This information is aimed at students who want to complete a full degree programme at the Ohm (degree-seeking students). Information for exchange students can be found here.

Study preparation and application

Photo: anyaberkut/ Fotolia

Planning and preparing

What can I study at the Ohm?

At the Ohm, we offer a wide range of interesting bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in the fields of engineering sciences, social sciences, business, and design. In general, bachelor’s programmes last seven semesters, while master’s courses take three.

Click here for an overview and some brief information on the individual programmes.

Most degree programmes are taught in German. Information on programmes taught in English can be found here.

The Ohm is a university of applied sciences.

What language skills do I need?

To study a programme taught in German at Nuremberg Tech, you will need a certificate demonstrating very good C1-level language skills. You can still apply for a study place in a bachelor’s degree programme even if you do not yet have the language certificate at the time of application. You will need to present the certificate upon enrolment at the latest. The language certificates listed under this link are accepted by the university.

The opportunity It is possible to attend a language preparation course at the Ohm. The Language Center offers DSH Preparatory Courses involving 20 lecture hours per week at levels B2 and C1. However, you cannot begin your studies and attend a DSH course at the same time. You have two opportunities each year to take the DSH examination at the Ohm (February and July). For more information on course times, costs, advice, and registration, please visit the Language Center webpages. We recommend that you register early.

Bachelor’s degree programmes

If you are interested in a bachelor’s programme, you will first need to apply for recognition of the academic credentials (certificates) you have obtained outside of Germany. By submitting this “application for university entrance qualification evaluation” (recognition of certificates and diplomas), you will find out whether your education is sufficient to study a bachelor’s degree programme at the Ohm. In response to your application, you will receive a decision regarding your university entrance qualification (HZB). If your qualifications are deemed sufficient, this decision serves as your university entrance qualification and is therefore an important document for your application. Applications for this evaluation are free of charge and can be submitted at any time.

Simply send the completed application form, your translated and certified documents, and any other necessary documents by post to the Ohm. Once your application has been processed, you will receive a decision via email.

This decision is very important as You will need it to apply for a study place at the Ohm or to apply for a place at the “Studienkolleg”.

Application for university entrance qualification evaluation as a downloadable pdf

Master’s degree programmes

If you are interested in studying a master’s degree programme, submit your online application within the respective application periods.

You can find the exact admission requirements for our master’s degree programmes in the relevant Study and Examination Regulations . A general overview of the application documents required can be found on these pages . If you are applying for a master’s programme, you do not need to apply for recognition of your certificates and diplomas.

Contact and Advice

Contact person for recognition of academic credentials earned abroad for bachelor’s degree programmes conducted in German

Roxana Schwab

Telephone: +49(0)911 5880 - 4295
Email: zeugnisanerkennungatth-nuernbergPunktde
Office hours:
by appointment

Consultation for questions about applying, recognition of credentials for, and admission to degree programmes conducted in English

Faculty of Business Administration
IB Office

2nd floor, Room BL.227
Bahnhofstraße 87
90402 Nuremberg

General admission, subject-restricted admission, or Studienkolleg?

If you have received a general or subject-restricted admission, you are eligible to apply during the next application period.

If you do not meet the requirements for general admission, you may need to attend a “Studienkolleg” to take a foundation course. If this is the case, you can find this information in the official recognition decision (“Anerkennungsbescheid”). Depending on the subject and specialization that you have chosen to study, you can gain a subject-restricted university entrance qualification at the “Studienkolleg”.

In Bavaria, there is a “Studienkolleg” for university study in Munich and a “Studienkolleg” for study at universities of applied sciences in Coburg. The “Studienkolleg” foundation college that you will need to attend if you want to study at the Ohm is “Studienkolleg” Coburg. In order to attend the Studienkolleg, you will need the official decision letter (“Anerkennungsbescheid”) and language proficiency at around B2 level. Once you have successfully graduated from the “Studienkolleg”, you will not need any additional language certificates to study at the Ohm.

For more information on the “Studienkolleg Coburg”, please

What other admission restrictions apply?

Admission with no restrictions: For some degree programmes, there are no additional restrictions. If you have gained a university entrance qualification through recognition of your certificate or diploma and a language certificate, you can apply for these programmes and enrol during the enrolment period.

Numerus Clausus: Admission to many degree programmes is restricted to prospective students who have achieved a minimum GPA. This means that a minimum grade average in the university entrance qualification (HZB) is required to gain a place. Your minimum GPA under the German grade system is given in your certificate/diploma recognition decision or is calculated as part of the certificate/diploma recognition process, if you have applied for a degree programme with this restriction. Information on the admissions process and numerus clausus can be found on our website.

