Fassadenmotiv Los Angeles County Museum of Art

What is a picture? How do pictures work? What distinguishes an advertising image from an artistic image? What makes a picture beautiful... or ugly? Why do we view photographs differently to paintings? Why do pictures have a different effect to words? And to what extent do images shape our understanding of reality?

In addition to the individual modules, the Visual Culture course provides theoretical access to topics related to image design. The focus here is on conveying fundamental discourses of thought and vision from the fields of visual art, advertising, and visual design.

In addition, students learn about and apply various image analysis methods (including iconography, semiotics, and reception aesthetics). 
The analysis takes place via a dialogue about reproductions and originals and aims to help students to increase their ability to reflect and to hone their own creative image work. 

Learn more on the Faculty of Design’s external website: