For group and collaborative work that requires computers, the Faculty has provided the Coworking lab. The Coworking lab offers a pleasant atmosphere with multiple tables that each can be used comfortable by four or more students. You can connect your own computer using the connection panel and work on documents together on the large display monitor or clear your head during creative breaks in the lounge area. The Coworking lab is booked for courses during the mornings; students can book places after 2.00 pm using the anny system.

LocationBahnhofstraße 87, BL building, 3.OG
ContactDirk Irler, Immanuel Busch
Dirk Irler Dirk Irler
Alexander Immanuel Busch Alexander Immanuel Busch
Monday 2.00 - 7.00 pm
Tuesday 2.00 - 7.00 pm
Wednesday 2.00 - 7.00 pm
Thursday 2.00 - 7.00 pm
Friday closed

The opening hours listed here are dependent on the availability of support staff and may change.

For current information and changes, please refer to the Faculty’s Infoscreen.

You must book places in anny to use the Coworking lab. Bookings are possible at short notice, if places are available.

3 PCs with Windows 10
OfficeMicrosoft Office 2019
GraphicsAdobe Creative Cloud
BrowsersFirefox, Internet Explorer
MultimediaVLC player
Communication platforms and equipmentZoom, Teams, conference camera
Data analysisJamovi, R Studio, IBM SPSS, MAXQDA
PrinterDIN A4 colour and B/W laser printer in BL.307