This degree programme is innovative for a number of reasons. Its structure and content have been developed in close collaboration with Bavarian facility technology companies. 

The master’s degree programme gives students the ability to perform demanding and complex project management and leadership tasks within facility technology companies. The master’s degree programme builds upon the knowledge gained during an initial university degree in the field (professional qualification) and, as an advanced degree programme, includes a high proportion of business administration and law, content on the subject of energy-efficient construction, building and system simulations, building automation, as well as practice-oriented projects.

The projects within the master’s degree programme teach social skills, willingness to cooperate, and communication skills. Students learn how to work successfully in groups and how to lead teams in a creative and motivational manner. As a result, students should be able to qualify for such leadership and management tasks much more quickly than the up to ten years of work experience that is usually required. The relevant branches of industry are seeking graduates who, in addition to a technical degree, also have the type of training offered by this master’s degree programme.

Master of Engineering
Program duration
3 Semester
Admission restrictions
Special features
  • Partnership with Bavaria’s “facility technology” universities of applied sciences, Munich and Nuremberg
  • At present, the standard three-semester course is only offered in Munich
  • Company requirement and support for the degree programme: Friends of the university to safeguard the economic basis
Interesting numbers and statistics

The majority of students accepted into the Facility Technology master’s degree programme are successful in completing the course; the drop-out rate is especially low, averaging around 0.1 student per cohort.

Admission semester

Bewerbungen erfolgen über die Hochschule München, wo sich auch die Informationen zu Bewerbungszeiträumen und zum Studienbeginn finden:
Application period
Mechanical Engineering and Building Services Engineering

More information

Detailed information about the curriculum of this programme is available in German. Switch the language toggle in the upper right corner.

More information

For more information on jobs and career prospects for graduates of this programme, visit our German pages by switching the language toggle in the upper right corner.

Information on admission

For information on admission requirements, please see the Study and Examination Regulations


Student Counseling Service

You’d like personal counseling and support in orientation and choosing a degree programme? Then you can get in touch with our Student Counseling Service.
Student Counseling Service

Faculty advisor

Would you like more detailed information about the content of individual subjects within the Facility Technology master’s degree programme? Then the Faculty Advisor is your next port of call. Alternatively, you can also contact the relevant person at Munich University of Applied Sciences with your questions.