
Name Contact
Thomas Voit Thomas Voit
Prof. Dr.

Vice Dean

Name Contact
Jens Albrecht Jens Albrecht
Prof. Dr.

Dean of Studies

Name Contact
Korbinian Riedhammer Korbinian Riedhammer
Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Name Telephone - email
Faculty consultant Lisa Betz  + 49 911 5880-1670
Carolin Theelke +49 911 5880-1674
Faculty office Margot Knoll +49 911 5880-1655
Marianne Otsa +49 911 5880-1856

Address for visitors and postal address

Faculty of Computer Science    
Nuremberg Institute of Technology
Hohfederstraße 40    
90489 Nuremberg    
Room: HQ.314     
Tel. +49 (0)911-5880-1856     
Fax +49 (0)911-5880-5666     
Email in-sekretariatatth-nuernbergPunktde

Faculty of Computer Science
Nuremberg Institute of Technology

Postfach 210320
D-90121 Nuremberg, Germany

Office hours

The Computer Science Office is generally open between 8:30 am and 12:00 pm Monday to Friday.

Study Office

Please contact the Student Office for information materials on studying and registration.

The Student Counseling Service can also provide information about studying at the Ohm.

The Student Office staff responsible for the IN/MIN/WIN undergraduate and graduate programmes are currently only available by email!

Email: studienbuero-inatth-nuernbergPunktde

Office location Postal address
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
Georg Simon Ohm
TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Student Office
90121 Nuremberg, Germany
Student Office Student Office
Building BM (known as the “HDI tower”) Postfach 210320
Bahnhofstraße / Dürrenhofstraße 6 90121 Nuremberg, Germany