Preliminary test: Some degree programmes also require very specific suitability or aptitude in addition to the university entrance qualification (HZB). To determine whether you are a suitable candidate, you must either take a preliminary test (e.g. Architecture) or submit a portfolio of samples of your work (e.g. Design). More information about this can be found on the Faculty of Design web pages.

Pre-study internship: Some degree programmes require students to complete a 6 to 12-week pre-study internship before they can enrol. Additional information can be found on our webpages.

The application process

How do I apply?

Application periods for online applications

Apply online within the application period. Please note that it is not possible to apply before or after this period. During the application period, you will be forwarded to the specific page of your chosen degree programme on a website that explains the application process in detail.

More information about the application process is available on our website.


If your application is successful, you will receive an admission with an enrolment request. You will then be able to enrol during a specific period (around August/September for the winter semester); please note that enrolment is a binding commitment.

Information about the enrolment process is available on our website Application process.

Application checklist: Are you prepared?

Before you start your application, check the following points once more:

  • Is this the right application period for your degree programme?
  • For bachelor’s programmes: Have you applied for recognition of your academic credentials (certificates/diplomas/transcripts)?
  • Do you have the necessary language proficiency certificate or do you have a date for your exam?
  • Do you know the specific admissions requirements (numerus clausus [limited spaces], pre-study internship, suitability test, etc.)?

If you were not able to answer “Yes” to all of the questions above, please return to the study preparation information.

Visas and entry into Germany

You can also apply to study with us directly from outside Germany. The first step is an online application. If you are applying from another country, you may find the following tips helpful.


Make sure you plan enough time to prepare for your studies. Factors such as language preparation in your home country, visa application, translating and certifying documents, and sending application documents (especially academic certificates for recognition) via post to Germany can all contribute to a long preparation period. 

Visas and entry into Germany

If you require a visa to enter Germany, you can find information on the entry requirements on the webpages of the Federal Foreign Office. In general, students apply for a study visa or a visa for study preparation courses.

Detailed information on entry and residence can be found in this brochure published by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

If you are planning to arrive in Germany ready to start your studies, it is a good idea to arrive two to four weeks before the beginning of the semester. This gives you time to organise any accommodation and day-to-day matters, enrolment, health insurance, etc.

Information about starting your studies.

Accommodation and student funding

At the start of the semester, it is not always easy to find suitable accommodation in Nuremberg, especially if you are looking for accommodation from another country – so make sure you start looking early and take time to research. Tips on accommodation.

Student funding is an important subject that you need to start thinking about in good time. Although there are no tuition fees at the Ohm, students will need around 600-900 euros per month to live in Germany, for accommodation, food, insurance, study materials, travel tickets, etc. Information on student funding can be found on this page.

Orientation for international students

Have you already enrolled and are now planning the start of your studies at the Ohm? Do you still have lots of questions about official affairs (with the “Behörde”) and acclimating to the German university system? Then our orientation programme for international students, which takes place every September before the semester starts at the Ohm, is just what you are looking for. You will receive an email invitation before the event from your contact person at the International Office.

Bridging courses are also a good way to prepare for beginning your studies at the Ohm. More information about preparatory courses is available online.

Contact and Advice

For information about admission requirements:


Email: studienstart-internationalatth-nuernbergPunktde
Office hours: by appointment only


The Ohm “Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle” (office for the recognition of certificates and diplomas)

The “Zeugnisanerkennungstelle” at the Ohm is responsible for evaluating and recognising academic credentials (certificates, diplomas, transcripts, etc.) issued in other countries for prospective students wishing to pursue a bachelor’s degree at the Ohm. Please note that we do not evaluate certificates and diplomas directly during our office hours. In order to have your credentials evaluated, please submit an application for recognition of certificates and diplomas.

Roxana Schwab
Telephone: +49(0)911 5880 - 4295

Office hours: by appointment only

IB Office

Students interested in studying our International Business (B.A), International Business and Technology (B.Eng.), International Marketing (M.A.), and International Finance and Economics (M.Sc.) degree programmes, which are conducted in English, must contact the IB Office:

Faculty of Business Administration
2nd floor, Room BL.227
Bahnhofstr. 87
90402 Nuremberg

Contact details for the respective degree programme assistants can be found here.


Student Office

Your application is processed by the Student Office. The Student Office can be reached in person at the service desk, by email, or telephone. Always give your applicant number in any queries regarding your application.


Faculty Advisors

If you have any subject-specific questions regarding a degree programme, please contact the Faculty advisor.

  • Is my qualification sufficient to apply for a master’s programme?
  • Can my achievements at university in my home country be taken into account?
  • What specialisations does this degree programme offer?
  • What career prospects does this degree offer?

 You can find the relevant Faculty Advisors on the webpage of your degree programme under “Entscheidungshilfen” or “Programme Advising & Guidance”.