The goal of the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts programs in the Faculty of Social Sciences is to help students develop their knowledge, competences and skills to become capable and responsible professionals able to work well in all fields of social work. The programs are conceptualized according to the demands of a profession that is active in an environment and in social settings that are perpetually changing.
The course of study assists students in developing the capacity to work as independent professionals who base their actions on scientific insight and methods. The large variety of classes and modules offers the chance to integrate individual interests, affinity and capability and to shape possible professional profiles.
The program is organized into thematic sections, which supports multidisciplinarity and communication. The practice placements and project work integrated into the programs are focused on transferring theoretical knowledge into practical action. The reflection of one´s own professional action is an integral part of the study courses.
The intensive interaction and communication with social agencies, organizations and institutions as well as the input from numerous lecturer-practitioners ensure the practical relevance of the courses. The cooperation with many universities, mostly in Europe, and the possibility to do a full semester of placement abroad opens the course to include international and intercultural dimensions of social work.
Some four hundred students begin each year at the Faculty of Social Sciences and a total of 1.500 students are currently studying in the various programs. The faculty offers a B.A. program in lifelong learning for educators in addition to B.A. and M.A. programs in social work. The full-time teaching staff of the faculty comprises 34 professors and 4 lecturers.

Das Amt für Internationale Angelegenheiten für die Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften leitet das "Team Internationales", bestehend aus Prof. Dr. Steffen Brockmann, Prof. Dr. Johannes Kloha und Prof. Dr. Cosimo Mangione, mit dem Ziel, die Internationalisierung der Fakultät intensiv voranzutreiben. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel die Beratung von Studierenden, die ein Praktikum oder ein Semester im Ausland absolvieren möchten, die Begleitung von Studierenden ausländischer Hochschulen während ihres Aufenthalts an der Ohm und die Förderung und Pflege internationaler Hochschulpartnerschaften.

Das Team Internationales ist über die E-Mail-Adresse sw-internationalesatth-nuernbergPunktde erreichbar.