Officer for international relations

Prof. Michael Chowanetz

Pre-study internship officer for the bachelor’s degree programme in Mechatronics/Precision Engineering (BMF)Prof. Michael Heyder

Didactics, tutorials

Prof. Thomas Giesler

Grants, scholarships

Prof. Bernhard Strobl

Final thesis module

Prof. Dr Reinhard Janker

Project papers module

Prof. Christine Niebler

Coordinator for the inter-university M-APR modules

Prof. Olaf Ziemann

Semester placement 

Official contacts


Prof. Klaus Schmidt


Prof. Stefan Röttger

B-MED Prof. Oliver Hofmann     


Prof. Alexander von Hoffmann

Examination boards (PK)

Chairs and members

B-EI examination board

Prof. Günter Wackersreuther (Chair), Prof. Jürgen Krumm (Deputy Chair), Prof. Holger Carl, Prof. Claus Kuntzsch, Prof. Edgar Zocher

B-ME examination board

Prof. Matthias Hopf (Chair), Prof. Thomas Schedel, Prof. Dietmar Lehner, Prof. Stefan Röttger, Prof. Tilmann Zitzmann (Design Faculty)

B-MED examination board

Prof. Michael Zwanger (Chair), Prof. Thomas Giesler, Prof. Reinhard Janker, Prof. Bruno Lurz, Prof. Christine Niebler

B-MF examination board

Prof. Stefan Ströhla (Chair), Prof. Michael Heyder, Prof. Marcus Reichenberger, Prof. Matthias Wieczorek, Prof. Rupp (AMP Faculty)

M-APR examination board

Prof. Marcus Reichenberger (Chair), Prof. Engelbert Hartl, Prof. Uta Helbig (WT Faculty), Prof. Ramin Tavakoli Kolagari (IN Faculty)

M-SE/professional development programmes examination board

Prof. Thomas Schedel (Chair), Prof. Helmut Herold, Prof. Oliver Hofmann

M-SY examination board

Prof. Helmut Herold (Chair), Prof. Jörg Arndt, Prof. Engelbert Hartl, Prof. Günter Wackersreuther, Prof. Bernhard Wagner

Academic affairs committee

Prof. Ottmar Beierl (Chair), Prof. Klaus Schmidt, Prof. Holger Carl, Prof. Thomas Giesler, Prof. Helmut Herold, Prof. Alexander von Hoffmann, Prof. Oliver Hofmann, Prof. Matthias Hopf, Prof. Reinhard Janker, Prof. Jürgen Krumm, Prof. Ralph Lano, Prof. Dietmar Lehner, Prof. Thomas Mahr, Prof. Wolfgang Mönch, Prof. Frank Pöhlau, Prof. Marcus Reichenberger, Prof. Stefan Röttger, Prof. Thomas Schedel, Prof. Stefan Ströhla, Prof. Günter Wackersreuther, Prof. Bernhard Wagner, Prof. Matthias Wieczorek, Prof. Jürgen Wohlrab, Prof. Olaf Ziemann, Prof. Michael Zwanger, Prof. Elisabetta Fabi, Martha Marx (Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)), efi student body

Degree Programme Heads
B-EIProf. Klaus Schmidt
B-MEProf. Ralph Lano

Prof. Jürgen Wohlrab


Prof. Matthias Wieczorek


Prof. Marcus Reichenberger


Prof. Bernhard Wagner

Faculty advisors


  Prof. Jürgen Krumm


 Prof. Thomas Schedel


 Prof. Thomas Giesler


Prof. Stefan Ströhla


Prof. Olaf Ziemann


Prof. Bernhard Wagner

Member of the Council of Elders Prof. Engelbert Hartl
University Council - Deputy Chair Prof. Dr Reinhard Janker
Central IT - User Advisory Board Prof. Dr Reinhard Janker
Chair of the Senate Prof. Dr Reinhard Janker