© Sebahat Sahverdi

Students with family members who need care are often exposed to special stresses and strains. Besides studying and sometimes a job, they have to take care of their family member(s), which is often associated with a psychological stress, particularly if the student is providing the care themselves. New care cases, especially, require organizational attention and can at first be overwhelming.

If you are a student and are concerned about your family member(s), for example, because they increasingly need more help or even professional care, you can get in touch with the University Service for Family, Equality, and Occupational Health (HSFG). We can advise you about your particular situation or provide general information through our talks or seminar series.

Services for students who have care-giving responsibilities

© Janina Halbig


Our OHMcare services are designed to support you in balancing studying and care-giving responsibilities.

Our trained helpers can provide assistance in the daily routines of your family member(s) who are elderly or in need of care. This assistance takes place in the private sphere of your family member. The helpers are volunteers and can, for example, accompany your family member on a walk, look at photos together, play games, or take the time for a conversation.

Costs for this support are usually covered by long-term care insurance (relief amount), if documentation of a long-term care level is presented.

OHMcare is provided in collaboration with Angehörigenberatung Nürnberg e.V. 

Therefore, the service is aimed primarily at family members in the Nuremberg region. If your family member(s) live outside Nuremberg, please feel free to contact us nonetheless; we will make every effort to connect you with assistance via another cooperation partner.

If you are interested, please feel free to get in touch.

© Sebahat Sahverdi

Counseling and information

If you are a student and have parents or other family members who suddenly or gradually require care, you can contact us for advice about further steps. Caring for dependents often means a high level of time and psychological burden for relatives. In acute cases, e.g., as a result of a stroke, there is often also uncertainty about how the dependent can be best cared for in the future. Often in such cases, many decisions must be made and care for your family member must urgently be organized. We can support you with these tasks and provide initial assistance so that you can balance studying and providing care as well as possible.

Possible concerns or questions about this topic can include: My family member is in hospital and is now in need of care. They will be discharged soon and can no longer live on their own. What is possible, if they need to be cared for at home? Can I take a leave of absence to care for a family member? What is the process like, if my family member needs to be categorized in a care-level (“Pflegegrad”)?

Students at Nuremberg Tech can find out more about these topics on the  Information platform  on our intranet pages. The platform provides useful information about these questions. For individual counseling, please contact the University Service for Family, Equality, and Occupational Health (HSFG).

© Sebahat Sahverdi

Series of talks

In our series of talks, we invite a specialist to present information about eldercare once each semester. Previous topics included, for example, “Living wills, health care proxy, care proxy”, “Care financing and parental allowances”, or a “Digital estate”. The series of talks are publicized a few weeks in advance of the event via email. You do not have to pay to take part.

© Sebahat Sahverdi

Seminar series

The seminar series is usually held once a semester on topics that are intended to support you as a student with care responsibilities or as a person interested in the balance between studying and providing care to family members. The seminar series usually  takes place from 1.15 - 2.45 pm.

© Janina Halbig

Health promotion

Our health promotion seminar for staff and students with family members who need care is designed to support you in balancing providing care and studying. 

The aim of the seminar is to help you better cope with the simultaneous requirements of providing care, the demands of studying, and everyday life as well as to identify ways to do things for your own health and quality of life. The seminar comprises 21 hours and takes place over a period of seven weeks.


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Jasmin Winkler Jasmin Winkler