Johannes Igl

Tuesday 10-11 a.m., after appointment by email

Johannes Igl

Prof. Dr.

  • Studiengangsleiter Master Betriebswirtschaft
  • Mitglied im Fakultätsrat BW
Teaching areas

Logistik und Supply Chain Management / Logistics and Supply Chain Management

IT-Systeme in der Logistik / IT systems in logistics

Big Data in der Logistik / Big Data in logistics

Digitalisierung und Digitale Transformation / Digitalization and Digital Transformation

Quantitative Methoden / Quantitative Methods

Wirtschaftsmathematik / Business Mathematics


Logistik und Supply Chain Management / Logistics and Supply Chain Management

IT-Systeme in Supply Chain Management und Logistik / IT-Systems in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Digitalisierung / Digitalization

Industrie 4.0 / Industrie 4.0

Design von Logistiknetzen / Network design in logistics and Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management in der Konsumgüterindustrie / Supply Chain Management for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)


IT-Systeme in der Logistik / IT systems in logistics

Informationssysteme und Big Data in der Logistik / Information Systems and Big Data in logistics

Logistik, Produktion und Einkauf / Logistics, Production and Purchase

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Angewandte Quantitative Methoden in Logistik, Supply Chain Management und Produktion / Applied Quantitative Methods in Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Production

Wirtschaftsmathematik / Business Mathematics


Bücher / Books

Igl, Johannes (2017): The Network Carbon Footprint of Distribution Networks. Dissertation, Regensburg.

Otto, Andreas; Igl, Johannes (Hrsg.) (2010): Dubai – Exploring the Future of Logistics in the Gulf Region. Regensburg.


Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften / Refereed papers in Journals

Igl, Johannes; Kellner, Florian (2017): Exploring greenhouse gas reduction opportunities for retailers in Fast Moving Consumer Goods distribution networks. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 50, pp. 55-69. DOI:10.1016/j.trd.2016.10.008.

Kellner, Florian; Igl, Johannes (2015): Greenhouse gas reduction in transport: analyzing the carbon dioxide performance of different freight forwarder networks. Journal of Cleaner Production 99 (2015), pp. 177-191, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03.026.

Kellner, Florian; Igl, Johannes (2012): Estimating the effect of changing retailing structures on the greenhouse gas performance of FMCG distribution networks. Logistics Research 3-4/4, pp. 87-99, DOI:10.1007/s12159-012-0063-3.


Zeitschriftenbeiträge / Papers in Journals

Igl, Johannes; Otto, Andreas (2010): What’s next in German Retailing Logistics? Proceedings of the 15th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, S. 295-302.


Buchbeiträge / Papers in books

Otto, Andreas; Igl, Johannes; Obermaier, Robert (2009): Konsumgüterdistribution in Deutschland: Zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Kundenerwartungen. In: Müller, Stefanie; Roth, Angela; Schmidt, Norbert (2009): Märkte, Anwendungsfelder und Technologien in der Logistik. Ergebnisse und Reflexion von 20 Jahren Logistikforschung, Wiesbaden, S. 277-298.


Konferenzbeiträge / Conference Presentations

Igl, Johannes (2013): GHG network analysis FMCG. Logistikmanagement, September 2013, Bremen.

Igl, Johannes (2010): What’s next in German Retailing Logistics? 15th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, September 2010, Harrogate, UK.