
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft
2. Stock, Zi-Nr. 227
Bahnhofstr. 87
90402 Nürnberg

The IB-Office provides assistance related to the International Degree Programs: Bachelor in International Business, Bachelor in International Business and Technology, Master in International Finance and Economics, Master in International Marketing.
For each program, special degree program assistants can be addressed: 

Bachelor in International Business (B-IB)

Stefanie Bartenstein Stefanie Bartenstein

Bachelor in International Business and Technology (B-IBT)

Andreea Bärtl Andreea Bärtl

Master in International Finance and Economics (M-IFE)

Miriam Wokatsch Miriam Wokatsch

Master in International Marketing (M-IMA)

Anneke Neddermann Anneke Neddermann

Contacts to the Examination Boards

Mrs Andrea Weiß is the administrative assistant to the IB Examination Board (B-IB, M-IFE, M-IMA) and to the IBT Examination Board (B-IBT).

Andrea Weiß Andrea Weiß

Administrative Head of the IB-Office

Ulrike Schäfer Ulrike Schäfer