Photo: WavebreakMedia/ Fotolia

An overview of services, programmes, and support for international students

Individual counseling for students

In the International Academic Services, you will find professional guidance and support for the following areas: 

  • Organising your studies and managing your academic progress
  • Questions about residence permits, foreigners' registration office (“Ausländerbehörde”)
  • Organisational challenges, e.g. health insurance, GEZ (licence fee for public broadcasting)
  • Financial distress or need
  • Imminent removal from the student register (disenrollment, exmatriculation)
  • Changing your degree programme or university
  • Feelings of social isolation
  • Adapting to the German teaching and learning culture
  • Study skills consultation

You can reach us by email at ohm-internationalatth-nuernbergPunktde. We are happy to speak with you as well, by telephone or video conference, or in our offices.

Walk-in office hours: Wednesday, 9:30-11:30 am and Thursday, 1:00-3:00 pm in Building WF, Room WF.109 or WF.207.

Photo: International Office

Degree subject support in a peer network

Student mentors – for students, by students

Having trouble keeping up with your lectures, completing your homework, and preparing for a presentation? Is the exam period about to begin again and you need a bit of help with your studying? If the learning and teaching culture in Germany still poses a challenge for you, you can count on support tailored to your needs!

Student from a variety of Faculties will provide you with tailored help with questions about the organisation of studies in your Faculty and support you with subject-specific queries or exam preparation.

For more information, please contact christina.freundlatth-nuernbergPunktde.

Courses and workshops

For international students, there is a whole range of courses providing you with further assistance alongside your subject-specific schedule to help them study successfully. An overview:

  • B2-C1 German courses during the semester
    These courses will allow you to learn and practice on German grammar. Exercises focus on conversation, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. For more information, visit the Language Center website.
  • Intercultural competence and learning in the German university system
    In these courses you will learn about communication and conduct in international working environments. For more information, visit the Language Center website.
  • Application-writing training and entry into the workplace
    The Career Service seminars provide you with assistance in creating the right application portfolio for internships and entry into the workplace. The Career Service also offers a comprehensive seminar programme to provide you with support in your competence development and interview tips, among other things.
  • Academic writing during your studies
    The Writing Center offers individual support on academic research methods in writing consulting sessions and workshops aimed at helping students develop their writing skills.
  • Soft skills
    The Future Skills Weeks are a condensed programme that offer Ohm students the opportunity to gain future-oriented skills and competence, engage with specialists from business and experienced trainers, and experience innovative learning spaces. The workshop programme is usually held in the period just before the winter and summer semester begin each year.

    Working together with the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), the Language Center is continually developing new e-learning language courses and resources that are available to students throughout Bavaria. The vhb offers broad range of courses that students can take for free, including mathematics bridging course, German as a foreign languge C1: “Schreiben im Studium”, Business language, “Selbstmanagement im Studium”, etc.

Culture and leisure programme

The Ohm’s culture and leisure programme is for all international and German students and staff at the Ohm. At our Language Tandem or Country Evening events or on one of the excursions offered by the International Office, you will have many ways to network, learn about new countries and languages, or to simply meet up and talk.

More information is available on the Internationalisation at home webpage.

International Academic Services counseling team

Name Contact
Anne Hanika Anne Hanika
Kerstin Hengerer Kerstin Hengerer
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)

Counseling for international students in programmes offered in German

Language Center - information and advice on language courses

Email: language-centeratth-nuernbergPunktde

IB Office - advice for students in our English-language business degree programmes

Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng. / English-language) - counseling for students in the programme

Name Contact
Daniela Gaibl Daniela Gaibl

Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg (Student Services) - advice about living accommodations, psychological counseling, and advice about legal regulations

Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg

Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1 
90403 Nuremberg
Telephone: (09 11) 588 57 – 0

Psychological counseling at the Ohm

Information about everything you need to know about coming to the Ohm - e.g., living, student funding information, and more