The Analytical biochemistry laboratory offers a wide range of equipment for your research

The Bioanalytics laboratory has extensive equipment for biochemical and bioanalytical work. This includes a fully equipped Cell culture laboratory with a class II sterile bench and a CO2 incubator. The laboratory also has the necessary equipment for the preparative purification of biomolecules (ÄKTA LC System). Various electrophoretic methods (gel electrophoresis, IEF, 2D electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis) as well as UV/VIS spectrophotometers are available for the analysis of biomolecules. One of the laboratory’s specializations is the development of immunochemical test procedures. Microtiter plate photometers (ELISA readers) and microtiter plate washers are used for that purpose.

A MALDI-ToF mass spectrometer (Bruker Reflex) is available for more detailed analysis, in particular for the identification of proteins using peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF).

The (frequently required) synthesis of commercially unavailable reagents for the labelling of biomolecules can be carried out in a small organic chemistry laboratory, which not only allows the synthesis of deuterium-labelled molecules, but also of fluorophores and photoreactive compounds such as azides and benzophenone derivatives.

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