So who is reading this?
If you are, then this is already:
...verbal communication

And: You can do more than just read it ... You can also hear it,
and in some cases even touch it and feel it.
And on top of that, you can interact with it.

What did you say?

Verbal communication is understood here first of all as:

Multimedia language design or Language in Media and Design.

But at the same time it is about its dissemination within a module, one of the subjects taught at the Faculty of Design at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology.

There is actually a great deal to learn and discover here.

But we won’t settle for less.

This is simply because we view verbal communication as being closely linked with all other presentation media taught at this Faculty and with all other modules offered here.

And also because verbal communication forms part of a constantly evolving profession and field of work,...

...which includes fiction and non-fiction,...
...oscillates between feelings and information...
...and reaches far...
...from the word play, conflicts, and world experiences of literature,...
...through journalism, which explores knowledge and reality across all media,...
...and the language of companies and public relations,... communication by brands and advertising.

Learn more on the Faculty of Design’s external website: