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Internship abroad

An internship abroad is an excellent opportunity to obtain some international experience while studying for your degree. As well as being a great addition to your CV, an internship abroad allows you to put your specialist academic knowledge to use in practice while significantly expanding your personal horizon and improving your knowledge of a foreign language at first hand in the country where it is spoken.

Before commencing their internship, many students initially have a lot of questions regarding how their internship abroad is organised: What is the best way forward; where should I start? How can a find a suitable position? When must I apply? What formalities need to be taken into account? How can I fund my stay?

The International Office provides the following types of assistance:

  • Advice about the best way forward, about formalities, and about funding programmes

  • Contacts within companies/institutions and current vacancies

  • Application handbooks available on loan

  • Issuing necessary certifications

  • Testimonials on the experiences of previous interns abroad

Christina Hempel is responsible for providing advice of all types relating to internships abroad. Contact details and office hours are listed under the tab "Contact and Advice for internships abroad".

Before a personal counseling appointment, you should take the time to read our CHECKLIST FOR INTERNSHIPS ABROAD.

University contacts for internships abroad and details of current vacancies are available under the following links to the Ohm’s intranet. You will also find testimonials on the experiences of previous interns abroad and country-related information with overviews of the most important facts.





Presentation on internships abroad from 7 Nov 2023 - slides

> Presentation on ESPA-UK from 9 April 2024 - slides

Searching for a position

Looking for a suitable internship position requires initiative, motivation, and commitment. The following tips may be useful when searching for a position:

Employment contacts within the International Office:
A large number of EMPLOYMENT CONTACTSwithin companies/institutions that may take on interns are listed on the university’s intranet pages. The contacts are updated regularly and, in many cases, the positions in question have already been occupied in the past by interns from the Ohm. We will also provide details of CURRENT VACANCIES.

In addition to jobs and internships within Germany, the jobs listings platform, “Jobbörse”, also offers details of job and employment opportunities abroad.

Internet portals and search engines
Many websites and portals provide job advertisements or search engines for internships domestically and abroad free of charge. Here are just a few examples:

Internship agencies
There is a large number of exchange organizations and organizations acting as internship agencies. Many of those are free to use, but others charge intermediation fees. Examples of intermediary organizations that operate free of charge can be found in the CHECKLISTE AUSLANDSPRAKTIKUM (INTERNSHIPS ABROAD CHECKLIST).

More tips and links

  • Contact former employers and ask for contacts abroad
  • Speak to the lecturers from your courses (many of them have contacts abroad)
  • German Chambers of Commerce Abroad
  • The “Wege ins Auslandspraktikum” (Routes towards an Internship Abroad) initiative
  • > "studieren weltweit - ERLEBE ES!" Kampagne des BMBF und DAAD
  • German Academic Exchange Service > Study, research, and teach abroad > Internships

Applying and preparing

  • When? As a rule of thumb: For internships in Europe, you should allow for around 6 months of preparation time and for internships outside of Europe, between 6 and 12 months.
  • How? Nowadays, applications are mostly made by email or directly, via an online application portal. When applying, make sure you follow the country-specific conventions when making applications (such as the differences between a CV when applying to the UK and when applying to the USA).
    Application handbooks containing tips and examples are available from the university library or directly from us in the International Office.
  • In the Language Center, you can find a range of courses or workshops that will prepare you linguistically and interculturally for a period spent abroad. A special consultation with lecturers provides an opportunity to have CVs and application letters corrected by a native speaker of the language concerned.
  • Each semester, the Career Service organizes a multifaceted range of seminars (such as application training, etc.) and will provide individual consultations if needed.

University formalities

As a general principle, you have the opportunity to complete a required or elective internship in another country.

Required internship semester

If you wish to complete your required internship semester in another country, you can have it recognised in full by your Faculty. In order to achieve this, it is fundamentally important that you follow the degree programme-specific instructions of the Faculty concerned.

If you have a prospective job or have received a specific offer for a job, you can check in the internships database (StudyOhm) to see whether the institution has already been approved for your degree programme. If an approval has not yet been saved on the system, you will need to complete the Meldebogen für noch nicht registrierte Firmen/Einrichtungen (Notification of unregistered companies/institutions form) and have it signed by the academic internship coordinator in your Faculty.

As a final step, you can take the steps needed to obtain the official Ausbildungsvertrag (Training Contract). This will be signed by you, the institution offering the internship, and the academic placement coordinator of the Faculty concerned and then submitted in triplicate to the Student Advisory Service.

Voluntary internship

In the case of a voluntary internship, the university formalities do not apply. A contract is concluded directly between yourself and the institution providing the internship.

