Robert Jäckle

Di. 16:30-17:30; BB.116 (nach Anmeldung per E-Mail)

Robert Jäckle

Prof. Dr.

  • Research Professor of Applied Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, and Behavioral Economics of Education
  • Academic Director Competence Center Social Innovations, Methods and Analyses (KoSIMA
  • Coordinator of the Economics and Quantitative Methods Group at the Faculty of Business Administration
  • Member of the examination board Bachelor/Master Business Administration
Curriculum vitae

Robert Jäckle is Professor of Empirical Economics and Research Professor (reduced teaching load) of Applied Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, and Behavioral Economics of Education at the Faculty of Business at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology. Since 2019, he is Co-Director of the Competence Center Social Innovations, Methods, and Analyses (KoSIMA). His teaching and research focuses on applied behavioral economics of education, higher education research, experimental economics, and applied labor- and microeconomics.

Robert Jäckle studied economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich. He worked as a junior researcher at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in the Department of Social Policy and Labor Markets and as a visiting researcher at the Research Center of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He received his PhD in 2007 for his empirical work on foreign trade and labor markets.

After 2007, he worked as a consultant for an international market and social research company and taught economics at the HM Munich (University of Applied Sciences). In 2011, he was appointed Professor of Statistics and Economics at the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg.

Teaching areas

Applied Microeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Labor Economics


Behavioral Economics of Education, Higher Education Research, Field Experiments, Behavioral Economics


Microeconomics (Bachelor & Master), Behavioral Economics (Master), Labor Economics (Master)


A list of topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses can be found on the web page of our focus elective Applied International Economics. The suggestions are primarily meant to provide guidance. You can, of course, also propose your own topic. The thesis can be written in English or German.


Papers in Refereed Journals

Defaults and Effortful Tasks, Experimental Economics, 2023, 26(5), 1022-1059 (mit Lars Behlen und Oliver Himmler)

Relative Performance Feedback and the Effects of Being Above Average – Field Experiment and Replication, Economics of Education Review, Volume 89, 2022 (with Raphael Brade and Oliver Himmler)

Soft Commitments, Reminders, and Academic Performance, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(2), , 114-142, 2019 (with mit Oliver Himmler and Philipp Weinschenk).

Literacy and the Migrant-Native Wage Gap, Review of Income and Wealth, Review of Income and Wealth, 64(3), 592-625, 2018 (with Oliver Himmler).

Health and Wages – Panel data estimates considering selection and endogeneity, Journal of Human Resources (JHR), 45(2), 364-406, 2010 (with Oliver Himmler).

Going Multinational: What are the effects on home market performance?, German Economic Review (GER), 11(2), 188-207. 2010 (with Georg Wamser).

The Impact of FDI on the Skill Structure in German manufacturing, Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement 52, 55-78, 2007.

Location Choice and Employment Decisions: A Comparison of German and Swedish Multinationals, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) 141 (2), 219-243, 2005 (with Sascha O. Becker, Karolina Ekholm and Marc Andreas Muendler).


Recent Working Papers

When Women Learn That They Earn Less: The Gender Pay Gap in University Student Internships, MPRA Paper No. 122018, 2024 (mit Manfred Antoni, Hans-Dieter Gerner und Stefan Schwarz). [link]

Helping Students to Succeed – The Long-Term Effects of Soft Commitments and Reminders, CESifo Working Paper No. 11001, 2024 (with Raphael Brade, Oliver Himmler and Philipp Weinschenk). [link]

Relative Performance Feedback and Long-Term Tasks – Experimental Evidence form Higher Education, CESifo Working Paper No. 1036, 2023 (with Raphael Brade and Oliver Himmler). [link]

Can Defaults Change Behavior when Post-Intervention Effort is Required? Evidence from Education, MPRA Paper No. 112962, 2022 (with Lars Behlen and Oliver Himmler). [link]

Relative Performance Feedback and the Effects of Being Above Average – Field Experiment and Replication, MPRA Paper No. 113016, 2022 (with Raphael Brade and Oliver Himmler). [link]


Policy Papers

OHM Happiness Report,, 2023 (with Anna Bauer, Uwe Mummert, Malte Sandner und Holger Seebens).

Können Ansätze aus der Verhaltensökonomik den Studienerfolg erhöhen? Das Forschungsprojekt VStud, Qualität in der Wissenschaft, Band 3+4, 108-115, 2019 (with Raphael Brade and Oliver Himmler).

Online-Selbsteinschätzungshilfe: Pilotierung und Evaluation im Studienfach Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Teilprojekt 2.1),, 2016 (with  Harald Bolsinger)

Alarmierend hohe Analphabeten-Quote, Artikel in der Mitarbeiterzeitschrift Wissenswert von TNS Infratest. Ausgabe 1/2011 (with Frauke Bilger).

