Admission requirements

Whether you are a German or international applicant, the International Finance and Economics program welcomes you.

To apply successfully, please read the following admission requirements carefully. The application is complete if all required documents have been received via the application portal by the application deadline. During the application period, documents do not need to be additionally submitted by mail. 

Please also take a look at our FAQs.

Application period

  • The application period for the summer semester 2025 is from 15th November 2024 to 15th December 2024.
  • Currently, no additional documents need to be sent by post during the application period! In case you receive an admission, we would ask you to send us your Bachelor's degree and transcript of records (certified copies) by postal mail (you would find further information in your admission letter).


In regard to their academic qualification for the program, students have to meet the following requirements:

  •     Bachelor's degree completed:

A first Diploma/Bachelor degree from a full business or economics program (focus on Finance/ Economics) with an average of 2.0 or better (according to the German grading system; grades earned in countries other than Germany are converted into the German system by using the modified Bavarian formula).
If your grades are between 2.1 and 2.5 in the German grading system you have to participate and pass the General Management Admission Test (min. GMAT score 600 / GMAT Focus Edition minimum score 565), equivalent GRE or our own Master Admission Test.
You are only allowed to take our own Management Admission Test when you are residing inside of Germany. This test usually takes place 2 weeks after the application deadline. Information on the test can be obtained upon request and in the FAQ section.

  •     Bachelor's degree not yet completed (min. 85% must be completed)

A first Diploma/Bachelor degree from a full business or economics program (focus on Finance/ Economics) with an average of 1.7 or better (according to the German grading system; grades earned in countries other than Germany are converted into the German system by using the modified Bavarian formula).

If your grades are between 1.8 and 2.5 in the German grading system you have to participate and pass the General Management Admission Test (min. GMAT score 600 / GMAT Focus Edition minimum score 565), equivalent GRE or our own Master Admission Test.
You are only allowed to take our own Management Admission Test when you are residing inside of Germany. This test usually takes place two weeks after the application deadline. Information on the test can be obtained upon request and are available in the FAQ section.

  •     Proficiency in English:

Each student has to submit (independent of the educational background) a sufficient test result obtained in one of the internationally accepted English language tests mentioned below.

Accepted certificates:

  • TOEFL (paper-based test): score 600
  • TOEFL (computer test): score 250
  • TOEFL (internet-based test): score 100
  • TOEIC (Our in-house TOEIC test takes place in February, June, September and December of each year): score 780
  • IELTS 7.0 (min. 6.0 in each test component)
  • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English Cambridge CAE Grade C or min. Cambridge English Scale score 180 / CEFR Level C1 or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
  • A GMAT test does not waive the requirement for an English certificate!
  •     Proficiency in German:

Basic knowledge of German, equivalent to the level A1 of the Goethe-Institute (at least 120 hours of lessons attended).

  • Other Requirements

An internship in finance/economics of at least 20 weeks or practical work experience in finance/economics of at least 6 months.

Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian applicants who want to study at a German university are required to have their university diploma (bachelor's degree) evaluated by the "Akademische Prüfstelle" (APS) which exist at the German embassy in Beijing, Hanoi and New Delhi.

APS China

APS Vietnam

APS India

Please also pay attention to our FAQs which might answer additional questions!

Application Procedure

Step 1)  Register via TH Nürnberg's application portal

To apply for a degree program at TH Nürnberg, you need to create an account on the HISinOne application portal. You need to provide a valid e-mail address to which all information about your application will be sent.  After your registration in the portal, you will receive your login data via e-mail. Then activate your personal account. Please create only one account – you can apply for several degree programs with it.


Step 2) Apply online and upload documents

During the application period (for our Master program: for the upcoming winter semester from 2 May - 15 June; for the upcoming summer semester from 15 November - 15 December), you can apply online via our application portal.

To apply, you must first login to the application portal (on the top right of the page) using the login information you received when you registered.  You may switch the language setting to English (on the top right hand corner).

During the application process, you will be required to indicate your higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung in German, or HZB for short).

You will find all admission requirements that are specific to the Master program in International Finance and Economics detailed above.

Please note that you have to upload all documents within the application period. The documents that have to be uploaded are specified here.

 Additional postal mailing is not necessary for the application.

Step 3) The Admission Committee will evaluate and select the applications according to the following criteria:

  •     the applicant's academic qualifications
  •     the applicant's practical business experience in finance/economics
  •     the applicant's knowledge of English and German

Step 4) Accept your study place

At the end of the application process, in your application account, you will be able to download your admission letter (i.e. the confirmation that you have secured a place) or the rejection of your application.

