A professor at Nuremberg Tech


The University Service for Family, Equality, and Occupational Health (HSFG) provides administrative and organizational support to the university women's affairs officer and her deputy as well as to the Faculty women's affairs officers. 

The university aims to increase the proportion of female professors in all Faculties. The proportion of female professors has increased in recent years, at 19.6 % (WiSe 2022/23), however, it is still under the national average of 26% at universities of applied sciences (2021). By participating in the “Professorinnenprogramm” of the Federal Government and States, we have gained women on our faculty. Special equality promoting measures have supported these efforts.

Research funding and initiating research

The grant is for full-time female faculty at Nuremberg Tech who would like to submit a grant proposal for a research project they intend to initiate or conduct. The grant call is conducted across Faculties and can be applied for one semester at a time .

To apply, email an approximately one-page letter describing the project including costs together with the respective request forms (teaching load reduction, costs for assistants, or materials costs with documentation) .

Grants are awarded according to the order of receipt of the (complete) application and the amount of funding available.

The application periods for each year are:
-    for winter semester: until 15 July
-    for the summer semester: until 15 January.


Please note that your application must be agreed with your Faculty in advance.

Application forms:

  1. Teaching load reduction: The grant amounts to up to 2 SWS in the framework of teaching load reduction (please do not name any specific adjunct lecturer, simply select the option) or
  2. Assistant costs (“Hilfskräfte”) (in German) A grant of maximum 1,500 euros gross can be requested to cover costs for student assistants   or
  3. Material costs (in German): Material costs up to 1,500 euros (net) can be requested along with appropriate estimates.
Name Contact
Janina Halbig Janina Halbig
Areti Papastavrou Areti Papastavrou
Prof. Dr.-Ing.


Name Contact
Areti Papastavrou Areti Papastavrou
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Janina Halbig Janina Halbig