Physics block course

  • An online physics course is offered in cooperation with the Rosenheim Technical University for Applied Sciences for students in all other degree programmes. More information about the “POWER – Physik Online Warm-Up für ERstsemester“ course is available on the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb) web pages.

Mathematics bridging course

The mathematics bridging course is designed for first-time students who would like to refresh and improve their knowledge of mathematics from secondary school in order to ensure they meet the required level for university before they begin their studies. Further information about the bridging course and registration is available at:

Bridging courses in English and German

“MaPhyN – Mathematik & Physik koNkret” is a web-based learning tool at the Ohm that offers all students and prospective students the opportunity to test and refresh their knowledge in maths and physics. If needed, participants can bring their knowledge up to the required level of the technical curriculum of FOS or BOS graduates before they begin their studies.

Registration key: MaPhyN

  • Even if you are not yet enrolled, you can borrow the following books from our Library :
    "Grundwissen Mathematik, ein Vorkurs für Fachhochschule und Universität" by Jan van de Craats and Rob Bosch (Springer Verlag)
    "Physik - der Grundkurs" by R. Pitka, S. Bohrmann, H. Stöcker, G. Terlecki (Verlag Harri Deutsch)

  • To facilitate your start at university, the vhb offers a bridging course that allows you to review the essential maths curriculum from school and gain an introduction to university-level maths.

  • In the online course “Mathe endlich verstehen” the foundations of mathematics is explained using a collection of videos, problems, and solutions.

  • Additionally, our university offers all prospective students an opportunity to visit trial lectures. You can visit regular lectures with no need to register beforehand.