Towards hypocarbonic economy – Development of non-fired waste-based building materials

The three-year EU project launched in October 2019 with 5 project partners from 2 EU countries. The aim is to develop new “non-fired” bricks – based on industrial waste using so-called geopolymer routes. Geopolymers are “cold-setting” binding materials which do not require firing for solidification. Prof. Krcmar’s working group is responsible for developing suitable formulations and for mould design, as well as for extrusion on a laboratory scale. The participating brickmaking plants take the formulations and carry out large-scale trials in production. There is thus no need for the tunnel kiln firing process. You can find more information about the project in the current OHM Journal 2020/2021 and on the project’s website.  An explanatory video about the project shows what the Faculty of Materials Engineering at the Ohm is researching under the leadership of Prof. Krcmar. Here is the link to the video.

Project partners


  • Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas (ITC-AICE)

Project partners:

  • Ladrillos Mora, S.L. (MORA)
  • Recycling, Consulting & Services, S.L. (RCS)
  • Schlagmann Poroton GmbH & Co. KG (SCHLAGMANN)
  • Nuremberg Institute of Technology (THN)


Name Contact
Wolfgang Krcmar Wolfgang Krcmar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Felix Kugler Felix Kugler

This project is financed by the LIFE Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union for the Environment and Climate Action under the project number LIFE18/CCM/ES/001114