
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Physics and General Sciences

Program Director Bachelor Technical Journalism/Technical PR

Program Director Master Innovation Communication

Co-head of degree program (acting) Bachelor Social Data Science & Communication

Academic advisor for the Bachelor's degree program in Technical Journalism/Technical PR

Jury member Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT Award for Science Journalism

Jury member acatech PUNKT - Prize for Technology Journalism and Technology Photography

Member of the editorial advisory board of VDI nachrichten

Teaching areas

Innovation, research and technology communication

Technology journalism and science journalism

Marketing communication, corporate and organizational communication

AI in corporate communications

Corporate social responsibility & corporate citizenship

Public relations and public affairs

Design Thinking


Discourse on Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

Communication of socio-technical futures

Innovation and technology governance

AI in corporate communication

Innovation & digital leadership

Serious games, newsgames and applied games as an instrument of innovation communication

Technology conflicts and technology assessment

Technology and communication cultures in Sweden and Germany.