Wilhelm-Löhe-Schule // Deutschherrnstraße 10 // 90429 Nürnberg


Directions by public transport

The U-Bahn stations “Weißer Turm” (line U1), “Plärrer” (lines U1, U2, U3) and “Gostenhof” (line U1) are nearby and can be reached on foot.

Or take tram line 4 from Plärrer towards “Am Wegfeld” to “Obere Turnstraße” stop, turn right onto Praterstraße, and then left onto Kontumazgarten.

Or you can take bus 84 to “Dr. Erler Kliniken” stop; the Wilhelm-Löhe-Schule is approx. 300 meters away on foot.

Directions by car

Unfortunately, there are no visitor parking spaces available at the Wilhelm-Löhe-Schule. The “Hallerwiese” (Hallerwiese 30) and “Erler Klinik” (Kontumazgarten 4-18) multi-storey car parks are a short walk away.



Please note:

It is mandatory to wear a face mask on entering the school premises! Smoking on the school premises is strictly prohibited!