• Lego-Workshops auf der Consumenta 2023
  • ein Technik-Studium macht Spaß
    Junge Erfinder*innen beim Makeathon
  • Ein Ingenieurstudium macht Spaß -probier es bei uns aus!
  • OHM-Tage: Workshop für Schülerinnen (Foto S.Sahverdi)

See and experience rescue robots, make technical drawings on a computer, test medical devices like a physician. Inventors, crafters, planners, creatives. There is something for everyone.

As an engineer, you can design the future (►@Ingenieur*inWerden).

You can experience what it is like to study at the Ohm by trying your hand at interesting experiments and projects.  

Programmes offered by the efi Faculty

KinderUni - Engineering for primary school pupils Workshop Grades 3-5
“Alles Robotics or was?” Workshop in schools Grade 3 and above
Lego robot competitions Workshop Grade 4 and above
Ohm Days - Engineering for secondary school pupils Workshops Grade 7 and above
Robots unite! - robot competition School competition Grade 7 and above
Rapidly Manufactured Robot Competition (RMRC) School competition Grade 8 and above
Discover the world of engineers Laboratory tours Grade 9 and above
Pupil Makeathon - Invention fun Inventor project Grade 9 and above
Workshops for gifted and talented secondary school students Workshops  Grade 9 and above