A voluntary internship is something that can easily be completed during a leave of absence, for example. An application for leave of absence can be made at the Student Advisory Service (the internship must last at least 2 months)

Summary of all degree-related experiences abroad

A record of all degree-related stays abroad is created at the Ohm and the experience is officially documented in the Diploma Supplement, the annex to the final official transcript conferred upon you. 
The “Record of degree-related study abroad” form required for this purpose can be found in the download center on the homepage of the Student Office.
Please complete the record form and email it to the Student Advisory Service (email: studienbuero@th-nuernberg.) at thelatest after completing your internship abroad, along with your internship contract.

Funding opportunities

Many funding opportunities are available to provide financial support during internships abroad. A selection of the most usual funding programmes can be found on the university’s intranet pages, in section entitled STIPENDIEN AUSLANDSPRAKTIKUM (Grants for internships abroad)

When applying, make sure that you apply by the relevant deadline, that your application documents are complete, and that you meet all of the funding criteria!

Erasmus+ programme internships - WiSe 2024/25

Slides from the information event about Erasmus+ internships in WiSe 2024/25 on 4 June 2024

Erasmus explanatory videos are available under the following links:

Internship abroad with Erasmus
Study abroad or an internship under the Erasmus programme?

Who can receive funding?


  • All students enrolled in a degree programme (or other tertiary-level qualification) at the Ohm are eligible for funding. No funding is available for exchange students
  • Students spending a period of residence abroad in a country that forms part of the programme may only receive funding if the country concerned is neither the country in which the sending institution is located, nor the student’s country of residence
  • Students not receiving additional funding under any other EU programme


Under the Erasmus+ programme, the Ohm also awards grants to graduates. The following conditions apply:

  • participants must still be enrolled as students at the time of application and there must already be a letter of offer for the internship
  • participants must have completed their studies by the time the internship begins
  • the participant must not yet have reached the maximum duration of funding (360 days) during their bachelor’s or master’s degree programme

For graduates, funding is possible for up to 12 months after completing your degree.

What can be funded?

  • Required internships and voluntary placements of two months (60 days) or longer. In accordance with the definition laid down by the European Commission, 1 month of funding is always equivalent to 30 days precisely.
  • Programme-related internships that form part of the curriculum
  • Full-time internships involving at least 30 working hours per week

Duration of funding:
Mobility allowances for Erasmus internships can be granted for a period of at least two months of funding (60 days) up to a maximum of 12 months of funding (360 days).
Students may have recourse to funding on more than one occasion, but for no more than 360 days total in an Erasmus study abroad and/or an Erasmus traineeship per study cycle (bachelor’s or master's degree programme).

Applications for internships in winter semester 2024/25 can be submitted within the framework of this Erasmus funding cycle.

Hosting institutions:
Hosting institutions for internships and practical stays can either be universities or any other institution located in one of the programme countries that is active on the labour market or in the field of general or vocational education.


  • EU institutions or other EU bodies, including specialist agencies (full list)
  • Bodies administering EU programmes (e.g., national agencies), so as to avoid conflicts of interest or dual funding

Countries eligible for funding
EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

Programme and partner countries outside the EU:
Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

The funding
Funded students receive an allowance towards their living costs. The level of funding is based on the different living costs in the destination countries and is subdivided into three groups. For winter semester 2024/25, the funding rates are as follows:

  • Country group 1: 750 euros per month of funding Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
  • Country group 2: 690 euros per month of funding  Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
  • Country group 3: 690 euros per month of funding: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey

Supplemental funding

Travel days

Up to 2 additional travel days may be requested, if needed (i.e., if you don’t arrive on the first day of your mobility or don’t depart on the last day of your mobility).

Green travel

If the majority of the travel (more than 50% of the outward and return journey) is via a low-emission means of transport (e.g., rail, bus, bicycle, ride sharing), up to 6 travel days may be requested that will be funded in accord with the funding rates for the destination country.

Social Top-Up grants for students with fewer opportunities

In addition to the regular funding rates, certain participants may request supplemental funding, “Social Top-Ups”, which amount to 250 euros/month:

  • Students with a disability (> GdB 20)
  • Students with a chronic illness (which leads to increased financial need abroad)
  • Students with children, who are undertaking a mobility abroad
  • First-generation students (students whose parents are non-academics)
  • Students who are employed

The criteria and more information about Green Travel and more information about the Social Top-Ups is available in the overview, Supplemental funding in the Erasmus+ programme

Actual cost requests for students with fewer opportunities

It is still possible for students with a disability (GdB of 20 or higher) or chronic illnesses (with associated additional financial requirements) and funding recipients on their mobility with a child or children to request additional funds to cover actual additional costs associated with their stay abroad (maximally 15,000 euros / semester or 30,000 euros / academic year). In addition, if a student has been selected for a mobility, they may apply for and make a preparatory trip in advance, to familiarise and orient themselves with the local conditions.

