
Interactive Systems (Bachelor`s programme)

Contribution to the programme aims
Students will learn about specific problems in the development of interactive human-computer systems. They will be able to identify key requirements of interactive systems. Building on basic programming knowledge, they will be able to independently develop related solution approaches.

Learning objective
Knowledge of the history and characteristics of interactive systems. Ability to classify such systems. Ability to assess the usability of user interfaces. Knowledge of the development process and architectural patterns of interactive systems. Ability to apply the above knowledge to implement interactive systems.

Key skills
Problem analysis and classification, creative problem solving, interdisciplinary knowledge, practical experience

Course content

  • Historical development and types of user interfaces
  • Interaction technologies and their interaction
  • Graphical dialogue systems
  • Models and architectural patterns for interactive systems
  • Development frameworks

Software Ergonomics (Bachelor`s programme)

Contribution to the programme aims
Ability to make judgements about user-friendly software and to design user interfaces taking ergonomic criteria into account, analyze them, and identify possibilities for improvement.

Learning objectivel
Knowledge of basic cognitive psychology and human-computer interaction. Ability to research and apply concepts for the evaluation and validation of ergonomic graphical dialogue systems. This will improve students` ability to design usable software systems.

Key skills
Problem analysis and classification, theoretical foundations, creative problem solving, interdisciplinary knowledge

Course content

  • Basics of human perception and memory
  • Human action processes
  • Methods for evaluating and validating user-friendly software
  • Hypothesis testing and methodical analysis of empirical data for evaluation purposes
  • Forms and characteristics of communication and action between man and machine
  • Guidelines and legal regulations for software ergonomics

Advanced Human Computer Interaction (master’s curriculum)

Programme learning objectives
Academic papers
Current HCI research fields

Learning objective
Students will be able to independently familiarise themselves with a current HCI topic (human-computer interaction) and identify the latest developments in this field. They will then be able to use that knowledge to classify and discuss known approaches. By structuring publications and formulating an overview article, they will deepen their knowledge of scientific writing.

Key skills

  • Independent familiarisation with current topics on technical developments
  • Independent research and structuring of scientific literature
  • Critical literature analysis
  • Ability to present and write a summary of the current state of the science

Course content
Topics will include:

  • Touch interaction
  • Gesture-based interaction
  • Natural language interaction
  • Haptic interaction
  • Holographic displays
  • Low-cost 3D printers (overview, latest developments, and trends)
  • Brain-computer interfaces
  • Use case: person recognition (latest developments and trends)
  • Use case: navigation solutions (latest developments and trends)

For more information, please see the Nuremberg Tech  module handbook

Topics for current and open theses and IT projects (only accessible within Nuremberg Tech’s intranet or via VPN).

We would be pleased to discuss other possible topics - please contact me via email if you’re interested.


Do you find science exciting? Are you interested in completing a PhD in the field of human-computer interaction? There are many options available to you; contact me to discuss this in detail.

Please send me a compelling email about your field of interest, your knowledge and when you intend to start your doctoral project.

Prof. Dr. Timo Götzelmann