Motive und Hemmnisse für betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM), Initiative Gesundheit & Arbeit (iga)-Report 20, 2010 (with Sebastian Bechmann, Patricia. Lück and Regina Herdegen).

Die Wiesbadener „Alltags-Engel – Zeitarbeit in haushaltsnahen Dienstleistungen als arbeitsmarktpolitisches Instrument im SGB II, ifo Schnelldienst 61 (21), 16-25, 2008 (with Marianne Müller and Martin Werding).

Kehren deutsche Firmen ihrer Heimat den Rücken? - Ausländische Direktinvestitionen deutscher Unternehmen, ifo Schnelldienst 58 (01), 23-33, 2005 (with Sascha O. Becker and Marc Andreas Muendler).


Books, Book Chapters

Verhaltensökonomisch motivierte Maßnahmen zur Sicherung des Studienerfolgs (VStud). In Daniel, H.-D., Neugebauer, M., & Wolter, Ä. (Hrsg.): Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch. Wiesbaden, Springer VS., 2021 (zusammen mit Behlen, L., Brade, R., Himmler, O.). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-32892-4_17

Ökonomie und Analphabetismus - Analysen zur Literalität von Zweitsprachler/innen in der Erwerbsbevölkerung. In: Anke Grotlüschen und Wibke Riekmann (Hrsg.): Funktionaler Analphabetismus in Deutschland - Ergebnisse der ersten leo. - Level-One Studie. Münster, Waxmann-Verlag, 2012 (with Oliver Himmler).

Humankapital in Deutschland: Wachstum, Struktur und Nutzung der Erwerbseinkommenskapazität von 1984 bis 2006, Mohr-Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, 2009 (with Martin Werding, Christian Holzner, Marc Piopiunik and Ludger Wößmann).


Method und Data Reports

Linking Graduate Data From the Nuremberg Institute of Technology and Administrative Labor Market Biography Data From the Institute for Employment Research, 2024, German RLC Working Paper No. wp-grlc-2024-01 (with M. Antoni , T. K. Drewes , H-D Gerner und S. Schwarz).

VStud: Behavioral interventions to ensure student success: final report (in German), 2020 (with Lars Behlen, Raphael Brade and Oliver Himmler).

Pilotversion Selbsteinschätzungshilfe – Inhalte und Evaluation Teilmodul 1, FHWS Science Journal Sonderausgabe BEST-FIT, 2015(3), Ausgabe 1 (with Harald Bolsinger).

Studiendesign, Durchführung und Methodik der leo. – Level-One Studie. In: Anke Grotlüschen und Wibke Riekmann (Hrsg.): Funktionaler Analphabetismus in Deutschland - Ergebnisse der ersten leo. - Level-One Studie. Münster, Waxmann-Verlag, 2012 (with Frauke Bilger, Bernhard von Rosenbladt and Alexandra Strauß).

IAB-Haushaltspanel im Niedrigeinkommensbereich Welle 3 (2008/09) – Methoden und Feldbericht, FDZ Methodenreport 10/2010, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg, 2010 (with Josef Hartmann, Kathrin Brink and Nikolai Tschersich).

IAB-Haushaltspanel im Niedrigeinkommensbereich Welle 2 (2007/08) – Methoden und Feldbericht, FDZ Methodenreport Nr. 8/2009 (de), Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg, 2009 (with Josef Hartmann, Kathrin Brink and Nikolai Tschersich).

IAB-Haushaltspanel im Niedrigeinkommensbereich – Methoden und Feldbericht, FDZ Methodenbericht 2008(07), Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg, 2008 (with Josef Hartmann, Kathrin Brink and Nikolai Tschersich).


Online Learning or Classroom? The Impacts of Digital Education on Academic Success (DigiEdu), funded by: Staedtler Foundation, Duration: 2023-2024 (with Hans-Dieter Gerner).

Scalable behaviorally informed interventions to help students succeed (SvStud), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2021-2024 (with Oliver Himmler).

Behaviorally informed interventions to help students succeed (VStud), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2016-2020 (with Oliver Himmler Oliver Himmler and Robert Schwager).

Bildungsökonomische Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung von Studienleistungen, gefördert durch: Staedtler Stiftung, Laufzeit: 2015-2016, Pressemitteilung.

BEST-Fit Module zur Verbesserung von Bestehensquoten und Praxisfitness der Absolventen (2013), (BMBF Förderkenn-zeichen 01PL12019) – Beratung und Durchführung der Evaluation des Teilprojekts „Self-Assessment“ (with Harald Bolsinger).

Further information

More about Applied Economics at Nuremberg Tech (TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm):


You can find my colleagues of the Economics and Quantitative Methods Group at THN by following the link: Applied International Economics. Click on "Lehrende" at the top of the page.