Finding your way around the huge number of degree programmes and selecting the most appropriate one is anything but easy. Nevertheless, this often sets the initial – and often decisive – course for your professional career. That is why we have provided some useful tips for orientation.

In order to find out which degree programme is right for you, it is essential that you first pinpoint your own interests and abilities. And not just from an academic point of view, where the usual questions are:“Which subjects do I find easy?” and “Where have I been getting good results over a long period of time?”. Alongside academic performance, you may also have other talents and interests that could influence your choice of degree programme. This could be a social commitment or a passion for a particular hobby.<br/>  

Tests and tools (in german)

In order to support you during the orientation phase, the Ohm and a range of other providers offer you relevant online tests and tools:

  • The Ohm’s online self-assessments: Here you can find out how great your interest and your motivation for a particular degree programme is and whether you meet the general requirements for that degree programme.
  • Field of study-related test (SFBT): A service offered by the “Agentur für Arbeit” (employment agency). This comprehensive test checks whether a certain specialization would be suitable for you.
  • Degree programme interest test (“Studiumsinterssentest” - SIT):: Offered by the German Rectors’ Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz - HRK) and ZEIT ONLINE. Advantage: The test is integrated into the search portal and displays a list of specific degree programmes and universities. Disadvantage: The test only asks about your interests; it does not test your abilities, e.g. by asking you to complete tasks.
  • Orientation test (OT):: A test that allows you to discover what degree programme and what career is best suited to you. Your abilities and interests will be tested. The test was developed by universities in Baden-Württemberg. 

  • Examples of comprehensive, fee-based tests from private suppliers are Explorix and the GEVA test.

Should you wish to discuss your test results, please make an appointment with the Student Counseling Service at the Ohm..<br/>  

Additional tips for the orientation phase

  • Gain an overview of the diverse range of academic programmes at the Ohm
  • Complete internships while at school in order to get a feel for a particular profession.
  • Read job advertisements and consider whether you would be able to complete the tasks described.
  • Ask friends and family for their opinions or their own experiences.

What exactly does the “Materials Engineering” degree programme involve? What requirements will I need to meet in order to enrol in an “Architecture” degree programme? What job opportunities does the “Social Work” degree programme offer? In order to gain a clear understanding of the degree programme, you should take an in-depth look at the various different facets of your desired degree programme.

Degree programme database

The degree programme database provides a wealth of information concerning all of the degree programmes offered by the Ohm, including the specific content of the degree programme taken from the relevant module handbook. It also describes what exactly is taught during each individual lecture or during the internship modules.

Student Counseling Service

The staff at the Ohm’s Student Counseling Service offer personal counseling and support to help you select a degree programme.

Faculty Advisors

Should you have any in-depth questions concerning the curriculum of a degree programme, the degree programme database also provides contact details for the Faculty Advisor for the degree programme in question. Please make an appointment or send your questions via email.

Degree programme fairs

Degree programme fairs allow you to quickly gather information from various universities in a single day and to receive personal counseling.

Online self-assessments (in german)

The online self-assessments provided by the Ohm allow you to check whether a certain degree programme is aligned to your interests and meets your requirements. The tests are in two parts:

The online self-assessment allows you to find out how great your interest and your motivation is for a particular degree programme and whether you meet the general requirements for that degree programme. The subject-specific degree programme test will show you the specific prerequisites for the degree programme in question and the extent to which you meet them.

During the course of the test, you will receive in-depth information concerning the degree programme and its requirements, and you will also be signposted to useful aids in the event that you reveal weaknesses or gaps in specific subject areas.

Bridging courses

Nuremberg Tech offers a range of bridging courses covering mathematics  and  physics  , as well as certain foreign languages . These will allow you to improve upon what you learnt at school and bring your knowledge up to university level.

Preparatory courses for individuals with vocational qualifications

If you are an individual with vocational qualifications who has decided to complete a degree programme at the Ohm, you can take advantage of special preparatory offers and courses . These offers will help you to fill in any gaps in your knowledge in good time prior to commencing your studies. Study applicants with vocational qualifications are strongly encouraged to make use of these offers