The Innovation Workshop was set up in 1998 by a group of professors and students at Nuremberg Institute of Technology. It is a platform that brings together theory, practice, and applied research and gives students from various subject areas the opportunity to apply and put into practice the knowledge they have gained in a range of concrete industrial and business tasks from the fields of...

  • marketing and sales,
  • product and market field strategies,
  • innovation and business development,
  • at both national and international level.

In turn, businesses can benefit from the services offered by the Innovation Workshop thanks to the wealth of methodological and practical knowledge it has available, while also profiting from the impartial observers it brings with it in the form of student teams who can inject valuable new stimulus into innovative and creative tasks, in particular.

On the ‘Projects’ page, we have compiled a few examples to illustrate the kinds of tasks and services that the Innovation Workshop can provide.


Innovation Workshop

Bahnhofstr. 87
90402 Nürnberg

Please contact us if you are interested in our services or have further questions. (Prof. Ralph Blum)


Name Contact
Ralph Blum Ralph Blum
Prof. Dr.
Peter Schlieper Peter Schlieper
Prof. Dr.