Sven Winkelmann

Thursday 10-11am after registration

Teaching areas
  • Computer Science and Programming for Engineers
  • Human-Machine Dialog: Voice Control
  • Human-Machine Interaction for (semi-)autonomous Vehicles
  • Machine Learning focused on Explainable AI
  • User Studies in virtual Environments
  • User Experience and user-adapted Interaction

Research Questions:

  • How can we establish a natural interaction between human beings and machine learning-based systems, to explain ML-infered decisions in a comprehensible way and enable users to influence future decisions. 
  • Informatik 2 (Teil A): Fortgeschrittene Programmierung in C
  • Programmieren 1 Praktikum: Einführung in Java
  • Programmieren 2: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  • Trends in Media Engineering Seminar
  • Projekt: KI und Mensch-Maschine Interaktion im Fahrsimulator

I do not care whether you do your thesis in English or German, thus all of my topics are bilingual. So if you are interested in a thesis in KI-based human-machine interaction have a look at the German website (if you do not understand the German thesis title, or Google translate will help you). Or feel free to contact me!
