The Faculty fulfils the requirements of science and professional practice at a high level

The bachelor’s degree programme in Applied Chemistry and the master’s degree programme have been accredited since 2009. A successful reaccreditation took place in 2015.

“The ASIIN seal of approval confirms that a degree programme meets the requirements of scientific and professional practice in the disciplines involved at a high level. At the same time, it documents that secure framework conditions for effective teaching and successful learning are in place. The award of the seal of approval is based on recognized learning outcome-oriented professional standards in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework and the “European Standards and Guidelines.”


The accreditation was carried out by ASIIN e.V., which is also entitled to award the hallmark of ECTNA (European Chemistry Thematic Network Association) if the requirements are met. The degree programmes are therefore additionally marked with the subject-specific quality seals (labels) Eurobachelor® and Euromaster® awarded in accordance with the ECTNA.

Quality is also based on the success of the graduates

“...The quality of a degree programme is also proven by the success that its graduates achieve in their profession. This will depend on the commitment of all those involved both within and outside the university...” (Source: