You will receive an offer of a study place in your degree programme with the admission letter; now you will still need to enrol in (register for) this degree programme.

The admission letter is not the same as enrolment!

You can find the application form for binding enrolment in your desired degree programme in your personal degree programme overview in our online application portal.

You must first enrol online in StudyOhm.

After you have completed your online enrolment, your binding enrolment application will be available in StudyOhm in PDF format. The most important step is that you sign this form and submit it by the deadline. Submit your binding enrolment application to the university, together with all of the documents referred to therein, by the deadline set out in your admission letter.

Enrolment deadlines

The binding enrolment deadlines specific to your degree programme can be  found in your admission letter. If the university receives your documents late (determined by the date on which it receives them), this will result in the loss of your place in the degree programme.

Once the documents have been received and checked, you will be enrolled and you can download your enrolment documents and information relating to starting your degree programme from your applicant account.

You can check the current status of your application at any time in your applicant account.   

Important evidence and information

Please note: The university does not provide certifications.

For some degree programmes you must submit officially certified copies when you enrol. Please note the information in the admission letter and the application for enrolment about the form in which you must submit the documents. Even though enrolment in most degree programmes is now purely digital, you can still be required to submit the originals/officially certified copies at any time.

Official certifications may be obtained from any public body that bears an official seal:

  • Authorities
  • Civil-law notaries
  • Churches organized under public law

Certifications from the following bodies will not be accepted (even if they bear a seal):

  • Lawyers
  • Associations
  • Auditors
  • Accountants

An improperly produced certification will result in exclusion from the process.     


Required elements

An official certification must include at least the following:

  • an endorsement certifying that the document is a true copy of the original  = certifying endorsement (Beglaubigungsvermerk)
  • the signature of the certifying person, and
  • the stamp of the official seal. An official seal generally features an emblem. A simple text-based stamp is not sufficient.


Should the certification fail to fulfil the stated requirements, the university will not accept the document. Please ensure yourself that the certification complies with the form requirements. Please draw the certifying body’s attention to the form of certification.

If a copy consists of several individual sheets, it must have been verified that each page represents a copy from the same certificate. It is sufficient for only one page to feature the certifying endorsement and signature, provided all sheets are laid on top of one another (e.g. so that they overlap), are bound, and stamped in such a way that part of the official seal appears on each page. Each page may also be certified individually, of course. You must always make sure that your name appears on each page of the original. If it is not shown on all pages, it must be included in the certifying endorsements together with a note explaining the nature of the certificate.

If the front and back of a page feature a copy and it reflects the content of the two pages, the certifying endorsement must relate to the front and back pages (e.g.: “I hereby certify that the document shown on the front and the reverse are a true copy of the original”). Should this not be the case, the front and back of a sheet will need to be certified separately.

New students und transfer students must provide proof of payment of the Student Services fee stated in the admission letter by the date of enrolment.

If payment is not made by the deadline, enrolment will not be possible. 

You will need to present proof of payment from your bank or a recent bank account statement to enrol. The university's bank account details can be found in your enrolment application, which is generated after completing online enrolment in StudyOhm.

Refunds of the Student Services fee for first-year and transfer students

Should you not wish to accept your study place despite having already completed enrolment, it is only possible to obtain a refund if the university receives a request for removal from the student register by 14 March for a summer semester or 30 September for a winter semester. If this is the case, please email a request for removal from the student register (exmatriculation) due to refusal of the study place including your applicant and student ID numbers

If the university does not receive your request by these dates, a refund of the Student Services fee will no longer be possible.

This procedure applies only for individuals refusing a study place, students enrolled at the Ohm must submit requests for removal from the student register in StudyOhm. More information on this topic is available on the Intranet.

Health insurance requirement

To enrol, a notification of your health insurance coverage (“Versicherungsstatus”) must be entered.

To this end, as of 1 January 2022, the electronic student registration procedure (“Studentische Meldeverfahren, SMV”) was established in accord with § 199a SGB V.

As soon as you receive an admission letter, please inform your statutory health insurer that you would like to register at the TH Nürnberg (No. H0001166).
The health insurance provider will then send us an electronic notification of your health insurance coverage.
It is required to use the electronic registration procedure. That means, the law no longer permits a notification in paper form. The university informs the health insurance provider after enrolment is completed.

Even if you have private health insurance or are co-insured (with a parent or spouse), please contact a statutory health insurance provider of your choice. This provider will send an electronic notification on your behalf to the Ohm.

Confirmations from a private insurance provider regarding the existence of a policy cannot be accepted.

Applicants who would like to be exempted from the insurance requirement receive an electronic notification from the statutory health insurance provider that states this exemption.

The situation outlined above applies correspondingly for applicants from another EU Member State.

Similarly, the health insurance providers inform the Ohm by electronic notification, if the type of insurance changes, coverage is terminated, or if there is a change of health insurance provider.
Failure to pay health or long-term care insurance premiums may result in your not being able to enrol at the university or register for upcoming semesters.

A new confirmation of coverage must therefore also be submitted by the health insurance provider, if you have been removed from the student register of the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm and you are re-enrolling for the next semester, e.g., in a new degree programme.

Further useful information:


Proof of health insurance

In the registration procedure (SMV) for student health insurance, your confirmation of health insurance coverage is transferred electronically from the respective health insurance provider to the university, upon your request.

It is not possible to enrol at the university without this confirmation of coverage.

Certificates of permanent entitlement and insurance cards cannot be accepted as they do not suffice for definite confirmation of insurance status.

After you are enrolled, you will not need to provide a new confirmation of coverage in order to register for subsequent semesters.

The university will be informed of students who change their statutory health insurance policy during their degree programme by the new health insurance provider.

For your safety at university, please read and adhere to the Ohm’s “Sicherheitsrechtliche Grundunterweisung” (English version: Basic Safety Instructions). When you enrol or register for the semester, you are confirming that you have read and are informed of this information.

The brochure below provides detailed information about statutory accident insurance cover at higher education institutions for students and interns.

Statutory accident insurance cover at higher education institutions (PDF)