You will also receive an e-mail about this step. 

In your application account, you will find a list of notifications of acceptance for all the degree programs to which you have applied and been offered a place. 

You can now definitively accept an offer for a place in one degree program by clicking on “Annehmen”, accept.

Step 6) Enrolment ("Immatrikulation")

Now, all you need to do is to enrol for the study place you have accepted online.

Only after you enrol (immatriculate), do you become a member of the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg and receive student status. 

First, you must enrol online.

After doing so, you will find your Antrag auf Immatrikulation / Request for Enrolment in the  application portal as a PDF. Print out this PDF document and sign it. Then send the request  and the following documents via post to the Student Advisory Service before the deadline specified:

  • Signed request for enrolment
  • Confirmation of health insurance
  • Proof of payment of the semester fee
  • Bachelor's degree certificate (if already available): original or officially certified copy  
  • Transcript of records: Original or officially certified copy    
  • English certificate: original or officially certified copy (only if the certificate cannot be verified online, e.g. IELTS certificates do not have to be sent additionally by mail)      
  • German certificate (for non-native speakers): original or officially certified copy     
  • GMAT/GRE (if required): original or officially certified copy (only if GMAT/GRE cannot be verified online)   

Please make sure you include all required documents and avoid including any other documents. 


Step 6) Your Enrolment Confirmation and your OHMcard (student ID card) 

As soon as your enrolment application has been processed and your eligibility for admission has been verified, you will find your enrolment documents (your preliminary confirmation of enrolment and your login information for the university IT system) ready to download in your application account. 

You will also receive your OHMcard (student ID card) – either directly at the introductory sessions in your Faculty or afterwards from the Faculty office upon presentation of a current ID.  If you are already enrolled at Nuremberg Tech and have only changed to a different degree program, a new OHMcard will not be issued.

  • For the upcoming winter semester (semester starts on 1 October): 2 May - 15 June
  • For the upcoming summer semester (semester starts on 15 March): 15 November - 15 December

For a successful application it is absolutely essential to apply online during these periods.

Application Documents

Documents to upload in the application portal

  • Curriculum vitae in English (tabular form, please do not use handwriting); Please also include information on stays abroad, work experience/internships related to Finance/Economics, prizes/awards, scholarships.
    Please note: We can only consider activities if you submit official proof (e.g. confirmation letters).

  • Bachelor's degree in business/economics (focus: finance/economics)
    Transcript of records showing:
    1. the overall grade.
      Grades earned in countries other than Germany are converted into the German system by using the modified Bavarian formula. In order to facilitate the conversion, please make sure to add the highest possible grade and the lowest passing grade.
    2. the total amount of ECTS or years of study (at least 180 ECTS/3 years of study)

      If certificate and transcript are not in German or English, you have to additionally upload a certified translation. If you have not graduated yet, you can upload your (preliminary) transcript of records and submit the certified copies (and translation) of your graduation documents later.
  • All applicants with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian university degree have to submit a Certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center (APS certificate) in addition to their university degrees and transcripts of records.   

  • Confirmation for relevant internships, job experience
  • If required, GMAT/GRE

  • English certificate (see tab Admission Requirements for details)

  • For non-native speakers certification of their knowledge of German (successfully completed A1 level of the Goethe Institute; at least 120 hours of lessons attended)

In addition, you may upload:

  • Two personal references (reference letters) providing information about your academic qualifications and personal abilities (e.g. job references, recommendation letters)

  • Motivation letter

  • Copies (e.g. confirmation letters, if available) of professional or academic training/experience abroad


Documents which have to be sent additionally via post in case of an admission

In order to enrol, you have to submitted by post the following documents:   

  • Signed request for enrolment (can be downloaded in application portal)
  • Bachelor's certificate (if already available):
    original or officially certified copy*    
  • Transcript of Records:
    original or officially certified copy*
  • English certificate:
    original or officially certified copy* (only if certificate cannot be verified online, e.g. IELTS certificates do not have to be sent via post)
  • German certificate (for non-native speakers):
    original or officially certified copy*    
  • GMAT/GRE certificate (if required):
    original or officially certified copy*  (only if certificate cannot be verified online)  

All other documents have not to be sent via post additionally (upload is sufficient).

* Certifications have to be done by a German authority, embassy or notary. Please also refer to our FAQs.

Course Catalogue (courses offered in the current semester, including timetable)

Module handbook (overview of course contents, literature lists)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (SPO) (the "legal framework" for the program)



Contact person for questions:

Miriam Wokatsch

Inquiries via e-mail: ib-master-ife[at]