Rettungsroboter Georg beim RoboCup 2013 in Eindhoven, Niederlande (Foto: Pfitzner).

Autonomous robotics is an interdisciplinary field of research focussing on problems that we encounter in our daily environment. Rescue robots should primarily be used where the use of a human being is either dangerous or inefficient. These systems are expected to be able to perceive and understand the environment so that they can carry out their mission successfully.

Robotic assistance for exploration in rescue missions

efi students working on Georg the rescue robot (photo: Pfitzner).

The field of rescue robotics is currently transitioning from research to application: just recently, robots developed as part of competitions have reached a level where they can support rescue teams in real crisis scenarios in the search for and rescue of injured persons. The reactor accident in Fukushima, Japan, is the most prominent example of this to date: a few weeks after the accident, teams from all over the world worked to gain access to the reactor building to provide images and radiation measurements to assess the situation. The problems surrounding control algorithms for robot platforms is a current area of research in which institutes and universities from around the world are intensively involved.

The aim of this project is to investigate robotic assistance functions for supporting emergency services during rescue missions. The operational scenario involves fire-fighting operations during fire incidents and the associated dangers for rescue services, in particular in connection with hazardous substances.