social skills and can work with your mentor on individual aspects of these skills.
  • Career planning
    You will gain clarity about your professional and personal goals and, together with your mentor, will be able to consider how you can successfully enter the workplace.
  • Networking
    You will learn the importance of networks and contacts for your professional life and will learn how to make and maintain helpful contacts.
Role of the mentees
  • Setting goals
    You decide which topics you want to discuss with your mentor.
  • Activity
    You will arrange the appointments jointly and keep in contact.
  • Implementation
    Take the opportunity to try out new things, make mistakes, and discuss them.
  • Willingness to learn and ability to take criticism
    You are open to feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism and are also able to offer your own criticism.
  • Personal responsibility
    Only you can decide what you want to achieve in your career and in your life.
Opportunities for mentors
  • Fresh momentum
    The mentoring process can offer fresh momentum for your own work, both in terms of the work you do and how you do it.
  • Self-reflection
    Feedback from your mentee will give you the opportunity to discuss, rethink, and re-evaluate your own professional and methodological skills.
  • Passing on knowledge
    Results from other mentoring programs indicate that the success of mentoring for the mentor is particularly evident in the successful transfer of their own knowledge to the mentee.
  • Building up and expanding qualifications
    The seminars offered as part of the mentoring programme, as well as close contact with the university, offer you opportunities to further develop your psychosocial and professional skills.
Tasks of the mentors
  •  Counseling and knowledge transfer mentoring requires you to use your psychosocial counseling skills. It is not only important to convey topics in a clearly structured manner and to supervise learning processes, but also to provide solution-oriented advice without presenting ready-made solutions.
  • Guidance and strategy development
    In the event of problems, provide encouragement and assistance, where possible. As an impartial voice, you can highlight possibilities and the potential for development to your mentee, or help her to discover unconventional, promising solutions.
  • Support
    You will support your mentee in the development of realistic short- and long-term career goals, define strategic steps with her and evaluate them together.
  • Networking
    You will show your mentee the importance and function of networking and willingly open up your own cross-hierarchical networks to the mentee.

Female students of the technical Faculties of Nuremberg Tech can participate as mentees from their 3rd semester (Fachsemester) onwards. In addition to engineering, technical degree programmes also include the programmes in the Faculties of Computer Science; Applied Chemistry; and Applied Mathematics, Physics and Humanities.

You have until 15 October to apply for the  new project round . Please register on the BayernMentoring website:

In parallel to your online registration, please also register with the project team at

We are always pleased to welcome new mentors!

If, for example, you are a female engineer, computer scientist, mathematician, or natural scientist and have at least three years of practical experience, you are welcome to join simone.


You can register online as a mentor at:


In parallel to your online registration, please contact the programme coordinator for a personal interview at:

The project is an initiative of BayernMentoring and is supported by mentors from well-known companies in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. Since 2015, various companies have been financially supporting the successful project as sponsors.

Counseling services

The University Service for Family, Equality, and Occupational Health sees itself as an overarching organization covering all aspects of equality. In addition to gender issues, it is also responsible for various aspects of diversity within the meaning of the General Act on Equal Treatment. In this area of work, it cooperates closely with the Competence Center for Gender and Diversity. It also networks with various office holders within the university and is happy to arrange further contacts if required.

The University Service for Family, Equality, and Occupational Health has a wide range of advisory services specifically for women. These include, in particular:

  • advice on career planning, especially in scientific fields and
  • on corresponding funding programmes
  • advice on discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Nuremberg Tech’s Career Service offers various services to assist you with questions regarding career development.

