Official contacts

There are official contacts for various aspects related to working and studying at Nuremberg Tech. Their areas of responsibility range from occupational safety to equal opportunities to questions about scholarships or stipends.

Responsible for the duties pursuant to §6 AsiG:

Advising the university in all occupational questions including designing workplaces and work that fosters the health and motivation of employees In particular:

  • in the design of work stations, procuring work equipment, hazardous substances, and construction measures,
  • producing risk assessments, operational guidelines, and safety guidelines,
  • in the process of introducing and commissioning operating facilities and technical work equipment, and working processes.
  • Regular site visits in work areas
  • Collaboration in training workshops for the Occupational Safety und Fire Prevention Officers
  • Investigating accidents


Ayse Gecer Ayse Gecer
Svenja Jelinski Svenja Jelinski
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Location Kesslerplatz

90489 Nürnberg, Room KV.003

Violence Prevention Team

Nuremberg Tech cares about the safety of its students and employees. This is why it has set up a university-wide violence prevention system. Nuremberg Tech has set up an interdepartmental violence prevention team. The team networks with internal and external partners (including the Staff Council, occupational health physician, the Middle Franconia violence prevention system, and Nuremberg police).

When should you get in touch with the Violence Prevention team?

  • you feel threatened or become aware of threats made to others
  • you or another person is affected by stalking
  • you or someone close to you (related to the university) is physically attacked
  • someone expresses suicidal thoughts
  • you see weapons or hear someone talking about weapons
  • you hear or read about extreme fantasies of violence.

Areas of responsibility

  • acting as a contact person for disabled and chronically ill students
  • giving advice in preparation for and during studies
  • advocating for special consideration due to extenuating circumstances in studies and examinations
  • participating in the planning and implementation of measures to assist disabled persons

Officer for students with disabilities

Name Contact
Ursula Meßmann Ursula Meßmann

Office hours

Monday, 9.30 – 12.00 pm and by appointment

Duties of the Fire Prevention Officer in accordance with GFPA Guideline 12-09/01, Point 2.2

  • Provision of advice and support to the responsible persons in all matters concerning fire prevention
  • Identifying and addressing fire prevention hazards
  • Performing site inspections and providing assistance in the assessment of the fire risk in workplaces
  • Controlling escape/rescue plans and fire prevention plans
  • Producing/updating of fire prevention regulations
  • Planning, organisation, and performance of evacuation drills
  • Training fire prevention/evacuation assistants according to ArbSchG and ASR 2.2

External fire prevention officer: Gerd Gruber


Can be contacted via the Safety Engineer:

Name Contact
Ayse Gecer Ayse Gecer

Location K: Keßlerplatz

90489 Nürnberg, Room KV.003

Duties of an Occupational Health Physician

  • Provision of guidance for the design of workplaces and the provision of work equipment, and during the administering of first aid
  • Regular tours of work areas
  • Collaboration during the risk assessment
  • Provision of guidance during briefings, provision of assistance during the training of Safety Officers
  • Investigation of occupational accidents and illnesses, proposal of measures aimed at avoiding these in the future
  • Provision of support and occupational health advice to employees (check-ups, immunisations, etc.)

Contact: Contact the Nuremberg Clinic via Ayşe Geçer

Ayse Gecer Ayse Gecer

Tasks of the official Data Protection Officer

The official Data Protection Officer carries out tasks within the scope of Art 37 - 39 DSGVO and, in addition, Art 12 and Art 24 BayDSG. Their competence extends in particular to:

  • ensuring compliance with the regulations on data protection, in particular BayDSG and DSGVO
  • providing training for data protection coordinators at the university
  • maintaining a register of data processing activities in accord with Art 30 DSGVO
  • providing advice, answering enquiries, and handling complaints in data protection matters

Data Protection Officer

Michael Günther Michael Günther
M.A., Dipl.-Bibl. (FH)

Postal address

Nuremberg Institute of Technology

-  Data Protection Officer -

Keßlerplatz 12

D-90489 Nuremberg

Duties of the Women's Affairs Officers

  • provide information concerning funding opportunities for female students
  • provide information concerning job prospects for women
  • organise events aimed at imparting and practising specific key qualifications
  • issue guidance concerning discrimination and violence against women
  • support and promote areas of teaching and practice that are specific to women
  • work towards increasing the proportion of female professors.

Do not hesitate to talk to your Faculty's Women's Affairs Officer or the university’s Women's Affairs Officer should you have any questions or problems!

Women’s Affairs Officer:

Prof. Areti Papastavrou

Keßlerplatz 12
90489 Nuremberg
Telephone: + 49 911 5880-1382
Email: frauenbeauftragteatth-nuernbergPunktde

Consultation hours

by appointment 



Faculty Women’s Affairs Officers

A list of all Women’s Affairs Officers by Faculty.

Deputy Women’s Affairs Officer:

Prof. Renate Bitzan

Keßlerplatz 12
90489 Nuremberg
Email: renate.bitzanatth-nuernbergPunktde

Consultation hours

by appointment

  • Promoting and ensuring the execution of the Bavarian Equality Act and the concept of equality
  • Safeguarding equal opportunities for men and women
  • Work-life balance
  • Consultations with and provision of support to staff in certain individual cases

Equal Opportunities Officer (for staff)

Barbara Hagel Barbara Hagel
M.Eng., Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer

Michael Pfisterer Michael Pfisterer
Dipl.-Ing. arch. (FH)

Our Equal Opportunities Officer can be reached under the following email address:



Building KB, Room KB.405

Building BB, Room BB.305

Duties of the Inclusion Officer


The Inclusion Officer supports and represents the employer in matters relating to people with severe disabilities and is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with employer obligations.

Inclusion Officer

Corruption is an offence that receives a lot of public attention. Even the suspicion of being involved in such an incident can severely damage both the reputation of the university and the individual concerned. Corruption often begins gradually and often begins with “small favours” such as gifts and rewards. This includes situations in which unsolicited advantages are offered. Therefore it is important to know the risks and to take action early. Stricter regulations apply for employees in civil service than in the private sector. Therefore, every employee at the university should be familiar with the relevant regulations. (See KorruR Nr 2.7 “Annahme von Belohnungen oder Geschenken” [Accepting rewards or gifts])

Our Corruption Prevention Officer is responsible for

  • Raising awareness of and providing training around (internal professional development, BayLern; QM Portal) the issue of corruption among staff
  • Providing information in the event that an attempt is made to manipulate and influence or in the event that suspicions are raised
  • Following up on indications of corrupt behaviour and informing the University Management (see KorruR Nr 5.1 “Verhalten bei Auftreten eines Korruptionsverdachtes” [Conduct in the event of suspected corruption])

The Corruption Prevention Officer performs their duties independently of instructions and reports directly to the University Management. They can be approached for advice and assistance in their area of responsibility without going through any official channels.


Evelyn Haupt Evelyn Haupt

Quality Management Officer (under the purview of the Vice President for Academic Affairs)

Name Contact
Christoph Richter Christoph Richter

Areas of responsibility

The Financial Aid Officer

  • provides information concerning scholarship opportunities
  • offers advice concerning suitable scholarships and other possibilities for obtaining student funding
  • provides support for scholarship applications

Information concerning scholarships and prizes can be found here, together with details of the points of contact for your Faculty.