For NC degree programmes where admission is limited, a certain number of study places are available for each degree programme. These are allocated in accordance with established criteria.

The most important criterion for gaining a study place is your final grade. If this is not good enough, individuals with a (Fach-)Abitur can increase their chances of gaining a study place through an appropriate waiting period. If, under certain circumstances, you were disadvantaged during the university entrance qualification, you may be considered for compensation for disadvantages, which may improve either the waiting period or your final grade.

A certain number of study places are always reserved for certain groups of prospective students. This is determined on the basis of the advance quotas governed by the Bavarian Higher Education Admissions Act - BayHZG.

The NC procedure

During the first allocation procedure, the main procedure, study places are allocated in order depending on the grade you obtained in the university entrance qualification. Offers will therefore be made to the applicants with the highest grades until the last study place has been allocated. This grade is then used as the minimum GPA and is also commonly referred to as NC (numerus clausus).

Here you can find an overview of the NC grades from the previous application period. The overview should only act as a rough guide, since the actual NC grades will only be determined following the completion of the application process.

A reserve list procedure will be implemented if not all of the applicants to whom offers have been made accept their study place. In such cases, offers will be made to further applicants who were not offered a place during the main procedure. Reserve list systems are repeated until such time as all study places have been filled for the degree programme in question.

Applicants are automatically included in the reserve list system. It is not necessary to apply for this separately. If your application was refused during the main procedure, you may still receive an offer of admission at a later date , possibly even after the semester has begun.

The allocation procedure will be completed by no later than four weeks following the commencement of the semester. Your application documents will be destroyed following the completion of the procedure.

In the event that it has not been possible to award all of the study places following the main and reserve list procedures, a random selection procedure must take place.

Applications will once again be accepted and selection will take place irrespective of final grades, waiting times, and whether or not you have already been involved in the main procedure.

If there are more applicants involved in the random selection procedure than there are study places available, the available study places will be randomly distributed among the applicants.

Of interest to certain groups of people involved in the NC procedure:

Hardship cases Compensation for disadvantages Persons applying for a second degree Persons applying for academic studies combined with vocational training Deferred entry