Bavarian Higher Education Admissions Act and awarded in accordance with various criteria. First of all, all applicants with deferred admission will receive a study place. Of the remaining study places, the advance quotas are established first . The specific percentage of study places to be allocated to the individual advance quotas is published in the latest valid statute on admissions figures . The following advance quotas are required by law:

  • 5 to 10% for foreign nationals
  • 2% for exceptional hardship
  • 2 to 8% for applicants who have acquired the qualification for their chosen course of study in a degree programme that has not yet been completed
  • up to 8% for persons undertaking academic studies combined with vocational training (dual study options)
  • 2 to 8% for persons studying for a second degree
  • 3 to 10% for qualified professionals in accordance with Article 45 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act, including applicants with subject-restricted university entrance receiving a proportionate number of study places. The size of this special quota corresponds to the number of applicants for admission to a probationary period of study as a percentage of the total number of applicants in accordance with Article 45 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act (= all applications with vocational qualifications).
  • Up to 3% for applicants who belong to a group of persons determined by the university by its statutes and who are to be considered or supported in the public interest, in particular for applicants who belong to an Olympic, prospective, supplementary or junior squad 1 of a federal professional association of the German Olympic Sports Federation (top athletes) formed at federal level.

Once these quotas have been deducted, the remaining study places will be split between:

  • 10% based on the grade point average of the university entrance qualification (UEC) and the length of time since the UEC for the chosen degree programme was completed (waiting period)
  • 90% general university entrance qualification (“Abitur”), university of applied sciences entrance qualification (“Fachhochschulreife”): selection  based on the “Abitur” averaged grade or
  • for degree programmes with a supplementary selection procedure: 25%  based on the selection of the average “Abitur” grade and 65% based on the result of the supplementary selection procedure.



Special quota for “Fach- oder Berufsoberschule” (technical colleges or higher vocational schools)

Where study places are assigned in accordance with the average grade, a special quota will be established for applicants that have obtained their university entrance qualification at a “Fachoberschule” or “Berufsoberschule” . The proportion of the study places to which the special quota relates corresponds to the proportion of applicants who have obtained their university entrance qualification at a “Fachoberschule” or a “Berufsoberschule” to the total number of German applicants or applicants with a status equal to that of a German applicant to the degree programme in question.