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Regular degree programmes

Nuremberg Tech offers you a practice-oriented degree programme with a large selection of areas of specialization and many dual studies models. You can choose from over 60 degree programmes in the fields of engineering sciences, economic sciences, architecture and design, computer science and media, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences – and many of our degree programmes include a strong interdisciplinary orientation. The university’s portfolio is rounded off with numerous part-time academic programmes.

Find out for yourself about our wide range of programmes and visit our Academic programmes webpages for an overview and further information. All degree programmes

Dual study options

As a partner company in a dual studies option at Nuremberg Institute of Technology, you and your company will benefit from highly qualified, high-performing, and ambitious employees. You can be assured of the best talent and benefit from the close integration between academic education and practice. Further information about the benefits of a dual system option can be found on these webpages.

Students are able to either combine academic studies with vocational training (known as ‘Verbundstudium’) or combine a degree programme with intensive in-company training (known as ‘Studium mit vertiefter Praxis’) in your company.

Professional development

Support your future employees today: Nuremberg Institute of Technology provides your employees with a professional development programme tailored to their needs, with qualified consultants from the industry sector and free enterprise. Train your staff in seminars or on a part-time basis through the OHM Professional School (OPS).

Our aim is to improve the professional skills of your employees. Our company seminars and training programmes are based on concepts that reflect your requirements and adaptation to your internal practice. The consultants – high-calibre practitioners or scientists – provide input from current practice for our colloquia, symposia, conferences, and workshops.

Support your staff through the varied professional development programmes offered by Nuremberg Tech and OPS. Professional development