As actual cost requests must be submitted to the NA DAAD and various documents are required, these requests must be made a number of months in advance. Please contact us early in the process for actual cost requests (ideally around 6 months before your internship begins).

How can I apply for Erasmus support for an internship?

  • When making your application, please follow our Erasmus+ internship guide
  • As soon as you have received confirmation that your internship has been accepted, you can submit the Application form together with the additional documentation required in Step 1 to the International Office by email. If a contract does not yet exist, this can be submitted later if necessary.
  • To ensure that your application is processed in time, applications should be submitted two months before the internship begins. Applications submitted later can be accepted if agreed with the International Office, if sufficient time and resources are still available before the internship. All formalities must be completed before the internship begins.
  • Applications for Erasmus internship funding will be processed strictly in order of receipt. In addition to submitting the application in time, the criteria for the issuing of grants also require that the documentation submitted should be complete, the formal requirements must be fulfilled, and the funding monies must be available.
  • After all documents from Step 1 have been received, in Step 2, the IO will email you the Erasmus Learning Agreement, the access information for the OLS language assessment, detailed information on the topics of safety and insurance, and the respective declarations for supplementary funding, if applicable.

Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement (LA) is an essential component of the Erasmus mobility programme. In the LA the subject matter, goals, and framework of your internship are agreed and the manner in which the Ohm will recognise the experience. The Learning Agreement must be completed and signed before your mobility begins. The document is signed before the internship begins by the student, the training institution, and a member of the student’s Faculty (usually the academic internship coordinator). Make sure you plan in enough time for the Learning Agreement process.

Online Linguistic Support (OLS) and OLS Language Assessment
Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is currently available for 29 languages (24 official European Union languages and Icelandic, Norwegian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Turkish).
The OLS language assessment in the respective main working language of their internship is required for all Erasmus participants before their mobility begins. However, it does not form a selection criterion for funding under the Erasmus+ programme and does not apply to native speakers. The language test assesses and documents a person’s current level of proficiency in a language. 
In addition, Erasmus participants can use the OLS language course to improve their foreign language proficiency in the working language and/or in the national language during their time abroad.

All Erasmus programme funding recipients from the Ohm are obliged to secure adequate insurance coverage for the entire duration of their internship (including travel to and from the host country). This includes, in particular:

  • Health insurance for the entire duration of the time abroad. It is important to note that national health insurance with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) only provides basic insurance coverage. Often this is insufficient, specifically, if return transport to your home country or special medical interventions are necessary. Therefore, it is highly recommended to arrange for additional supplementary insurance.
  • Liability insurance that also includes coverage for damages at a workplace
  • Accident insurance that includes coverage for accidents at a workplace
  • Life insurance (recommended)

Furthermore, all grantees are obliged to determine if any additional insurance coverage is required in the host country and, if so, to secure such insurance policies.

The DAAD group insurance offers a comprehensive package (Tariff 720)

Health and safety
Please be aware of all of the information provided in the section “Health and safety information”.

Grant Agreement
After all documents from Steps 1 and 2 have been received, you will receive the Grant Agreement. It is mandatory that this agreement be signed and submitted as an original before the internship abroad begins.

Financial disbursement
The first disbursement of 70% is issued at the beginning of the internship. The remaining 30% is disbursed in a second payment after the internship has concluded and the documentation of the end of the mobility has been received.

Concluding formalities
Once their internship has come to an end, all funding recipients who have taken part in an Erasmus mobility action are obliged to complete the following concluding formalities:

  • They must submit a reference from a qualified person
  • Completion of an EU survey (online)
  • They must submit a report of their experience in their own words

Erasmus Charta for students
The rights and duties of students under the Erasmus programme are governed by the “Erasmus Students’ Charter”, a copy of which is handed to all students before their stay abroad begins.

Contact person for Erasmus internships
Christina Hempel
Tel.: 0911/ 5880 - 4113

Joseph Jehlicka
Tel.: 0911/ 5880 - 4294

Visas and entry into Germany

Visa/work permit

Nationals of EU and EEA Member States are entitled to work in another country belonging to the EU, without obtaining a visa or work permit.

Outside the EU
If you are undertaking an internship in a non-EU Member State, you will need a visa or a work permit. For information, the best thing is to contact the embassy of the relevant country in Germany. A list of embassies and/or consulates can be found on the homepage of the German Federal Foreign Office. The International Office is happy to issue certificates in English , if the embassy concerned so requires.

Special instructions regarding visas for the United Kingdom:
Since January 2021, following Brexit, a T5-visa is required for placements in the UK. For the visa, a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) is required, for which the company/institution in the UK must have a sponsor license. Please ask whether the institutions where you are applying for an internship/placement have such a license and placements are possible. Information about the T5-visa:
Information about the CoS  
Information about insurance in the UK:

For internships that are negotiated via the ESPA-UK agency, ESPA-UK can organise a CoS.

