Applied Chemistry – a diverse programme! You can expect ...

... a practically oriented programme in chemistry with opportunities to specialise in the areas of biochemistry, chemistry, or technical chemistry.

... advanced courses in elective modules according to your own interests.

... a comprehensive education oriented on the principle of sustainability, to enable graduates to meet the pressing challenges of our time.

... application-oriented laboratory courses in modern laboratories and a practical semester during the bachelor’s programme that opens doors to industry and research.

... many prospective jobs with regional and national employers in nearly all branches (cosmetics, food, medicine & pharmacy, plastics and adhesives, automobility, energy, environmental analysis, and much more).

... after graduating, you will be qualified to enter a profession, pursue a master’s degree or after that an option to earn a doctorate.

... an opportunity to participate in current socially relevant research, e.g., bio-plastics, new recycling methods, and sustainable synthesis, investigating fuel cells for the energy transition, diagnostics for newborns

... a strong network amongst the Faculty’s students and close individual support from all faculty.

General overview of the bachelor’s programme - click to enlarge
Christmas party at the AC Faculty - Photo: H. Schlachter