

What is an ORCID-iD?

ORCID stands for "Open Researcher Contributor Idedntification initiative and is a non-profit organisation that was established by research institutions, publishing houses, and funding bodies. This organisation allocates the ORCID-iD numbers. An ORCID-iD has five important characteristics that can have an affect on your publications and your academic activities:

  • Personal: Independent of any institution, you can delineate your academic activities in their entirety.
  • Unique: Even if there are multiple academics with your name, your ORCID iD will unambiguously identify you.
  • Persistent: Even if your name, your email address, or your institutional affiliation changes, this identifier remains consistent.
  • Platform independent: This identifier can be used for universities, publishing houses, databases, and funding organizations.
  • Widely used internationally: Your international visibility will be heightened by clear identification.

No matter what might change in your researching career, your ORCID-iD will remain yours forever. The following video from the university library at Würzburg shows how to create an ORCID-iD and what advantages it provides. We would like to express our thanks for the permission to use this video.