Group picture of Staff Council
Back: Roland Gross, Claus Kismann, Karlheinz Appel, Thomas Karanatsios, Michael Pfisterer, Peter Bauereiß; Front: Karin Rölfing, Ulrike Schäfer, Cristina Congedi, Marion Schön, Felizitas Heinebrodt, Doris Wansch, Susann Zimmermann, Ellen Schwarz; Not pictured: Paul Scott; Photo: Petra Simon

About us

The Staff Council of Nuremberg Institute of Technology represents the interests of non-academic staff (employees and officials).

Of course, we are also here for academic staff if they need us – please feel free to get in touch.


The Staff Council is made up of representatives of the group of employees and officials in accordance with their distribution in the total workforce. It is elected for five years and currently consists of 13 members.

Advice and assistance

The Staff Council is here to advise you if you have any questions or issues.

It can provide information on collective agreements, service agreements, and special regulations. It can provide assistance with employment-related issues and help answer questions, e.g. in the event of stress due to conflict or bullying.


  • As a representative council, all members of the Staff Council are bound by professional confidentiality.
  • Every employee has the right to contact the Staff Council during working hours.
  • You always have the option to bring a Staff Council member to discussions with your supervisor as a person of trust.

The Staff Council has no fixed office hours. Please email or call us for a consultation appointment.

Representative Council

The Staff Council

  • draws up service agreements and regulations that ensure good  working conditions at the university,
  • monitors compliance with applicable laws, collective agreements,  regulations, etc. at the university.

The Bavarian State Personnel Representation Act (Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz Bayern, BayPVG) provides staff councils with certain rights of co-determination, participation, and consultation in order to represent employee rights.


Name Contact
Thomas Karanatsios Thomas Karanatsios
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)
Thomas Strickroth Thomas Strickroth
Dipl.-Math. (Univ.)
Felizitas Heinebrodt Felizitas Heinebrodt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Staff Council

Telephone+49 (0)911 5880 4858 or +49 (0)911 5880 4838
Fax+49 (0)911 5880 8859
Staff Council OfficeRoom SC.006 (Innere Cramer-Klett-Straße 4-8)
Consultation hoursBy prior arrangement via telephone or email.