Special instructions regarding visas for the USA:
To undertake an internship in the USA, you will need a J1 visa. You can apply for one at the relevant US consulate.    One of the essential requirements when it comes to obtaining a J1 visa is to submit what is known as the DS-2019 form (certificate of eligibility) to the US consulate.  This form can only be obtained from exchange organisations or visa agencies certified by the U.S. Department of State (a processing fee is payable), such as

Special instructions regarding visas for South Africa:
Since 2015, it has unfortunately no longer been possible to obtain an internship visa for South Africa. 

Special instructions regarding visas for China:
We recommend contacting BayCHINA if you are planning to do an internship in China to receive advice about the current visa situation.


Health insurance

If you are undertaking your internship in another Member State of the EU, you will find the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) on the reverse side of your health card. You can use this to obtain treatment in other European countries. Nevertheless, we recommend looking into whether taking out additional health insurance providing specific services during your stay abroad is appropriate for you.

Outside the EU
If you are undertaking your internship in a non-European country, we recommend that you take out health insurance for foreign stays in all cases. For information, the best thing is to enquire with your health insurance organisation, or with a private-sector provider, such as ADAC, CareMed or ERV.

Please note: In view of the fact that while undertaking your internship abroad, your student status at the Ohm will continue, your statutory student’s health insurance in Germany must be maintained in all cases!

Liability insurance

Generally speaking, the majority of private liability insurance policies will provide cover for stays abroad of up to one year. For details, please enquire directly with your insurance company.
It remains sensible to ensure you are covered for damages in/at a workplace, if you are undertaking an internship abroad.
For stays abroad supported by Erasmus+, liability insurance for workplaces is required and must be documented.

Accident insurance

If an internship is with a foreign employer or with a foreign branch of a German company abroad, statutory accident insurance under German law does not provide cover. Please ensure you have adequate accident insurance coverage.
For stays abroad supported by Erasmus+, accident insurance for workplaces is required and must be documented.

DAAD collective insurance

We would like to draw your attention to the comprehensive offer of the DAAD collective insurance (tariff 720), which can be used for required internships and for all internships supported by the DAAD/Erasmus+ (required and voluntary).

Health and safety


Before travelling, please consult your family doctor or the vaccinations advice center at the Nordklinikum Nürnberg or the Klinikum Erlangen in good time about any vaccinations required for travel to your country of destination.

In any case, please observe the current medical information from the Foreign Office.
An up-to-date information service regarding medical requirements for travellers is also available on the website,


Information about general safety precautions

Internships abroad in any country are still possible in principle and can be undertaken, if you wish and bearing your own risk. Please note the following general information about safety precautions in your planning:

  • Submit your information in any case to the crisis provision list “ Elefand ” at the German Foreign Office for German citizens
  • Remember your health care provisions (travel health insurance, vaccinations, prophylaxis, first-aid items, and medications)
  • Educate yourself about your host country and what behaviours are appropriate there
  • Make note of important emergency numbers
  • Copy/scan important documents

A detailed overview of the most important safety precautions with links is available in the following checklist from the DAAD: Information about general safety precautions

Travel and safety information from the German Foreign Office

The Foreign Office offers the app “ Sicher Reisen ” and publishes travel information, safety information, and travel warnings regularly.

  • Travel information will cover the entry requirements of a country, medical information, particular legal information (criminal and customs law). The information provided is regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Safety information indicates specific risks for Germans who are traveling or living abroad. They may contain recommendations to refrain or restrict travel. As may be appropriate, there may be an explicit advisory against undertaking not absolutely necessary travel or any travel at all. The information is regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Travel warnings contain urgent appeals from the Foreign Office to refrain from traveling to a country or region of a country. They are only issued, if it is necessary to warn against travel to a country or a region of a country due to an acute danger to limb and life. Travel warnings are only seldom issued. Germans who live in a country for which a travel warning is issued may be summoned to leave the country.

Travel and safety information as well as travel warnings are based on information available to the Foreign Office at a given time that is considered reliable by that office. A guarantee that the information is correct and complete as well as liability for possible damages cannot be assumed.

The Foreign Office continues to urgently advise securing travel health insurance with repatriation insurance if travelling abroad.

Accommodation and living


Generally speaking, you will receive tips and links about possible accommodation in the area, once you have received an offer of a job. In many cases, previous interns can also provide valuable tips on looking for somewhere to live. For details, please take a look at our testimonials.

Contact and consultations for internships abroad


Christina Hempel

Tel.: 0911 5880 - 4113

Open office hours (Room WF.203):

Wednesday, 9.30 – 11.30 am
Thursday, 1.00 – 3.00 pm You can come by for a consultation during the open office hours without making an appointment.
If you would like an appointment outside of the open office hours or for a consultation on Zoom/Teams, please send an email to arrange an appointment.