Faculty of Applied Chemistry: Literature and Specialist Information

This page provides you with support in searching for literature in our University Library, detailed information on interlibrary lending, and a list of useful online databases for searching for suitable articles for your degree programme.

In the library

  • Books
    Relevant literature can be found under letter V; for items specifically related to applied and technical chemistry under VN 1000 ff.
  • Journals
    Volumes from the current year are in the periodicals shelves in the library. The shelfmarks of the periodicals are labelled on the flaps [Z + running number]. Bound volumes are in the library’s stacks and can be ordered in OPAC.
  • General information about the shelving (in German)
  • Opening hours

Search for and order literature


  • Search our library’s collection, the Bavarian Library Network, other national and international catalogues, and various literature databases [see "Database Selection”]
  • More detailed information about Interlibrary lending
  • Borrowing procedures

Digital library for Applied Chemistry

... please note the access regulations for our licenced materials!

  • Electronic Journals Library [EZB]: Chemistry

  • DBIS - Database Information System: Chemistry

  • Scopus: interdisciplinary reference database

  • WISO-Net: Business, Social Sciences, Engineering/Technology, Press

  • Statista : statistical data retrievable in excel or powerpoint formats


An overview of the entire digital collection of the library with detailed explanations is available under Electronic services.

Training material

Current training materials are available online.

“AC” citation style for Zotero
  • However, we would like to emphasise that there is no guarantee of complete accuracy, if you use it.

    Download for Zotero (updated on 31 October 2022)

  • Instructions for adding the style to Zotero

    To use this style in Zotero, click on the download button.

    You will receive a zip file that you must unpack. After unpacking, you will find a file named "Fakultät_AC_Zotero_Stand_22_10_20.csl".

    This file must then be added to Zotero. In Zotero, click on ‘Edit --> Settings --> Citation’ and add the style using the plus.

    After this step, you can use the style in Zotero.

Any questions?

You can reach our hotline at: 0911/5880-4000

or by email at bibliothek(at)th-nuernberg(dot)de